Shuttle_RTF said: "If that's something you agree with, or something you don't think is a big deal, then tell that to the familes of the 14 dead astronauts we've lost on the STS program. Tell it to the workers that have put their life work into this 'mistake' because of lot of this people working on that 'mistake' will get you to back to the Moon and Mars."<br /><br />I'm sorry -- this type of response is a thoroughly irrational, overly emotional mishmash that doesn't add anything useful to the conversation.<br /><br />Everybody regrets that 14 astronauts died. Everybody who participates in these forums can recall where they were and what they were doing on Saturday morning, Feb. 1, 2003 when the Columbia distintegrated on reentry. But it doesn't follow that if someone suggests now that the shuttle program is misguided, that it dishonors the astronauts who died. Nor did Michael Griffin dishonor them when he admitted that the shuttle and space station programs -- as executed -- were mistakes. Indeed, a frank admission now that the shuttle program is flawed will help to ensure that more astronauts don't die.<br /><br />I find it disturbing that the conversation in these forums sometimes breaks down along very emotional "pro-shuttle" or "anti-shuttle" lines -- or "pro-ISS" or "anti-ISS."<br /><br />When we emotionally commit our allegiance to hardware systems, we truly miss the point of what space exploration ought to be about. Whether we love the shuttle or hate it -- or love the ISS, or hate it -- is really irrelevant. Rather than arguing over emotional attachments, we should be talking about what we think will WORK. What we think will GET US THERE (whether "there" is the moon, or Mars, or the near-earth asteroids) in a manner that WE CAN AFFORD.<br /><br />Instead, we should be pro-space exploration. Arguing over Chevy or Ford just doesn't add much that's of value. Nor do discussions over whether the Ford president erred in publicly admitting what everyone already knew -- that <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#0000ff"><strong>Just tell the truth and let the chips fall...</strong></font> </div>