I know the arm (IDD) on these rovers isn't as strong as the one on Phoenix but looking at how deeply buried the wheels are, Spirit is either going to need a push or the soil is going to have to harden up.
Mee_n_Mac":3dwifi9v said:I know the arm (IDD) on these rovers isn't as strong as the one on Phoenix but looking at how deeply buried the wheels are, Spirit is either going to need a push or the soil is going to have to harden up.
Patience.3488":3h4x1skv said:The IDD IMO should be used to help push Spirit out.
centsworth_II":qfuvsz7w said:Patience.3488":qfuvsz7w said:The IDD IMO should be used to help push Spirit out.![]()
They have only just seen under the rover. Now the test bed can be set up to recreate the situation on Mars. Next come the test bed trials. Then, based on those results, trials on Mars. Then, based on those results, more test bed trials. Let's see how a few rounds of this work out before resorting to drastic means. And using the IDD as a lever is indeed drastic.
The RAT on Spirit is already done for. Those rocks in Gusev are a lot harder than those in Meridiani and the teeth are wore out. The brush may still be of use though.Mee_n_Mac":2iet7imx said:...I'd tend to think the instruments (except for the RAT) might not fare so well....
centsworth_II":2wboj3li said:The RAT on Spirit is already done for. Those rocks in Gusev are a lot harder than those in Meridiani and the teeth are wore out. The brush may still be of use though.Mee_n_Mac":2wboj3li said:...I'd tend to think the instruments (except for the RAT) might not fare so well....
That would be great. You are being optimistic -- with reason, I hope. As far as I know, the MER team is not sure either way yet, rock or dirt. I have to admit, it sure looked like a rock to me, but I'll be very glad to be wrong!3488":2p5ijczh said:It looks like a pile of regolith, possibly churned up initially by Spirit does extend to the underbelly, but fortunately no rocks do.
centsworth_II":yy764a6o said:That would be great. You are being optimistic -- with reason, I hope. As far as I know, the MER team is not sure either way yet, rock or dirt. I have to admit, it sure looked like a rock to me, but I'll be very glad to be wrong!3488":yy764a6o said:It looks like a pile of regolith, possibly churned up initially by Spirit does extend to the underbelly, but fortunately no rocks do.
On the other hand, even a rock at the center is better than being belly flat on the surface.
A member of UMSF did that -- and was thanked by a rover driver for his help!3488":1bratis9 said:I wonder if it's possible to look at images prior to Spirit reaching that point to see if any pointy rocks were on Spirit's route.
centsworth_II":i66fz9lb said:A member of UMSF did that -- and was thanked by a rover driver for his help!3488":i66fz9lb said:I wonder if it's possible to look at images prior to Spirit reaching that point to see if any pointy rocks were on Spirit's route.
They should move the rover so we can get a better look at it. :lol:3488":3b5u03r0 said:....If it was sunlit, it would be much easier to see what it was.
xXTheOneRavenXx":wimlam9v said:I was viewing the image they took of the underbelly of the Spirit Rover located at:
http://www.space.com/news/090604-spirit-belly.html. In the image below, I blew up the area to see if it were a rock or merely a pile of sand. I inverted the image and removed any additional light that was interfering with the soil details. Myself, I would have to say that the texture of the area in question matched that of hard soil, not solid rock.
centsworth_II":8gav01ia said:They should move the rover so we can get a better look at it. :lol:3488":8gav01ia said:....If it was sunlit, it would be much easier to see what it was.
3488":1zvk91rj said:xXTheOneRavenXx":1zvk91rj said:I was viewing the image they took of the underbelly of the Spirit Rover located at:
http://www.space.com/news/090604-spirit-belly.html. In the image below, I blew up the area to see if it were a rock or merely a pile of sand. I inverted the image and removed any additional light that was interfering with the soil details. Myself, I would have to say that the texture of the area in question matched that of hard soil, not solid rock.
3488":1zvk91rj said:Hi TheOneRaven.
Love the negative image you have created. Do I have your permission to download it?
Hi there 3488, thank you for the complimentYes you do have my permission. Though not necessary as the original belongs to NASA.
3488":1zvk91rj said:I agree that the lighting is not ideal, as I answered to Centsworth's very interesting post.
Also I agree, that to me, it still looks like a pile of regolith, not a solid rock, though of course, giving it more thought, that it could be a rock, buried in regolith churned up by Spirit's wheels.
hhmmm, I still find the texture more soil looking. I tried light enhancement on the area before inverting it to a negative, and reducing other light sources that were blurring the image. But that was the best I could do. The pile seems more centered under the belly of the rover, away from were the wheels would have trekked. Suppose it is possible to still be a soil covered rock though. Of course it could be a naturally covered rock, hence why they thought it wouldn't affect the rover in the first place... IF they saw it.
3488":1zvk91rj said:In your latest post, you propose a hovercraft. I like that very much, but I can see a couple of problems.
1). The martian atmosphere is so thin, the density at the aeroid (martian equivalent of sea level, as of course Mars has no sea level), is the same as Earth's atmosphere is at 30 KM / 19 miles above sea level. Of course Spirit is below the aeroid with the landing site before the climb up the Columbia Hills being 1,910 metres below the aeroid (Oppy was 1,440 metres below & Phoenix Mars Lander approximately 3,800 metres below the aeroid), but even allowing fo being nearly 2 KM below the aeroid, that atmosphere is still not much denser than Earth's is at about 30 KM above sea level.
The hovercraft would have to be very light & have a massive fan to create enough downdraft to create the lift.
2). If the hovercraft could be made to work, the dust blown about would be horrendous. A tight heavy 'skirt' would have to be used to keep much of the dust at bay, but even then, with the surface in many places littered with rocks (look at both of the Viking Landers, Mars Pathfinder & MER A Spirit images in particular), that 'skirt' would not keep a seal against the surface.
Andrew Brown.
xXTheOneRavenXx":29w67hf7 said:There is another alternative I thought of just now. If they decide to continue with a rover vehicle, then include additional but smaller folding wheels that can be deployed & extendable for such cases as this were the primary wheels can be lifted and the vehicle pushed slightly in one of two directions. I'm sure that after such a recovery, the vehicle would have to remain in one location to recharge as it would take some extensive amount of energy.
xXTheOneRavenXx":3keq6352 said:lol, well avoiding getting stuck in the first place is always an idea. Maybe a small seismograph of sorts to detect soil density would be an idea.
Another Rover Stuck... in California":14whx1ot said:Spirit recently used the microscopic imager on the end of its robotic arm to peer underneath its belly. The images, while out of focus, showed a rock barely touching the underbelly of the rover.