Oftentimes one is faced with a description of an alien species in Science Fiction that is either too radical to comprehend easily or simply not described well enough to form a good mental image. Usually, that's not a problem for avid SciFi readers because, quite frankly, we'll make up whatever we want and substitute bits and pieces that are missing.
But, sometimes, you really want to see what others' interpretations of a favorite author's alien children look like. It's usually possible to extrapolate from cover art. But, sometimes you have to go to the fans themselves in order to get a good idea of what others believe the author was trying to communicate when either artwork or descriptive text is not enough.
That's where I'm having a problem. There are many, many art sites online. Many even specialize in Science Fiction. But, it's extremely difficult to wade through pages of art in order to find just one that addresses a favorite alien species. I'm looking for something like a "Barlowe's Guide to Extraterrestrials" (Great book, btw) online. That would be ideal but, I doubt there's anything dedicated solely to artist's and fan's art of little known alien science fiction species. So, with that being said...
Does anyone have any favored links (or willing to try to contribute some) that deal with artist's conceptions of science-fiction notables? It doesn't have to be author's aliens. Worlds, spaceships, etc.. are all welcome.
For instance -
Jeff Russell's Starship Dimensions - In my opinion, the premier site for comparing science fiction ships/objects in terms of scale. A real eye-opener when it comes to communicating the scale of some of our favorite science fiction constructions. Take a look at "Ringworld."
*added Sci-Fi-o-Rama - Concept Art Mostly film concept art but some literary items tossed in as well.
A request and the primary reason I'm looking for links - I'm trying to get a handle on Gregory Benford's "Mechanicals" from the "Galactic Center" series. Specifically, the "Mantis", one of the main protagonists. I'm building a 3D model of it and am then going to texture it and rig it for animation. (It's a hobby.) But... I'd like some input from other's concepts before I get too far with it. I'm finding it difficult and I'd like to be true to the story rather than just re-inventing it on my own. Any help would be appreciated.
But, sometimes, you really want to see what others' interpretations of a favorite author's alien children look like. It's usually possible to extrapolate from cover art. But, sometimes you have to go to the fans themselves in order to get a good idea of what others believe the author was trying to communicate when either artwork or descriptive text is not enough.
That's where I'm having a problem. There are many, many art sites online. Many even specialize in Science Fiction. But, it's extremely difficult to wade through pages of art in order to find just one that addresses a favorite alien species. I'm looking for something like a "Barlowe's Guide to Extraterrestrials" (Great book, btw) online. That would be ideal but, I doubt there's anything dedicated solely to artist's and fan's art of little known alien science fiction species. So, with that being said...
Does anyone have any favored links (or willing to try to contribute some) that deal with artist's conceptions of science-fiction notables? It doesn't have to be author's aliens. Worlds, spaceships, etc.. are all welcome.
For instance -
Jeff Russell's Starship Dimensions - In my opinion, the premier site for comparing science fiction ships/objects in terms of scale. A real eye-opener when it comes to communicating the scale of some of our favorite science fiction constructions. Take a look at "Ringworld."
*added Sci-Fi-o-Rama - Concept Art Mostly film concept art but some literary items tossed in as well.
A request and the primary reason I'm looking for links - I'm trying to get a handle on Gregory Benford's "Mechanicals" from the "Galactic Center" series. Specifically, the "Mantis", one of the main protagonists. I'm building a 3D model of it and am then going to texture it and rig it for animation. (It's a hobby.) But... I'd like some input from other's concepts before I get too far with it. I'm finding it difficult and I'd like to be true to the story rather than just re-inventing it on my own. Any help would be appreciated.