wow, I read the whole thread, now I can post something without blames like "as I said before".<br /><br />I was thinking about some reasons why a shuttle would be useful to have in the near/less near future.<br /><br />Maybe we can combine a shuttle and lunar program.<br />One criticized fact about the shuttle is that it's too big when it returns.<br />But what I don't hear a lot is why take a heatshield and re-entry systems all the way to the moon and back, while you only need them when you are in LEO.<br />So I was thinking, strip the Orion of all its re-entry stuff, and put it in the cargobay of a shuttle 2.<br />Fly this shuttle to LEO, let it dock the Orion to the lunar module.<br />The shuttle does some LEO experiments and flies home, while the Orion does its lunar mission.<br />After a while, the Orion returns, flies to a shuttle that is already in orbit, docks again and the crew can fly home with the shuttle (and possibly the Orion in its cargo bay).<br />If the shuttle can't get in orbit soon enough, the Orion can still dock to the ISS, and wait there.<br />Ofcourse developing a shuttle would slow down the lunar program some years, but we kept our capabilities we had before in LEO.<br />We could also use the shuttle to do construction missions in LEO, like building some kind of solar plant, or doing repair missions on the ISS or a space telescope.<br /><br />The idea of the solar plant may sound ridiculous, but energyneeds on earth will keep growing.<br />The choice of building an orbital solar plant instead of nuclear plants on earth will be easier if you have something capable of building it.<br />