Quantum Entanglement - Possible on the Macro Level - Agreed terms assist sensible discussion

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May 10, 2021
I should like to make a clarification here. I think that some of my statements like :" Light emitted at A ceases to exist as something real and exists instead as an abstract mathematical wave function till it is detected at B and becomes real again, at which point the wave function collapses giving rise to multiple universes." Is causing confusion. I realised that this is because there are many interpretations of quantum mechanics. Dr. Nick lucid can probably explain this better than I can. Here he is in conversation with his wife:
View: https://youtu.be/MYX5Mo7IRqA
Jzz: Just a personal observation. Some religious groups and sundry religious folks are still "selling" "Heaven for money" now termed tax deductions. In reality, they "sell" hope and relief from induced fear, and a chance for "enlightenment". It's a lucrative business for many which has a tax free aspect. Cynicism aside, many religious organizations do excellent humanitarian works and IMO, are necessary to holding a civilization/nation together. I apply that same view to science research especially quantum mechanics, string theory, etc. For me it's not superstition or forced mathematical measurements or insightful theories or controversy; it's just humans doing humanity business, (i.e.: Psychology).


May 10, 2021
Sam85geo, right so religion is the hope for salvation. Which makes sense. Everyone wonders about life after death at some time or another. Is that why what science tells us about the universe is important? Is space-time real or is the aether real and would it make a difference? I think it would. In the space-time scenario life is an aberration, something, that logically should not exist. In the aether scenario the universe exists exclusively for us. For sentient life. The question is why?


May 10, 2021
Cat, "I really would like to reply to you but fear it would be against the rules!"
(Ps. Difficult to quite on the phone.)

Physics is the study of nature, it is better to try to understand what nature is, is my point.
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Ok folks, I'm out of further discussions; I'm just going to buy lotto tickets and trust to random luck. It been a fun and informative discussion series far beyond my ability and expectations. And I still have a bunch of references to review, thanks to you folks.
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Ok folks, I'm out of further discussions; I'm just going to buy lotto tickets and trust to random luck. It been a fun and informative discussion series far beyond my ability and expectations. And I still have a bunch of references to review, thanks to you folks.

sam85geo, I am invoking action at a distance to ensure you get a modest win :) :) :)
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May 10, 2021
Jzz "(Ps. Difficult to quite on the phone.) "
Does that mean we can hold a discussion elsewhere? Otherwise not understood.
Cat :)
No. Its a great forum, just that I found it difficult to access the quote function while using the phone to reply. Wish sam85geo, well as he goes on his way, at least as far as this discussion is concerned. These ideas can be quite frustrating and time consuming. :) :D


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
sam85geo, please stop these worrying threats to leave this thread. Your responses are IMHO very worthwhile, and, I for one, would miss your input.
Don't let your newly acquired billions take you from us.

Cat :)
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
sam85geo, there are some folks here dozens of times smarter than I am. I just try to understand and help to make things understandable, knowing what it is like not to have known the background. Thank them for bringing their professional expertise and giving freely of their time.

I particularly found this View: https://youtu.be/MYX5Mo7IRqA particularly clear. I am sure you will have enjoyed it.

Cat :)
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sam85geo, there are some folks here dozens of times smarter than I am. I just try to understand and help to make things understandable, knowing what it is like not to have known the background. Thank them for bringing their professional expertise and giving freely of their time.

I particularly found this View: https://youtu.be/MYX5Mo7IRqA particularly clear. I am sure you will have enjoyed it.

Cat :)
Thanks Cat for the link; I saved it.

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