Space-time is swirling around a dead star, proving Einstein right again

Jan 16, 2020
PSR J1141-6545 circles a white dwarf with a mass about the same as the sun's.

The pulsar orbits the white dwarf in a tight, fast orbit

You guys might want to rephrase the above lines in the article. The white dwarf is less massive (1.02 solar masses) than the pulsar (1.27 solar masses). Technically, both objects in that system orbit the system's barycenter (center of mass), but if you want to say one orbits the other, then it should be the white dwarf orbits the pulsar, since the pulsar would be the dominant mass in that system.
Jan 30, 2020
You guys might want to rephrase the above lines in the article. The white dwarf is less massive (1.02 solar masses) than the pulsar (1.27 solar masses). Technically, both objects in that system orbit the system's barycenter (center of mass), but if you want to say one orbits the other, then it should be the white dwarf orbits the pulsar, since the pulsar would be the dominant mass in that system.
In theory of relativity everything is relative. Still you can say that sun and moon orbiting Earth while other planets in system orbiting sun - it so easy ;)


Jan 30, 2020
"It states that space-time will churn around a massive, rotating body. "
Well, maybe it's the other way around.... a massive body (Galaxy...) rotates because space time rotates around it. Cause and effect reversed.
Our matter-centric world is only a few percent of the universe, Why do we always jump to the conclusion that IT "gives the beat", whilst it may be really the other way around.
It's more likely to be at the mercy of much larger forces in the universe.
Jan 30, 2020
The article said that they ruled out everything else so it must be frame dragging. However, it seems to me that the dragging effect is caused by gravitational pull of one body on another. There could also be a magnetic field pulling one from another.
The way the fabric of space and time swirls in a cosmic whirlpool around a dead star has confirmed yet another prediction from Einstein's theory of general relativity, a new study finds.

Space-time is swirling around a dead star, proving Einstein right again : Read more

The observations and model fit with GR seems very good. Here is another report on the frame dragging in this binary system. White Dwarf’s Whirlwind Spin Drags Spacetime

The report cited here provides a bit more detail. "The Parkes and UTMOST radio telescopes in Australia collected precise measurements of the neutron star’s radio pulses over almost 20 years. Krishnan and his colleagues used the pulse arrival times to reconstruct the slow change in the pulsar’s orbit, finding that frame-dragging had shifted the orbit by some 7 kilometers per year...The new result not only provides the first confirmation of Lense-Thirring precession beyond Earth’s orbit; it also sheds light on the binary’s history."

Looks like another test of Einstein GR that passes :)
Jan 31, 2020
10 has a flimsy definition of proof. Even the properties of neutron stars are full of assumptions that aren't proven. Pass a test? Yes. Fail to disprove? Yes. Proof? No! The goal of a good scientist should not be to try to prove anything, but to disprove in search of new ideas.
Dec 19, 2019
Good review of current understanding for of gravity drag, a.k.a. space-time churn. The space warp is a consequence of Einstein's general theory of relativity, which describes gravity as a curvature in space produced by objects sitting in it. It also implies that a rotating mass will drag space around it like a spinning top placed in treacle - an effect known as the Lense-Thirring effect, or more commonly as 'frame-dragging'.

The alternative significance of this activity is that is demonstrates the concept that matter is a marriage of ordinary matter (positive density mass) and dark matter (negative density mass). Where dark matter acts as the insulating cushion for ordinary matter from the expanding effects of dark energy, it provides an embrace that instantiate the force of gravity.

This consideration is better understood by thinking of gravity a bit differently. Where the universe's total energy is broken down to as 68% dark energy, 27% mass-energy via dark matter, and 5% mass-energy via ordinary matter, the percentage of energy distribution suggests a differing evolution. If we assume that dark energy, being the largest distribution of total energy, represents the foundation for space-time and provides for a net zero inclusion of matter as a whole, then it starts as 100% of the total energy. Upon the advent of matter, as a whole, the distribution of total energy is shared among the universal components. It is a process that maintains the concept of retaining a zero sum net gain, by redistributing this total energy with the complementarily paired positive and negative density matter. This evolutionary distribution also takes on other aspects of universal purpose: dark energy being responsible for the increasing universal expansion of the newly created matter, dark matter insulating the ordinary matter from being torn apart within its dark energy medium, and ordinary matter building and evolving into whatever it can. In effect, dark matter is the 'force' created to insulate ordinary matter, or positive density mass, by warping the space-time fabric of dark energy away from its complementary partner, ordinary matter.

The dynamic of space-time dimensional variance is built upon an understanding of acceleration over velocity. As we understand the special relativity theory of special relativistic time dilation, there is an order in which acceleration measures the speed of relative velocity; the faster the velocity between two orders of spatial distance, the greater the time dilation between them. What we are measuring in the case of our expanding universe is a uniform time dilation pattern from any point in space to any other point in space. If anything, this proposes that there is an increase in the effect of dark energy on positive density matter as negative density matter increases.

If you're interested in exploring this concept more, please review the alternative theories presented in the book, 'The Evolutioning of Creation: Volume 2', or even the ramifications of these concepts in the sci-fi fantasy adventure, 'Shadow-Forge Revelations'. The theoretical presentation brings forth a variety of alternative perspectives on the aspects of existence that form our reality.
Oct 25, 2019
I agree with the concern that the object with the smaller mass, the neutron star, should be orbiting the object with the larger mass, the pulsar. Does the author know something we don't? Or is this just a misstatement?

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