Why does classical physics gravity formulas/measurements do not work at a quantum level, what’s missing?

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Oct 25, 2024
You obviously didn't understand what I said ! If you have an empty bucket and drip water into the bucket , the space will fill up . If you speed up the drip the filling up will ''accellerate'' .
If the universe contains all matter and energy, where do the additional “drips” come from? Even if you found a source of addional “drips”, your bucket is a fixed volume. An expanding universe is a growing volume. Accelerating the rate of expansion means that the force causing the expansion must be increasing, to compensate for the increasing volume. Perhaps there is something surrounding what we perceive as the universe, that exerts an attractive force, pulling the universe outward, in all directions.
Oct 25, 2024
I like the theme if not the detail. The idea is that energy ( a sphere's interior as Thermo said) would be separate from the hypersphere universe but still a causal factor. Maybe from a parent supermassive black hole in another universe
Presumably the universe exists in the grand daddy of all gravity wells. I imagine that as light approaches the edges of that gravity well, the curvature of space-time would bend the light enough to confine it to within the “sphere”. But that would suggest the universe is a black hole. Hurts my brain to think about that!


Nov 14, 2024
If the universe contains all matter and energy, where do the additional “drips” come from? Even if you found a source of addional “drips”, your bucket is a fixed volume. An expanding universe is a growing volume. Accelerating the rate of expansion means that the force causing the expansion must be increasing, to compensate for the increasing volume. Perhaps there is something surrounding what we perceive as the universe, that exerts an attractive force, pulling the universe outward, in all directions.
Well unfortunately I mean very little to science and the world so they can answer their own questions from now on !
Nov 4, 2024
I have questioned newtons law commonly. I believe our understanding of gravity is wrong because of the lack of understanding of electricity. An emf is how I would rate gravity. Have you considered that gravity is just chemistry the bonds between substances. Heat defys gravity due to making particles move master and pushed to the top. Why is it that heat makes particles rise? This is the question that will solve anti gravity and I believe it will consist of EMFs including the center of the galaxy.
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Nov 4, 2024
Relative densities. Heat separates particles. Therefore in any given volume, there are fewer particles than there would be in the same but cold volume. So the cold volume would be heavier/denser and displace the lighter volume.
Now here's the question. Why?
I understand that the quick moving electrons cause more collision requiring more space for them to occupy. I believe it has something to do with the charge of the electron or heat of the nucleus. Therefore when adding a flow of electrons you get friction making heat of the nucleus hotter and its electrons speed up requiring more space to occupy.
“heat” adds energy and collision rate to the “heated” molecules. This collision rate is like a pressure within the external air mass. The least resistance to that pressure is up. The heated molecules with it’s pressure rise. The heated molecules are buzzing faster than the other air molecules. As they rise, they transfer that buzz to the air. The buzz is dissolved. The heat escapes.
Nov 4, 2024
“heat” adds energy and collision rate to the “heated” molecules. This collision rate is like a pressure within the external air mass. The least resistance to that pressure is up. The heated molecules with it’s pressure rise. The heated molecules are buzzing faster than the other air molecules. As they rise, they transfer that buzz to the air. The buzz is dissolved. The heat escapes.
And it is the weight and movement that push that atom up. Thank you for the information. In chemistry there is a repulsive force that pushes substances away. Do you think EMFs could be responsible for key role in gravity?
Nov 4, 2024
I have been studying nikola Tesla and when I saw how much resistance a super magnet can produce. As I watched the item almost completely deaccelerate by the magnet I know there has to be a push that can be harnessed besides RMFs. I currently am ordering some wire and magnets to tinker with. I love exploring science
Aug 29, 2020
I am pioneering another theory that reflects on Einstein's unified field theory which was an attempt to link electromagnetism and gravity to explain it quantum mechanically.
Here is a video explaining some of the concepts:
View: https://youtu.be/s7JDLBYonf4

If gravity is caused by the electromagnetic reluctance of neutrons, then the strong nuclear force would be required for gravity to pull charged particles together. The force of gravity may be "weak" because an electromagnetically reluctant object is not electrically or magnetically tied to field, but rather encapsulated by it as the quantum particles generating the field seek Lorentz force points of least resistance effectively moving electromagnetically reluctant mass toward a preexisting core where it already exists.
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Aug 29, 2020
I just learned the patent office surpresses ideas including free energy and anti gravity
Remember, knowledge is power, but it is also money. Big tech governments around the world use tech-knowledge to gain wealth and power to dominate peasants living around the world because they believe they are gods, but in reality they are only men like you and me. To find certain truths, you will have to dig and take routes that are not mainstream because ignorance and diversion are a predators most useful tools to project on their prey. Many governments operate in predator mode because they spy, stalk and exploit to feed their unquenchable thirst for dominance. Same with some religions which are basically forms of government. Some men are "religious" not because they seek truth and justice, but because they seek the power of God, so they feel they need to dominate and spy on everyone with technological powers otherwise the world will fall apart because they don't really believe in a God since he doesn't empower them and surrender his power to them to fulfill all their wicked desires. They are resentful people that deny their ability to error or to be human. Maybe I went too far with this response. Sorry for that. *Shrug*
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Jan 2, 2024
Zach your comment may well encourage a questioning attitude to all things imposed. It doesn't mean all those with power and influence are always wrong and opposition is always right. Anyway glad you got that off your chest. What do I know anyway I'm just an old man.

We get confused and misled by the wrong people making the right statement and the right people making wrong statements

Talking of old men did anyone view Admin's posted interview with Roger Penrose? I was taken aback.
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Aug 29, 2020
It doesn't mean all those with power and influence are always wrong and opposition is always right.

We get confused and misled by the wrong people making the right statement and the right people making wrong statements
I agree. If a man has power or influence, it doesn't automatically make him wrong.
Though historically, it was common for men with power to become corrupt in the process of addiction to it and "chasing the dragon".
Nov 4, 2024
Remember, knowledge is power, but it is also money. Big tech governments around the world use tech-knowledge to gain wealth and power to dominate peasants living around the world because they believe they are gods, but in reality they are only men like you and me. To find certain truths, you will have to dig and take routes that are not mainstream because ignorance and diversion are a predators most useful tools to project on their prey. Many governments operate in predator mode because they spy, stalk and exploit to feed their unquenchable thirst for dominance. Same with some religions which are basically forms of government. Some men are "religious" not because they seek truth and justice, but because they seek the power of God, so they feel they need to dominate and spy on everyone with technological powers otherwise the world will fall apart because they don't really believe in a God since he doesn't empower them and surrender his power to them to fulfill all their wicked desires. They are resentful people that deny their ability to error or to be human. Maybe I went too far with this response. Sorry for that. *Shrug*
No worries. I do have a perpetual motion idea system involving water and deep pressure variants like a air pressure operated water wheel that generates electricity
Nov 4, 2024
Perpetual motion? All energy is a conversion of some kind, but there are more efficient conversion methods
There are such systems that are theoretical that even nikola Tesla has developed. When you harness the earths natural vibration, gravity, or atmospheric pressure. The energy input will be there as long as the earth is.

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