Contracommando - I am skipping some of your questions since simply reading the context would answer them and you clearly have not done that.<br /><br />However, other questions are good ones. Here is another you posted:<br /><br />7) The first men had incredibly long life spans. 5:5, 5:8, 5:11, 5:14, 5:17, 5:20, 5:23, 5:27, 5:31, 9:29 <br /><br />This relates to my above post - genetic studies of results of inbreeding + harmful recessive traits.<br /><br />One of the negative effects of the genetic bottleneck was decreased life span.<br /><br />Consider the pattern and compare this with what would be predicted by genetics:<br /><br />(Genesis 9:29) . . .So all the days of Noah amounted to nine hundred and fifty years and he died.<br /><br />For brevity, I will simply document the decrease in lifespan after the genetic bottleneck:<br /><br />Noah - 950 years - Ge.9:29<br />Shem - 600 years - Ge.11:10<br />Arpachshad - 438 years - Ge. 11:12,13<br />Shelah - 433 years - Ge. 11:14,15<br />Eber - 464 years - Ge. 11:16,17<br />Peleg - 239 years - Ge. 11:18,19<br />Reu - 239 years - Ge.11:20,21<br />Serug- 230 years - Ge. 11:22,23<br />Nahor - 148 years- Ge.11:24,25<br />Terah - 205 years- Ge. 11:32<br />Abraham - 175 years - Ge. 25:7<br />Isaac - 180 years - Ge. 35:28<br />Jacob - 147 years - Ge. 47:28<br /><br />The lifespan continued to decrease until the time of Moses, at which point brother and sister marriage became against the law. [Abraham, for example, married his half-sister Sarah].<br /><br />And the lifespan is now the same as when this inbreeding was stopped. Note the words of Moses in the 90th Psalm:<br /><br />(Psalm 90:10) 10 In themselves the days of our years are seventy years; And if because of special mightiness they are eighty years,. . .<br /><br />Remember, Moses wrote both the 90th Psalm and Genesis. <br /><br />One might ask how Moses recorded accurately effects that are consistent with a science not yet discovered: genetics!<br /><br />BTW - the law against incest was instituted in