The 18.6 yr. oscillation in the lunar orbit (~ 5 deg.), apparently only contributes about 1" in sea level rise or fall, at least if I'm reading
this graph correctly.
The IPCC has, over the years, greatly reduced the maximum temp. rise by the end of the century. I think it is now about 1/3 of the original ~8.5 C worst case scenario.
The melting of glaciers is very complicated and includes variables such as underwater geothermal activity. So, I am cautiously optimistic these figures reported are high.
It's very difficult to determine how much is solid science and how much is hype. Climate science is still a work in progress, though they are able to incorporate more and more of the necessary variables. They have yet, however, to include some additional variables, due to the lack of enough science behind them, that are important to have a complete and robust model, IMO.