<font color="yellow">Most ID people are Christians simply because that's the predominant theistic religion... but really ID is just a philosophy arguing for the existence of some god.</font><br /><br />1) I seriously doubt ID people like Pat Robertson (and most American ID’ers) would approve of teaching that other gods, other than their one, might exist (like a Hindu god or a Norse god). They know that won’t happen because most ID people in the US are fundamentalist Christians, so they allow the false belief that ID “isn’t just Christian” to be argued - knowing the whole time that if ID were taught in a predominately Christian nation, the concept would be interpreted by the students from that perspective. <br /><br />2) Not really, that‘s a tactic to divert attention away from some of the main proponents of ID (Fawell, Robertson, Carl Baugh, etc. -all of whom are creationists). If 90% of the ID people in America are fundamentalist Christians and creationists who oppose teaching evolution, then it is probable that ID (which proposes an alternative to evolution) is being used by those people as a way to sneak their “Earth created in 6 days” beliefs into the schools. Furthermore, that god could be interpreted to be anything from Frodo Baggins to cyborg-like aliens living on zeta reticulai ; and that type of wild, unproven speculation does not belong in a high school science class.