Quick notes:
Apparently Spirit had the misfortune to drive along the edge of a hidden crater (Scamander). It was not visible from surface images. There was a thin crust on top, and the weight of the rover broke through into the most loose sandy, sulphate rich material yet found on the martian surface. It's glomming up the wheels, and every attempt so far to extricate Spirit has only sunk it deeper. Not good, in fact, very bad. One side of the rover is trapped in the crater, the other side is on hard ground.
The hidden crater is about 8 meters in diameter and about 25 cm deep. There's a rock under the rover, that if it gets caught in the wrong place could cause really big problems.
The optimists are optimistic, the pragmatists, not so much.
They have analyzed their options for more than a month now and will implement a plan beginning Monday with a command download; to be executed late Monday early Tuesday, with results expected Tuesday morning. The plan is to go forward (the opposite direction from what got them in this mess, since they've been driving backwards for a year or more). The commands will be for a 5 meter drive, they would be pleased it it moved a few centimeters in that drive.
Even if she is trapped, there's more science to be done. The Mossbauer spectrometer used to take 3 hours to take a measurement, now, due to the decay of the cobalt radioactive source, it takes days. So being stuck allows plenty of science.
Realistically, if Spirit is not extricated by February, it will likely be mission end, since the money could be better spent elsewhere. There's an annual review at that time.
Power is marginal; a few months ago it would not have survived winter (30% output), but a few cleaning events now have power up to 60%, which is just enough to survive winter. As long as things hold, it's OK. Of course, if she can get out, then the rover can be aligned to get even more power, but the odds of getting out aren't good.
Still, it's possible, and the team will try beginning Monday!
If you'd like to listen to the teleconference (about an hour) the phone # is 1-888-820-8959.