sinks vs gravity vs source

Jan 12, 2024
Any and all ideas are welcomed.

It has been shown that matter can be represented as a sink(absorbing space particles).
If that is the case, where is the source of the space particles matter is absorbing?.
Without a source, how long can this theory last?
All matter (and all energy) comprise mass, which warps spacetime such that more mass is drawn in. Eventually the universe will be comprised of nothing but black holes.
Bill! Bill! Bill! Don't you know? Universes (u), atoms, in their discreet quanta inside and outside the 'Event Horizon' set of an infinity of 'event horizons', an Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe (U), are already blackholes / white holes (a fundamental binary base2).

On the other hand, Bill, maybe in your own "mind's eye" way you do.
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Jan 2, 2024
All matter (and all energy) comprise mass, which warps spacetime such that more mass is drawn in. Eventually the universe will be comprised of nothing but black holes.
Yes, it seems to be this way. What is the process 'drawn in'. I keep hearing that material goes into orbit. I suppose 'accidents happen' to slow the speed and reduce the orbit eventually (?)
Yes, things orbit endlessly unless some kinetic energy can be converted to heat. Best way to do this is through collisions. It need not be dead on, but only within the Roche limit, inside which tidal forces exceed self gravitation. Any loosely consolidated mass will be torn apart. For Black Holes I suppose they would merge by losing energy to gravitational waves.
Jan 2, 2024
Yes, things orbit endlessly unless some kinetic energy can be converted to heat. Best way to do this is through collisions. It need not be dead on, but only within the Roche limit, inside which tidal forces exceed self gravitation. Any loosely consolidated mass will be torn apart. For Black Holes I suppose they would merge by losing energy to gravitational waves.
Thanks for that!
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Mar 8, 2022
Sort of raises a fundamental question,

Is space-time a [one-way?] unifying mechanism/construct?

Everything going entropically to flat cold empty space as even black holes evaporate [Hawking's radiation] over eons of uninterrupted time.

The counter might be persistent particles arising out of quantum fluctuations.

Near absolute zero do quasi-particles have prolonged existences?
Jan 2, 2024
If Billslugg were correct and everything ends up in one big Black Hole then if the BH produces a White Hole (and no information is lost) then the universe is Cyclic. Presumably the black Hole dissipates after it has absorbed adjacent virtual particles and hence all of space (on this side of the BH) (?).
And, if we are 4 spatial dimensions (with a time process in a unique radial direction) the the new universe automatically ahs a new radial time - completely separate from the old one - and a beginning.
I can deal with a universe that ends up as one giant Black Hole, explodes as a White Hole and creates the universe of today. It would be cyclic.

As for information being lost, that one is over my head. I don't know what it is, why it is important or how it works. I suspect a grand conspiracy by mathematicians, jealous of news coverage of cosmology, to invent a mathematical roadblock just so they can sit around and laugh.
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The only space that can be warped is between the ears. Once engaged all reality becomes a cartoon.

A spacetime cartoon. Light cartoon. Gravity cartoon. The list is long and growing.

Only matter and the fields of matter can move. Possess motion, and properties. All properties come from motion. ALL Time and length come from matter.

Space is non existence. The orphan energy in space is not from space, it’s from matter.

All entities and properties of physicality are from matter. Even thought comes from a stage of matter.

Space is an empty void for matter to reside in. To occupy and move. All matter and all fields are in perpetual motion. A void space to freely move in.

Space has no resistance and/or impedance to any motion. Matter and field motion does not interact with space. It only interacts with other matter and field motion.

Matter and field is the only thing in space you can observe and measure. Because it is the only motion there is. The only entity there is. Space is not an entity. It’s a non entity.

Time and Distance does not come from space, it comes from matter.

Everything comes from matter.

And we have no clue of what it is.
Scientists routinely work with one photon at a time. The detector size is most efficient when the same size as the photon wavelength. I do some AM DX radio listening. The middle of the band is at 1 MHz. Those photon wavelengths are at 300 meters but my long wire outdoor antenna is only 60 meters long. I get great reception, but it could be even better. I also listen to AM radio on a clock radio. It has an antenna only two inches long and it gets great reception. Mostly because of the ferrite core in the antenna, it "compresses" EM space sort of like mass distorts gravity space. As for hearing one photon, my setup is many orders of magnitude less sensitive than required.
Hello Bill. Your comments are true, but a light photon is different from a radio photon. A radio photon is singular and sequential. A sequential train of photons, not a flux. And you may increase the power and the density of the photon. Because it’s a collective charge photon. A collective charge field. More charge within that length can increase field density. Increase amplitude.

But that can not be done with light. Almost all light photons are emitted at their MAX power level and can not be increased. The only way to increase amplitude or intensity is with more emitters. A flux is needed for power. Space distance power. Zillions of emitters. All with different phase. Parallel emission. Not radio. Light is a “noise” emission. A phase mix. And broadband.

We need to see the change in one raindrop instead of the change in the rain shower.
Quantized to e. Every frequency has a different length and duration. Molecular, atomic, dipole and particle emissions are set, and can be considered quantum intensities. Can only be increased with number.

It's not the intensity, it's the rate of the intensity. That's the photon energy. The ramp energy. The ramp rate. The quicker the change the more the energy. For quantum stimuli. It takes those rates to accelerate the relative rotational c rate, of charge. And charge bonds.
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