OK let me understand........
You have two wheels (perhaps a wheel inside of a wheel?) (forgive the pun)
You want to use one, to spin the other, to provide energy for thrust.
Problem is, what form of energy are we producing?
Electrical would mean that at least one of your wheels would need to be connected to a generator, the other will require a mechanical force to spin it.
Without perpetual motion, you will never get the same energy output as input. In other words, you will not get more energy OUT of your system then what you put IN to your system.
So now I need to ask, what force is causing your wheels to spin? Theres your energy input.
Of course I could be seeing this all wrong. You may be implying that two GEARS linked together and spinning would cause some kind of propulsion, In which case I would have to say no. You have no way of converting the mechanical energy into propulsion. You have no prop (no air, no water) The gears pushing on one another, the harder they push, the more energy required to turn them, the more energy lost in friction. (what I mean by this is total energy loss in your system as a whole. Those gears are connected to something, each moving part take a little more energy away until your output force + your energy loss = total STARTING energy)
I suppose there COULD be a slight "wobble" in your craft due to momentum,(two objects spinning) but even still there are TWO gears turning in OPPOSITE directions, their momentum SHOULD cancel each other out.
Of course if you FEED the two gears so that they shoot particles out of one side, THEN you could move, but consider the energy LOSS from the two gears working to force these objects through them. (mechanically, your gears will wear down because of friction, these "worn" particles of metal (or whatever) would be ejected causing a very SMALL movement, but nothing practical enough to travel anywhere, with pratically NO efficiancy.)
Thats my take on it anyway. If you want someone to do the math for you tho your SOL unless someone else here is feeling "mathy" and wants to work out the equations for you. But logic states that you will never, never get 100% or more energy output. (unless you have a frictionless ballbearing, that alone would change EVERYTHING!)