Spot Auriga the charioteer (and goat tender) in the winter sky

Auriga is one of those star patterns whose exact origin is a hopeless mix of antique conceptions.

Spot Auriga the charioteer (and goat tender) in the winter sky : Read more

As the report stated, "Finally, there is the best of the three: M37, located just outside the pentagon, is an exceptional star cluster with an apparent size almost as big as the moon in the night sky, and it's one of the finest clusters in the northern sky."

There are a number of open clusters visible in Auriga, using my 10x50 binoculars, 90-mm refractor telescope, and 10-inch Newtonian. Some of my favorites in Auriga are M37, M36, M38, NGC 185. When I viewed M37, my stargazing log note shows "Excellent open cluster using XT10i with 14-mm Delos at 86x. Rich open cluster with red giant near the center. Easy to view and enjoyable with many faint stars visible."