Something 'fishy' is happening with the Milky Way's dark matter halo

A wildly alternative proposal:

I posit that what can be referred to as the 'dark matter' effect is a function of the 'interiors' of black holes.

Gravity relates to the distribution of the speed of time passage, namely time dilation (slowing).
At the event horizon of a black hole time essentially stops.

So what happens in the interior of a black hole?

Continuing the progression one might guess time reverses in a black hole's interior.

Further one might speculate that would potentially create gravitation like effects far more powerful than known gravity.

Time in the Universe generally operates within the guidelines of the laws of physics, and the limited degrees of freedom that allows for.

Inverting time likely has the same (limited) degrees of freedom as the forward passage of time.
Extending from the interior of a black hole inverting time Initially randomly might trace nearly directly back through space-time, but as the time inversion sequencing continues in all likelihood it drifts further & further from (our) space-time's specific sequence.
I suggest that might be why the 'dark matter' effect is somewhat inconsistent. Somewhat bounded random variability.

Galactic 'dark matter' effects generally center on a galaxy's massive central black hole.
This proposal fits quite well with the tight correlation between a galaxy's central black hole size and the hypothesized DM for that galaxy.

I will continue with the idea that the effect happens on (connects with) the interior of stars rather than as an effect of their surrounding space-time.
It would have no direct effect on space-time/gravity.
The way to test this would be to observe planets orbiting those most effected stars and see if their planets are or are not influenced by the hypothesized DM gradient of space-time/gravity.

Not sure how soon our technologies will have that observational capacity.