Bill! Bill! Bill! Don't you know? Universes (u), atoms, in their discreet quanta inside and outside the 'Event Horizon' set of an infinity of 'event horizons', an Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe (U), are already blackholes / white holes (a fundamental binary base2).All matter (and all energy) comprise mass, which warps spacetime such that more mass is drawn in. Eventually the universe will be comprised of nothing but black holes.
Yes, it seems to be this way. What is the process 'drawn in'. I keep hearing that material goes into orbit. I suppose 'accidents happen' to slow the speed and reduce the orbit eventually (?)All matter (and all energy) comprise mass, which warps spacetime such that more mass is drawn in. Eventually the universe will be comprised of nothing but black holes.
Thanks for that!Yes, things orbit endlessly unless some kinetic energy can be converted to heat. Best way to do this is through collisions. It need not be dead on, but only within the Roche limit, inside which tidal forces exceed self gravitation. Any loosely consolidated mass will be torn apart. For Black Holes I suppose they would merge by losing energy to gravitational waves.