Probabilistic Universe: Maybe probability can explain origin of universe and its underlying cosmology

Feb 27, 2024
First of all i am new here (sorry in case of any noob mistakes). I am here to propose a cosmological theory which i developed over many years as a hobby, outside of work (i am a software engineer passionate about topics like consciousness and cosmology).

My approach to find a "theory of everything" brings together a few preexisting ideas from the realm of metaphysics - like panpsychism (ubiquitous consciousness) and John Conway's free will theorem (in which it is stated that each particle has an infinitesimal amount of "free will", which i would equate to consciousness) - and mainstream physics (e.g. quantum physics).

I think the key in finding a theory that holds water and unifies every other theory is to stop trying to "think by measurement" because measuring anything & everything to a fixed/hard value even goes against the natural state of the quantum field around us - i.e. there is no "precise" location of an electron orbiting a nucleus, there is however a probability that an electron is there (maybe with sufficient effort this statement can be countered but all in all, the universe itself doesn't deal in hard lines). Noticing the same pattern repeating everywhere: electrons orbiting nuclei, planets orbiting stars, stars orbiting galactic cores there also seems to be a fractal quality to the universe ("as above so below") - we could use our own individuals as starting points and ask ourselves if we know how we came into existence. My answer to this is: we don't know how we came into existence unless an external source of information informs us about it (i.e. people and books inform us that we are born and this is how children come to be). If we extend this to the universe (include here also any potential multiverse aspect of it) there is no external source of information and the universe does not actually perceive its own origin, therefore the actual origin of the universe goes eternally unperceived. I've noticed a question in this forum: how could a universe spring into existence from Nothing? I think here lies an assumption that we should not make. We can not assume it's Nothing. Assuming it's nothing already means it's measured against some scale and quantified as nothing. It's more likely that it's not nothing, but that it's an entropy which allows for every possibility (including our timeline) to come into existence, along with additive consciousness (that amounts to beings such as us), huge celestial bodies which move in sync, gravity and so on. A better word for it would be a wave function - the original wave function (within which would be an infinite tree of wave functions and particle collapses, all tied to ever-shrinking probabilities from the original 100% entropy to lower leafs in the tree, which produce combinations of wave functions and particles that amount to particles that we can (and can't) see, that amount to the world around us)

This would also amount to a timeless dimension, from which time emerges from the wave functions/particles which are in proper sequence. I could go on, and also with some mathematical formulas, but before i do: what do you think? :) It's essentially an attempt at formalizing a "virtual" exchange with the universe, where we ask the universe: "How did you come into existence?". The universe's only response can be "I don't know", which can then be considered correct and quantified in line with entropy, probability and mathematical rules.
Aug 15, 2024
Your proposal points to an infinite, eternal universe, correct? I'm a granddad with too much time on my hands, I do think about this. In an infinite universe, the term "local" takes on a larger meaning, and no matter what we imagine the limits of the universe are, we'd actually be talking about local stuff.
The Universe is real. Consciousness is a concept, unless there's a Law of Consciousness I'm not aware of, and is difficult to fit into science without one.
Using one of your analogies, if there's a 4th dimension, then there are both a Nth dimension, and a -Nth dimension, and I imagine N= infinity.
That all places the Milky Way in an inexplicable reality, limited by our 3D ignorance of the other dimensional possibilities, and the actual "structure" of the Universe. A severely limited intelligence, such as humans possess, isn't going to ever nail it down to laws. It is both literally and figuratively beyond us, and I suppose that's a major reason why we refuse to give it up, and that's so human!

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