<i> I happen to be capable of looking at proposal on it's merits instead of this mindless knee jerk reaction of "Me not like him, so me not like anything him say" that is all too common in both political parties today. </i><br /><br />I don't think this post was directed toward me specifically, but I hope that you will give me more credit than that. I am capable of forming an opinion based on the merits of the proposal alone. And, in fact, the inline "Shuttle Derived Heavy Lift Vehicle" is one part of the plan that I do think is a good idea. I just happen to feel that we need a more worthy replacement for STS than a capsule on top of an SRB. It's a shame that nobody is willing to even consider a "Shuttle II", as I feel we could get a hell of a vehicle with today's technology. As I said, I think SDHLV is a good idea, and I agree with separating our heavy lift capability from our crew transport capability. So, I wouldn't propose another "space plane" designed to haul 50,000 lb of payload to LEO. But a small, safe, reliable, and affordable space plane is well within our reach.<br /><br />And, btw, I worked on the X-33 program briefly, and I do have some appreciation for the technical hurdles facing such a program. It's a shame, though, that we can no longer take on such challenges in this nation.