What do you think?<br /><br />Ok I have a few questions about the 2 Mars missions that Russia is planning. Are the Russians planning on sending out Humans or Robots to Mars? Have they or will they find way to neutralize the gravity to Earth's conditions? Can it be possible that there are machines being built to filter Mars aimosphere materials into breathing for the Humans If they're one going on the mission? <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="2" color="#14ea50"><strong><font size="1">We are born. We live. We experiment. We rot. We die. and the whole process starts all over again! Imagine That!</font><br /><br /><br /><img id="6e5c6b4c-0657-47dd-9476-1fbb47938264" style="width:176px;height:247px" src="http://sitelife.space.com/ver1.0/Content/images/store/14/4/6e5c6b4c-0657-47dd-9476-1fbb47938264.Large.jpg" alt="blog post photo" width="276" height="440" /><br /></strong></font> </div>