spotted something on mars

Dec 5, 2019
Last edited:
Dec 11, 2019
found something on mars in the PANGBOCHE crater near olympus mons on the hi res black and and white section on the right side of the crater at the smoothish crater bottom , their is a hillside with what looks like a ship thats has crashed into it, it really does stand out. i used google maps below is is some pictures of what i found.!ApnGztRxcI2ljItEGAcaj-Wk4UqVxg?e=lmgs3Q!ApnGztRxcI2ljItFhdkpmOzcwL-Xuw?e=Zfe2Z5

Ancient writings do say that a sect of humans lived on Mars. After a great cataclysm on Mars the surviving humans living on Mars were transported to Earth by a group called the Annunaki. So it would make sense that you would see a ship there. I am sure their are tons of things to be found their. I don't think NASA would tell us if they found something like that.
Quotation (not paraphrase) required.
[QUOTE="Truthseeker007, post: 509319, member: 1108176"Well Nasa would if they wern't run by the government. Because remember the gov don't want to be caught in a lie.
Again, nonsense.

When I read information like some are claiming in these threads about aliens or humans on Mars, I remember the *ancient sources* some cite to claim the *history*. Sumerian and Babylonian creation accounts contain seven clay tablets and the gods are fighting to make the universe. Marduk cuts up Tiamat (Tiamut) body and makes various objects like the Moon or firmament from her body. I recently watched (again) the movie, Gladiator with Russel Crowe in it (2000). The Sumerian and Babylonian creation accounts remind me of this movie :) Folks who use ancient source material like this to rewrite ancient history - claim the gods transported humans to Mars. However, I think experts in the field who can read Sumerian, Babylonian, and Akkadian written on the clay tablets - clearly do not see this in the ancient reports as numerous archaeology magazine reports over the decades show on these ancient texts.
Dec 28, 2019
Agreed. That second link does look like something artificial. (And not a NASA probe!) We used to have an entire Web site devoted to this kind of stuff. We scanned NASA photos on a daily basis -- especially orbital photos -- for this kind of stuff. It turns out, there are literally "tons" of suspicious-looking objects like this on Mars. And I'm not talking about things like the famous "Face" which has been shown to be what's called a pareidolon or natural feature that looks artificial. Of course, NASA explains away everything spotted that looks like it miight be artificial (and not of Earth origin) this way. (After all, they've got congressional funding to worry about.) My personal theory is that, billions of years ago when it might actually have been more habitable than Earth, Mars was colonized by beings from another star system. When Mars underwent the "climate change" that left it like it is today, they moved on leaving behind literally tons of their "junk" some of which has survived in visible form today. Anyway, thanks for the link. That second link does show something that looks mighty "suspicious:".
Dec 11, 2019
Quotation (not paraphrase) required.
[QUOTE="Truthseeker007, post: 509319, member: 1108176"Well Nasa would if they wern't run by the government. Because remember the gov don't want to be caught in a lie.
Again, nonsense.

How is it nonsense? You seen what happened when everyone wanted to go to Area 51. They sure didn't let the tax payers in because they are hiding things. All under the guise of National Security.
Dec 11, 2019
To you, maybe. There is not enough detail to make any judgment at all.
So did the charlatan Richard Hogland.
No, there are not.

That is not a theory. It barely qualifies as even a hypothesis.

I take it you are not a fan of Coast to Coast. Explain why Richard Hoagland is a charlatan in your opinion.
Dec 11, 2019
Again, nonsense.

When I read information like some are claiming in these threads about aliens or humans on Mars, I remember the *ancient sources* some cite to claim the *history*. Sumerian and Babylonian creation accounts contain seven clay tablets and the gods are fighting to make the universe. Marduk cuts up Tiamat (Tiamut) body and makes various objects like the Moon or firmament from her body. I recently watched (again) the movie, Gladiator with Russel Crowe in it (2000). The Sumerian and Babylonian creation accounts remind me of this movie :) Folks who use ancient source material like this to rewrite ancient history - claim the gods transported humans to Mars. However, I think experts in the field who can read Sumerian, Babylonian, and Akkadian written on the clay tablets - clearly do not see this in the ancient reports as numerous archaeology magazine reports over the decades show on these ancient texts.

The reason it wouldn't be reported in a truthful way by the so called experts is because it would change all of history and all the books would have to be rewritten. They would just rather toe the line and keep the "official version" of history to simple as coming from apes or that a god created Adam and Eve. And they would have to admit they have been wrong all along.
Getting back to the title of this whole discussion, 'spotted something on Mars', I use these common questions to find out the facts or perhaps, other interesting lines of inquiry to explore.
  • Who?
  • What?
  • Where?
  • When?
  • How?
  • Why?
So here are some answers based upon what I read and see in this discussion.

Who? Nasa
What? something
Where? Mars
When? recently released images
How? apparently Nasa imaging equipment
Why? Because Nasa likes sending out images like this

This seems to be the popular path to answer the questions based upon various posts - my opinion.

Who? E.T. advanced aliens
What? something identified as advanced alien artifacts
Where? Mars
When? This could range from the present to billions of years ago so no defined minimum or maximum ages provided to narrow down the investigation
How? E.T. advanced aliens came to Mars but how needs to be fleshed out with details like answers provided in rocket science research
Why? No real reason here as to why E.T. aliens would ever come to Mars - needs specifics for the why part

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Richard Hoagland is so far out there he is on the fringe of even pseudoscience.
Richard Hoagland saw a photo of a mound or mesa in the Cydonia region on Mars and noticed that it looked like a “face”. Of course, that has been proven to be an optical illusion, but that did not stop Hoagland from begnning a long career of Conspiracy Theories, establishing his Enterprise Mission Website, and developing what he calls hyperdimensional physics. He has expanded his Conspiracy Theories to a huge range of completely absurd and ridiculous claims. On SDC Uplink, his claims were discussed in great detail buy dozens of highly educated and well informed science oriented members and scientists. Everything Hoagland claimed is pure bunk. He is a Charlatan, feeding off gullible, impressionable, and stupid people.

Mental Avenger, why do you think various folks want to believe in E.T. aliens visiting Earth (past or present) or like this thread is about, depositing artifacts (something) on Mars? This is not a right or wrong answer, just curious to hear you opinion--Rod
Dec 28, 2019
To you, maybe. There is not enough detail to make any judgment at all.
So did the charlatan Richard Hogland.
No, there are not.

That is not a theory. It barely qualifies as even a hypothesis.

"Theory" loosely speaking. But, well, if it does quality as an hypothesis, then I'm cool with that. And BTW, I'm not claiming that any of this stuff actually IS artificial (hence "theory/hypothesis"). Just that it looks like it possibly MIGHT be. But there are many many objects (including an entire field of tetrahedral pyramids that NASA claims were formed by "wind and erosion" -- kind of a stretch it seems to me) that at least look "suspicious". All I'm really advocating is to keep an open mind. If we're spending resources on SETI looking for evidence of other intelligent life in the galaxy by detecting signals or observing megastructures, why not also what's called "planetary SETI" -- that is, finding ET artifacts in our own solar system including (especially) Mars? And Mars because it simply seems the likeliest place for aliens to have landed/colonized. My point being that such speculation is not absurd on the face of it, so at least looking for alien artifacts is not absurd either. I would agree that Richard Hoagland did a great disservice to this whole project with his wild dogmatic speculations. But that doesn't mean there isn't a legitimate approach to the subject (which I was trying to describe)....
"Theory" loosely speaking. But, well, if it does quality as an hypothesis, then I'm cool with that. And BTW, I'm not claiming that any of this stuff actually IS artificial (hence "theory/hypothesis"). Just that it looks like it possibly MIGHT be. But there are many many objects (including an entire field of tetrahedral pyramids that NASA claims were formed by "wind and erosion" -- kind of a stretch it seems to me) that at least look "suspicious". All I'm really advocating is to keep an open mind. If we're spending resources on SETI looking for evidence of other intelligent life in the galaxy by detecting signals or observing megastructures, why not also what's called "planetary SETI" -- that is, finding ET artifacts in our own solar system including (especially) Mars? And Mars because it simply seems the likeliest place for aliens to have landed/colonized. My point being that such speculation is not absurd on the face of it, so at least looking for alien artifacts is not absurd either. I would agree that Richard Hoagland did a great disservice to this whole project with his wild dogmatic speculations. But that doesn't mean there isn't a legitimate approach to the subject (which I was trying to describe)....

Interesting. Do you know how E.T. aliens traveled to Mars? E.g. what type of propulsion system did they use?
Do you know where E.T. aliens came from that visited Mars? E.g. there are 4160 confirmed exoplanets documented now, see The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia These exoplanets range in distance from earth, 4 to 35882 light-years with the average distance 2976 light-years away.

When did the E.T. aliens visit Mars? It is good to pin down the range of time here.
Three separate questions there. Based upon what I have seen and read:

Past: The unknown nature of the Universe and the need to make sense out of all the strange things that happened in the sky. The religious penchant for the “gods” coming from up there probably influenced the ET Alien beliefs since the gods would have essentially been aliens.

Present: With the awareness of the vastness of the Universe, the speculation that there may be other civilizations elsewhere was natural. With the advent of rockets and space travel, it followed that other civilizations would also develop that technology, and if advanced enough, could travel to Earth.

Artifacts on Mars: An extrapolation from the above Present comments.

Mental Avenger - good answers here. This is just my opinion about the present situation. I think various folks are throwing out the scientific method and rigorous testing standards to accept less validated theories and claims, promoted via social media and the Internet. This can be seen in groups who reject NASA Apollo missions, flat earth community teachings, groups going to find E.T. aliens on Mars, etc. Some I think have trouble with origins science or historical reconstructions used in science today to explain Earth history like the fossil record or even ancient history that is recorded. The *vastness of the Universe* does not require by natural law operating today in the universe to be populated with E.T. aliens buzzing all around :)
Dec 11, 2019
Getting back to the title of this whole discussion, 'spotted something on Mars', I use these common questions to find out the facts or perhaps, other interesting lines of inquiry to explore.
  • Who?
  • What?
  • Where?
  • When?
  • How?
  • Why?
So here are some answers based upon what I read and see in this discussion.

Who? Nasa
What? something
Where? Mars
When? recently released images
How? apparently Nasa imaging equipment
Why? Because Nasa likes sending out images like this

This seems to be the popular path to answer the questions based upon various posts - my opinion.

Who? E.T. advanced aliens
What? something identified as advanced alien artifacts
Where? Mars
When? This could range from the present to billions of years ago so no defined minimum or maximum ages provided to narrow down the investigation
How? E.T. advanced aliens came to Mars but how needs to be fleshed out with details like answers provided in rocket science research
Why? No real reason here as to why E.T. aliens would ever come to Mars - needs specifics for the why part


Very well.

Or in your last why. Could it be that a human civilization lived on Mars in the distant past? I think that is a possibility.
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Dec 11, 2019
Richard Hoagland is so far out there he is on the fringe of even pseudoscience.
Richard Hoagland saw a photo of a mound or mesa in the Cydonia region on Mars and noticed that it looked like a “face”. Of course, that has been proven to be an optical illusion, but that did not stop Hoagland from begnning a long career of Conspiracy Theories, establishing his Enterprise Mission Website, and developing what he calls hyperdimensional physics. He has expanded his Conspiracy Theories to a huge range of completely absurd and ridiculous claims. On SDC Uplink, his claims were discussed in great detail buy dozens of highly educated and well informed science oriented members and scientists. Everything Hoagland claimed is pure bunk. He is a Charlatan, feeding off gullible, impressionable, and stupid people.

Well I will have to kindly disagree with your opinion.
Every one is entitled to one though.

There you go with your Conspiracy Theory word again. :D You love that word don't! Would you classify yourself as a coincidental theorist?
Dec 11, 2019
Now you are arguing for the sake of arguing. You could not possibly be that naïve. Area 51 was used to test top secret aircraft built by the Skunk Works. That included spy planes and high performance aircraft designed to give the USA a technological and intelligence gathering advantage over adversarial governments during the Cold War, especially the Soviet Union. That is clearly a National Security issue.

It was the secrecy of the area that led Conspiracy Theorists to believe it had something to do with ET Aliens after the Roswell incident. All that ET Alien nonsense has since been completely and thoroughly debunked.

Isn't that a point of a forum to have a debate. Just because you think you know all the answers doesn't make you correct it only makes you think you know the answers. In other words many like to keep themselves inside a box never being able to get our see out of it.

I guess you have never heard of Bob Lazzar then. A whistle blower on Area 51 when the Gov said it didn't exist. I assume he is another Conspiracy Theorist in you book?lol!

And coincidental theorist think nothing is going on there because the Gov would never keep secrets like that from their population. :DCome on are you really that naïve to believe the Gov doesn't keep secrets from you especially when it comes to aliens?:D
Very well.

Or in your last why. Could it be that a human civilization lived on Mars in the distant past? I think that is a possibility.

Truthseeker007, the purpose of my six question outline was to demonstrate how quickly a path of *focused questioning* can lead to answers that contain information supporting or demonstrating how tentative some claims in science could be like discussions about E.T. aliens or human civilizations on Mars in antiquity. The Forums discussions at, most if not all content would never pass scientific peer review for publication - that includes my comments too :)

Here is my opinion about the discussion content offered about *spotted something on mars*. If the heliocentric solar system astronomers approached the scientific method using similar standards of testing and verification as the discussion here does to argue for *something on mars* as E.T. aliens or ancient humans on Mars - we would still be teaching the geocentric universe paradigm and likely the flat earth paradigm too. Science is based upon testing theories and confirming or falsifying claims. Science is also based upon making testable predictions like the phases of Venus in the heliocentric solar system paradigm or that Mars at opposition, can be closer to Earth than the Sun, something Tycho Brahe worked diligently to disprove because Tycho wanted to show Copernicus heliocentric solar system model was false. However, I note that people are free to speculate about origins and ancient history on Earth, Mars, or other exoplanets. Just present the content as *speculation* or my beliefs up front :)---Rod
Dec 28, 2019
Interesting. Do you know how E.T. aliens traveled to Mars? E.g. what type of propulsion system did they use?
Do you know where E.T. aliens came from that visited Mars? E.g. there are 4160 confirmed exoplanets documented now, see The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia These exoplanets range in distance from earth, 4 to 35882 light-years with the average distance 2976 light-years away.

When did the E.T. aliens visit Mars? It is good to pin down the range of time here.

You've got to assume either what are called "generation ships" with voyages lasting hundreds (possibly thousands) of years, so that the ship itself becomes a kind of interstellar colony (possibly a hollowed out asteroid or some such). Additionally, it has been shown that some means of propulsion (such as matter-antimatter reactors) can propel a spacecraft to a significant fraction of the speed of light. But I'm going with generation ships. Of course, there's no way really to know and, as I indicated, I'd be the first to admit that this is just pure speculation. IF ET artifacts are found on Mars (and I also agree that "suspicious looking" objects in photos aren't NECESSARILY artifacts but just MIGHT be) then we can speculate on how they got there. Right now what interests me is just the possible evidence that there are such artifacts. And since "planetary SETI" seems to me a legitimate form of SETI, I'm also interested in why NASA and lot of other researchers seems to rule this out for Mars a prioro and out of hand. Not a terribly scientific approach it seems to me. BTW, the other possibility is simply computer-operated interstellar probes like the ones we've sent, with possibly even a purely "robotic" colony being set up to study Mars. You've got to use your imagination with this kind of stuff. You've also got to not confuse what you can imagine happening with what actually happened. (This is Hoagland's whole problem. He thinks whatever ideas he cooks up about this kind of stuff MUST be the truth because he thought of them.)

BTW, as far as pinning down the range of time when the ET visits to Mars took place, I don't know if that's really possible. If "live" (as opposed to robotic) ETs, then billions of years ago probably, when Mars was more "habitable". If robotic probes, any time from billions of years ago to the present. Not really possibly to tell unless there turns out to be some way to determine the age of these "artifacts"....
You've got to assume either what are called "generation ships" with voyages lasting hundreds (possibly thousands) of years, so that the ship itself becomes a kind of interstellar colony (possibly a hollowed out asteroid or some such). Additionally, it has been shown that some means of propulsion (such as matter-antimatter reactors) can propel a spacecraft to a significant fraction of the speed of light. But I'm going with generation ships. Of course, there's no way really to know and, as I indicated, I'd be the first to admit that this is just pure speculation. IF ET artifacts are found on Mars (and I also agree that "suspicious looking" objects in photos aren't NECESSARILY artifacts but just MIGHT be) then we can speculate on how they got there. Right now what interests me is just the possible evidence that there are such artifacts. And since "planetary SETI" seems to me a legitimate form of SETI, I'm also interested in why NASA and lot of other researchers seems to rule this out for Mars a prioro and out of hand. Not a terribly scientific approach it seems to me. BTW, the other possibility is simply computer-operated interstellar probes like the ones we've sent, with possibly even a purely "robotic" colony being set up to study Mars. You've got to use your imagination with this kind of stuff. You've also got to not confuse what you can imagine happening with what actually happened. (This is Hoagland's whole problem. He thinks whatever ideas he cooks up about this kind of stuff MUST be the truth because he thought of them.)

BTW, as far as pinning down the range of time when the ET visits to Mars took place, I don't know if that's really possible. If "live" (as opposed to robotic) ETs, then billions of years ago probably, when Mars was more "habitable". If robotic probes, any time from billions of years ago to the present. Not really possibly to tell unless there turns out to be some way to determine the age of these "artifacts"....

"You've got to use your imagination with this kind of stuff. You've also got to not confuse what you can imagine happening with what actually happened."

Excellent observation here--Rod
Dec 28, 2019
Truthseeker007, the purpose of my six question outline was to demonstrate how quickly a path of *focused questioning* can lead to answers that contain information supporting or demonstrating how tentative some claims in science could be like discussions about E.T. aliens or human civilizations on Mars in antiquity. The Forums discussions at, most if not all content would never pass scientific peer review for publication - that includes my comments too :)

Here is my opinion about the discussion content offered about *spotted something on mars*. If the heliocentric solar system astronomers approached the scientific method using similar standards of testing and verification as the discussion here does to argue for *something on mars* as E.T. aliens or ancient humans on Mars - we would still be teaching the geocentric universe paradigm and likely the flat earth paradigm too. Science is based upon testing theories and confirming or falsifying claims. Science is also based upon making testable predictions like the phases of Venus in the heliocentric solar system paradigm or that Mars at opposition, can be closer to Earth than the Sun, something Tycho Brahe worked diligently to disprove because Tycho wanted to show Copernicus heliocentric solar system model was false. However, I note that people are free to speculate about origins and ancient history on Earth, Mars, or other exoplanets. Just present the content as *speculation* or my beliefs up front :)---Rod

I totally agree about the "speculation" part and I always try to frame my ideas in these terms. HOWEVER (note the "big however") as far as science goes, it seems to me that NASA scientists (in particular) are not being terribly "scientific" in the way they a priori rule out the very POSSIBILITY of alien artifacts on Mars. As I indicate in an earlier post on this thread, "planetary SETI" (the search for alien artifacts in our own solar system) strikes me as a perfectly legitimate version of SETI. (I mean if you're going to look for megastructures, etc., why not also include planetary SETI?) There are numerous very anomalous looking images of objects on Mars (especially taken from orbit but some from rovers also). It is what I'd call NASA's automatic "protocol" to dismiss every single one of these out of hand as a "natural formation" without further examination and without considering the other (obvious to me) possibility. Not terribly scientific that (I'm suggesting)....
I totally agree about the "speculation" part and I always try to frame my ideas in these terms. HOWEVER (note the "big however") as far as science goes, it seems to me that NASA scientists (in particular) are not being terribly "scientific" in the way they a priori rule out the very POSSIBILITY of alien artifacts on Mars. As I indicate in an earlier post on this thread, "planetary SETI" (the search for alien artifacts in our own solar system) strikes me as a perfectly legitimate version of SETI. (I mean if you're going to look for megastructures, etc., why not also include planetary SETI?) There are numerous very anomalous looking images of objects on Mars (especially taken from orbit but some from rovers also). It is what I'd call NASA's automatic "protocol" to dismiss every single one of these out of hand as a "natural formation" without further examination and without considering the other (obvious to me) possibility. Not terribly scientific that (I'm suggesting)....

Glad to see some thinking like yours here in the thread. When I view the Galilean moons using my telescopes today, Galileo observed those same moons in the early 1600s, the evidence pointed to serious problems with the geocentric universe teachers. My point is simple. I can verify today what Galileo reported some 400 years ago but I cannot verify images of *artifacts* on Mars as E.T. alien deposits and history with the same standard of verification. I understand why NASA would remain committed to rigorous scientific testing before advancing a theory like this.
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FYI for folks following this thread. I found this report very interesting on space travel times to the stars based upon present NASA spacecraft, Calculating the time it will take spacecraft to find their way to other star systems I note this near the end of the report "The researchers found that the four spacecraft will come somewhat close to approximately 60 stars over the course of the next 1 million years—and will come within two parsecs of approximately 10 of them. They also found that Pioneer 10 will likely be the first to pass by a star system—one called HIP 117795. It sits in the constellation Cassiopeia. Their calculations show that the spacecraft will pass within 0.231 parsecs of the star in approximately 90,000 years. They also found that all four of the spacecraft will travel for a very long time before they collide with or are captured by a star system—on the order of 10^20 years."

Using the Big Bang model, the universe is only 1.38E+10 years old so some of the spacecraft will take much longer than the age of the universe before reaching some stars :)
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Dec 28, 2019
To paraphrase an old adage, Suspicious is in the eye of the beholder. I have seen many photos of Mars, and have yet to see one that looks even slightly suspicious. As noted, there are natural formations on Earth far FAR more artificial looking than anything imaged so far on Mars. I have been studying this issue for a long time. Check out my post in the Win A Celestron Telescope Contest thread, page 3.

Until there is some verifiable evidence, there is no reason to waste resources on that. We already have very good cameras orbiting Mars, sending back images. There is no practical way to improve on that at this time.

There would be no way to remotely operate them from even the closest star.

You don't have to "remotely operate" them. They could be completely automated and simply send back data. Otherwise, same tired arguments against keeping an open mind on the subject.
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Dec 28, 2019
Your comment, "computer operated" is a long ways from Autonomous Operation.
Agreed, your hackneyed “open mind” arguments are tired as well as irrelevant in this instance.

Suppose an ET civilization is the "bold inheriting the stars". BTW, a probe with advanced AI capabilities (I didn't BTW say "computer operated") ought to be able to be pretty self-sufficient, in fact, totally self-sufficient. Plus, I've never understood why some people feel they need to adopt hostile tones like yours when discussing these kinds of possibilities. Basically trying to shout down ideas you happen to disagree with is not what I'd consider the most convincing type of argument....
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