<font color="yellow">they wouldn't be made on the moon, that is even less feasible. It would take more energy and expense to do it there.</font><br /><br />Actually it takes a lot more energy to launch a satellite around Earth from the Earth than it does from the moon. The assent stage of the LEM wasn't much bigger than my Dodge Durango, and it made it into lunar orbit, just a little more juice, and she would have made it into almost any kind of Earth orbit you want. I doubt the LEM could even lift itself off the ground on Earth.<br /><br /><br /><font color="yellow">I can see you have no concept of orbital mechanics, system engineering, logistics in space nor cost estimating (shipyard laborhours don't count) <br /><br />And it really bothers me that you propose these outlandish things based on fantasy and ungrounded technical beliefs and are allowed to fly an airplane.</font><br /><br />Actually, I do have a pretty good understanding of how it works.<br /><br /><font color="yellow">"<i>how much better is the world since we've deveolped those technologies?</i>" <br /><br />Some people might say it isn't better </font><br /><br />Usually the same kind of people who don't think that man doesn't have a requirement to exploit all of the resources in our solar system. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>