Scientists call for serious study of 'unidentified aerial phenomena'

Oct 12, 2020
CIA and DOD agents asked me to work on the UFO/Consciousness problem back in the 1970s. See MIT's David Kaiser's award-winning book "How the Hippies Saved Physics." I with other physicists have now solved the physics mystery on how the Tic Tac flies and we can build our own. My Cornell physics professors built the atomic bomb in the Manhattan Project, we now need a new Manhattan Project to build our own Tic Tacs for the US Space Force. Vladimir Putin's agents interviewed me about my thoughts on this back in 2014. This is a new space arms race.
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Oct 12, 2020
Very intriguing. But why would someone travel back in, and through, time, just to drop 79,950 feet through our atmosphere. I would think there is very little sense in even coming back to recent times. Unless what was witnessed was an artifact of something traveling through time and what we saw was the equivalent of seeing a meteoroid skipping through the atmosphere for only a moment? Another thing that puzzles me is that the time-traveling vehicle would have to also travel through space. If Earth is traveling at 45 million miles per day through space, the vehicle would need to make up for that motion/distance, I would think. Especially when dealing with years. Also the conservation of energy and matter; if a time-travel vehicle appears suddenly in our time, there is suddenly an influx of atoms that aren't supposed to be here (duplicates of atoms), and a sudden depletion of those atoms in the future.
Oct 12, 2020
"Yours is not to reason why, yours is but to do or die" ;-)
Either US NAVY is lying and Tic Tacs do not exist, or what I say about them is true.
There are no ifs, buts and maybes.
It's one or the other.
This is a matter of the laws of nature.
What you say above about time travel is wrong.
You can start by reading Kip Thorne's book
"Black Holes and Time Warps"
This is very serious business and I am working with very serious people.
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Oct 13, 2020
There's a rising call for "unidentified aerial phenomena" to be studied scientifically, perhaps even using satellites to be on the lookout for possible future events.

Scientists call for serious study of 'unidentified aerial phenomena' : Read more
Dr. Kopparapu is either woefully ignorant for a NASA Planetary Scientist at Goddard, or is feigning such ignorance. The Extraterrestrial nature of the UFO presence has been decisively established for decades, among other ways though the spectroscopic analysis of sample Implants extracted from Abductees, which demonstrate Isotopic Ratios incompatible with Earthly origin. has, until very recently, been a willing, if not *eager* participant in the ETUFO Coverup, ever since the site first went online. It would help to meet's resulting debt to Mankind to provide authentic journalism on the subject from here on out. You might start by not indulging the fiction that "we don't know what they are, but its probably not Aliens", when, yes, with zero scientific doubt on the subject, "It's Aliens.".
Oct 13, 2020
Using time travel is a great was to avoid the inertia problems caused by the massive acceleration and deceleration. Time travel doesn't solve the missing sonic booms. If the UAP is contacting the air as it moves, it would heat up. Ripping a hole in space time that it can travel through solves that.
Mar 5, 2020

Lots of new faces arguing for UFO’s.
Oct 12, 2020
... incompatible with Earthly origin.

The materials can be of earthly origin, and yet still be extra-terrestrial. It sounds paradoxical but it isn't. The materials are constructed and re-constructed each time a traveler enters and exits the astral realm.
The instantaneous construction isn't process-oriented, it's goal-oriented
Oct 14, 2020
CIA and DOD agents asked me to work on the UFO/Consciousness problem back in the 1970s. See MIT's David Kaiser's award-winning book "How the Hippies Saved Physics." I with other physicists have now solved the physics mystery on how the Tic Tac flies and we can build our own. My Cornell physics professors built the atomic bomb in the Manhattan Project, we now need a new Manhattan Project to build our own Tic Tacs for the US Space Force. Vladimir Putin's agents interviewed me about my thoughts on this back in 2014. This is a new space arms race.
Can I interview you?
Nov 1, 2019
most ufos are space life. my encounter story:

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Nov 1, 2019
With cameras everywhere, and of ever increasing capability, don't you find it odd that we never seem to get a clear picture of these things?
You are correct, because the bodies of these space creatures contain powerful energy, which obscures their body figure, so digital cameras can only capture unclear images
(The ufo shape are only their body energy field not their real body shape).

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Oct 16, 2020
Like religion, the U.F.O./U.A.P. phenomena can be a very "emotional" issue for the human race. Most scientists are trained to avoid such emotional connections and concentrate on the observable facts and complete a series of probable speculations to research and document, in the attempt to reach further conclusions.

I'm glad the scientific community is no longer choosing to "ignore" the subject, just because it's difficult and murky, with no solid answers at hand.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence," I believe Carl Sagan said that.

"Extraordinary evidence requires extraordinary observation," I said that.

- James Tate
Mar 5, 2020
I am agnostic about the existence of UFO’s. I have no doubts about the existence of other intelligent life in the galaxy. But I also understand the rules (and laws) of physics well enough to know that interstellar space travel is not easy (or cheap).

What I find worrying about this article is its potential as a military motive or alibi. If General Relativity is worthless (I have found it to be so when building my own spacecraft 😊). The Empire may have developed weapons or propulsion technology based on violations of GR then they have a problem. A secret 70 year weapons development program using secret science would seem to be a criminal enterprise which would benefit just a few people.

If the military are supporting UFO research then they may have a need to connect aliens to the technology that they have illegally created. A vast scientific conspiracy producing weapons technology would blow their cover (Deep State, Empire, whatever). How altruistic was the US Military with nuclear weapons technology? I believe that 70 year old equations-of-state will still get you shot today.

If new technology appears (which violates our physics) and the US Military claims that it is based on Alien technology then it is an open and shut conspiracy.

If they document aliens, but no new military technology emerges, then I might believe them.
Oct 16, 2020
why would someone travel back in, and through, time, just to drop 79,950 feet through our atmosphere.

Well 1st why would you turn an event into a singularity when all things cause other things to occur. Droping through atmopshere could cause a domino of atmospheric events. However generally the reason you would want to get close to something is like a probe. Sensor readings, interception of communications that degrade, etc.. etc.. To hide from spatial sensors etc.. Tons of reasons. You could write a volume of books on that.

there is very little sense in even coming back to recent times.
We are actually making some big pushes in science and constantly on the edge of extinction with the destrcutive power that humans have now. In fact by interacting with higher level particles, we could actually be interfering with high technological science. Take for instance accidentally jamming radio communications while experiementing with electronics. You may not be aware you are creating harmful interferance to other peoples communications as you don't have an ear to that. Thing is while Terrans have a massive knowlege of science, fact is scientists are still trying to figure out how stuff works. We have a very small timeframe to understand things like gravity, and there are non uninfied science theories out there to explain some stuff that Terrans don't understand yet. Fact is we could have breakthroughs at any given time in science that could present us with the ability to engineer things that could pose a threat to other advanced lifeforms that could peak their curiosity in what we are doing. Its not as if scientists have never killed themselves experimenting with stuff. Radioactive materials, radiation and such are good examples of playing with things you don't understand. Now we are creating micro blackholes. If you really think about creating microtears in spacetime could always possibly create side effects, or interfer with other peoples technology. Releases of energy and energy matter conversion could probably alter earths position in spacetime. There could be lotsof reasons, but we don't know but if you send out a signal on purpose or not people may be curious what is going on with that.

Another thing that puzzles me is that the time-traveling vehicle would have to also travel through space.
spacetime is a singularity, again you are thinking about this as if time were a linear thing while paradoxial saying you can travel in reverse along that linearity. You need to rather think of it being a latticework of interactions that things are taking a form and every form is already expressed, and that forms are acting on forms. All you need to do is take your form and act on another form to intersect another point in time. Of course that is totally beyond the scope of anything terrans would be capable of right now en masse in fact it really is sort of insane, and when things get insane, it is sort of avoided.

If Earth is traveling at 45 million miles per day through space, the vehicle would need to make up for that motion/distance, I would think.
Again you are assuming space is linear/relative when in fact it is a lattice that interconnects and entangles across multiple dimensions of the lattice.

None the less science that works and able to be repeated is much more useful than science that is random and choatic and cannot be repeatable.

If you are a 4D entity, you cannot see beyond that but sensors allow us to see into worlds our human senses do not allow biologically (excepting extrasensory perception stuffage). Again don't limit reality to what your senses tell you exists. Reality has more to it than what terran biology can explain.
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Mar 5, 2020
With cameras everywhere, and of ever increasing capability, don't you find it odd that we never seem to get a clear picture of these things?

I don’t buy the energy distortion argument for why everything becomes blurry.

If those fields are producing the objects acceleration, then those fields are dangerous and disruptive. To me that would suggest that those portions of the ship containing electronics, computers, or passengers would not have these fields present. So at least part of the ship should be clearly visible.

The exhaust from a jet fighter will only obscure the view from limited angles, not all of them. The pilot also doesn’t sit in the engine compartment.

My own arguments for propulsion using an inertial field would produce visual effects so small as to be barely visible (if at all) for a small craft.

This universal lack of detail appears to be part of a disinformation campaign, though I cannot ascertain whose agenda it might be advancing.
Mar 5, 2020
Another argument against total space craft distortion is how would they navigate? In one of the articles it mentions that one pilot called the blocking or jamming of his radar an act of war.

So both optical and electromagnetic spectrum are blocked and distorted yet these objects have excellent situational awareness?

How could the boy cry wolf, when it was a stealth wolf?
Nov 1, 2019
You are correct, because the bodies of these space creatures contain powerful energy, which obscures their body figure, so digital cameras can only capture unclear images
(The ufo shape are only their body energy field not their real body shape).

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Of course, if these space creatures are interested in you, they will jump out of the energy field that covers them (or they may control their body energy flow?) revealing their clear body image. This is my several years of contact and encounter experience. Be careful, if they don't like it, they will emit energy to stop your camera working. Real alien flying saucers do not need such a technology, they use another technology to prevent humans find them.
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May 4, 2020
I don’t buy the energy distortion argument for why everything becomes blurry.

If those fields are producing the objects acceleration, then those fields are dangerous and disruptive. To me that would suggest that those portions of the ship containing electronics, computers, or passengers would not have these fields present. So at least part of the ship should be clearly visible.

The exhaust from a jet fighter will only obscure the view from limited angles, not all of them. The pilot also doesn’t sit in the engine compartment.

My own arguments for propulsion using an inertial field would produce visual effects so small as to be barely visible (if at all) for a small craft.

This universal lack of detail appears to be part of a disinformation campaign, though I cannot ascertain whose agenda it might be advancing.
I think almost anyone should be able to tell -once they are clued in- from this scene in 'Terms of Endearment' that Jack Nicholson is really a space alien, and his Corvette Sting Ray is really a space cruiser (and I'm not so sure about Shirley MacLaine either). Quote from the first 45 seconds of scene: He's controlling the Universe...Fly me to the moon...;
Terms of Endearment (6/9) Moviei CLIP - Beach Ride (1983)
Mar 13, 2021
I’m one of those radar operators that tracked UAPs while getting real time observations via a 911 dispatcher to police. Our observations of their movements matched. I’m also a very curious scientist.

With my radar, I could track how high they were and how they moved. The objects also reflected much of my radar signal where it was observed to hit the top of my graph showing the amount of radar energy received. The signal hit the top of the graph, therefore the object was solid and not a gas or plasma balls as those would return far less signal if seen at all.

Number 1. They’re faster than anyone can imagine. They can be hovering then snap to a location 20 miles away and hover again.. Therefore they figured out how to control the massive amount Gs from acceleration.

‘Number 2. They took no action in hiding themselves. They wanted to be seen. They put on a show for us. They were playing around.

‘Number 3. Other radar operators describe the same thing I saw.

Number 4 They can travel at amazing speeds in the atmosphere and in space. If they wanted to fly to another planet, my bet is they can very quickly.

‘Number 5. If they can travel through space at an extreme amount of speed, it is possible they came from some other planet. Speed doesn’t mean much to them.

‘Number 6 They also could have been made by humans then they could go anywhere they wanted to. This would make me mad as several people have been killed leaving earth and also coming home by explosive rocket engines or burning on entry.

If it’s our technology, it’s amazing and it’s finally time for us get some answers from the government then commercialize these things. There is some amazing technology within the UAP which could be used to benefit mankind.

‘But my bet, It’s aliens
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