OK. I see your point of view clearer now. But plausible deniability only goes so far. Nixon was forced to leave office. Reagan was able to deny Iran-Contra but it's clear that he knew and the revelation hurt his legacy (not to mention that it ended the program and sent several aides to prison). WMD and the torture scandals - the current administration is fighting those scandals right now (I picked only Republicans but the Democrats have theor scandals too).<br /><br />Those relatively easy conspiracies - smaller in scale and duration than the UFO/long term suppression of science conspiracy - could not be kept secret. Maintaining the UFO/science supression conspiracy would be much harder.<br /><br />I imagine you've read Chomsky no? There is no more ardent supporter of the idea that the military indsutrial complex controls our foreign policy. But even he says it's not a small cabal of men in a secret room.<br /><br />I can understand it more if you said that mainstream science has a suppresive effect on real innovation in science. (I would argue this suppresion is overblown but anyway.)<br /><br />But it's really hard to see how all scientists and engineers everywhere can be controlled to such an extent that not one serious scientist is willing to break free - without there being some sort of police state. <br /><br />Did I say not one? How many researchers are there working on cold fusion? string theory? Not enough you say? So what? It only takes one really bright guy - one Einstein working on a forbidden idea and the whole supression effort would be for nothing.