"...Given the very volume-restricted crew quarters, and a desire to minimize ECLSS requirements, the transit time from launch to docking will be minimized. Soyuz takes ~2-3 days from launch to docking, and ~4 hours from undocking to touchdown. While the undocking->recovery timeframe is acceptable, the launch timeframe is impractical without significant ECLSS upgrades. Significant reductions should be possible via improved positioning and orientation capabilities on the craft. The actual Hohmann transfer orbit from orbital insertion to space station rendezvous takes just under an hour. Most of the 2-3 days on the Soyuz flight is spent refining position and trajectories to maximize the burn accuracy (and thereby minimize propellant usage)."<br /><br /><br />I believe these assumptions about ISS rendezvous time are in error.<br /><br />Most launch windows which match the orbital plane of the ISS can require a spacecraft to loiter in a lower orbit for up to two days in order to catch up to the ISS position. It's only when a spacecraft has caught up that it boosts it's orbit up to the same altitude as the ISS.