As we all know space travel is a risky business. Life on this blue marble is a fragile one, we have all we need here to sustain life as we know it. As our atmosphere protects us here on ground level, it has a protector that takes care of it. The strong magnetic force that surrounds our planet keeps the radiation from our sun from stripping our atmosphere. This magnetic bubble around us has a limit to the distance it can protect us. If this magnetic field protects us here, can an artificial one protect us when traveling far from earth? Can we wire a space craft so it has a protective electromagnetic field outside keeping most if not all solar radiation out thus making radiation less of a worry in interstellar.ler travel? Thanks for your interest in this query.
At one time sea travel, the maritime frontier, was risky business in the extreme (an utterly dangerous frontier). People were insane to go there, to do sea travel. The New World was risky business in the extreme (an utterly dangerous world). Many, a great many, in the Old World considered it totally unnecessary. Wealth could be much better applied to improving life in the Old World. They had no clue about the physics of Old combining and merging with New into a single of New. The had no clue of the physics of growing "exchange of energies" between outside and inside -- between outland frontier and inland home world. They had no clue as to what "in-turning" actually does. No clue as to what closed systemic "entropy" actually results in. They had no clue that their more dynamic civilization would turn to more static civilization, to a more barbarously savage civilization. And, they had no clue that their money, their fastest most energetic means of exchange, was no more than a token of energy. Without that utterly dangerous New World frontier, that risky business in the extreme, those "insane people" going nova there, expanding out to there, to prosper or die trying, thus that growing exchange of energies, they would inevitably -- inexorably -- lose what they had.... what they never thought they could lose.
There was no such thing as safe forbiddingly alien harsh, raw, new, Earthly frontiers. There is no such thing as "safe space travel." Some of it will slowly get safer only as it slowly gets more inventive, innovative (through evolution and revolution), and routine. But it, any 'frontier', will never get "safe."