spotted something on mars

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Dec 11, 2019
Truthseeker007, the purpose of my six question outline was to demonstrate how quickly a path of *focused questioning* can lead to answers that contain information supporting or demonstrating how tentative some claims in science could be like discussions about E.T. aliens or human civilizations on Mars in antiquity. The Forums discussions at, most if not all content would never pass scientific peer review for publication - that includes my comments too :)

Here is my opinion about the discussion content offered about *spotted something on mars*. If the heliocentric solar system astronomers approached the scientific method using similar standards of testing and verification as the discussion here does to argue for *something on mars* as E.T. aliens or ancient humans on Mars - we would still be teaching the geocentric universe paradigm and likely the flat earth paradigm too. Science is based upon testing theories and confirming or falsifying claims. Science is also based upon making testable predictions like the phases of Venus in the heliocentric solar system paradigm or that Mars at opposition, can be closer to Earth than the Sun, something Tycho Brahe worked diligently to disprove because Tycho wanted to show Copernicus heliocentric solar system model was false. However, I note that people are free to speculate about origins and ancient history on Earth, Mars, or other exoplanets. Just present the content as *speculation* or my beliefs up front :)---Rod

Yes and that is very understood. I am glad science does to that for the most part. I guess that is why I tend to like Quantum mechanics and physics because they seem to go a little deeper than your average main stream scientist. As always thanks for your input Rod.
Dec 11, 2019
FYI for folks following this thread. I found this report very interesting on space travel times to the stars based upon present NASA spacecraft, Calculating the time it will take spacecraft to find their way to other star systems I note this near the end of the report "The researchers found that the four spacecraft will come somewhat close to approximately 60 stars over the course of the next 1 million years—and will come within two parsecs of approximately 10 of them. They also found that Pioneer 10 will likely be the first to pass by a star system—one called HIP 117795. It sits in the constellation Cassiopeia. Their calculations show that the spacecraft will pass within 0.231 parsecs of the star in approximately 90,000 years. They also found that all four of the spacecraft will travel for a very long time before they collide with or are captured by a star system—on the order of 10^20 years."

Using the Big Bang model, the universe is only 1.38E+10 years old so some of the spacecraft will take much longer than the age of the universe before reaching some stars :)

Which is why we need a different form of travel. The travel we have now is just not going to work. I do think teleportation is possible but I don't Big Petro will let that happen anytime soon.
Dec 11, 2019
How do you think that teleportation would work? Do you have a hypothesis on the physics involved?
The teleportation fantasized in Star Trek would not work. That required a computer to map all of the atoms in the human body, send that pattern to a distant location, where that pattern is used to reconstruct the body presumably from nearby sources of atoms. Since living organisms are always in flux, virtually every cell, and therefore most of the atoms dynamically changing, moving, combining, splitting, and interacting in picoseconds or less, there would be no way to “scan” the ~7*10^27 atoms, store the information, transmit it, and scavenge atoms to reconstruct the body. That does not even take into account that most of those atoms wouldn’t even be available at the receiving end.

What is a description of the way you imagine it could be done?

I don't have a hypothesis but according to some it has already been done. There have been a few whistleblowers on the matter. But sure in the beginning stages people died and lost limbs until they zoned in on the process. Just use your search page there and type in teleportation has already been done. One name just thinking off the top of my head is an Andrew Basaigo.
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Dec 11, 2019
OMG, you MUST be joking. No rational person could believe such BS. Good Lord!!!

Very true that nobody would believe it. I mean even take a look at all Nickola Tesla did and most of what he found and did was locked away. It is obvious that Big Petroleum would never let teleportation out because their whole system would go down. To much money is made on big oil.
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Dwight Huth

Oct 22, 2019
The Vedas....

Well Nasa would if they wern't run by the government. Because remember the gov don't want to be caught in a lie.

Not the government but the far right wingers who believe that their religion puts them above everyone else, including the proof of human life having existing on Mars. Basically the far right wingers occupy two aspects of their religion, the first being that the Earth is the Nine Hells that no one should be allowed to escape from because such as though takes away their belief that everyone is below them because their God is above them. A place above them that no one should be allowed to occupy other then the ethereal sense, chemically induced delusions' of theirself being like God.
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Dwight Huth

Oct 22, 2019
Richard Hoagland is so far out there he is on the fringe of even pseudoscience.
Richard Hoagland saw a photo of a mound or mesa in the Cydonia region on Mars and noticed that it looked like a “face”. Of course, that has been proven to be an optical illusion, but that did not stop Hoagland from begnning a long career of Conspiracy Theories, establishing his Enterprise Mission Website, and developing what he calls hyperdimensional physics. He has expanded his Conspiracy Theories to a huge range of completely absurd and ridiculous claims. On SDC Uplink, his claims were discussed in great detail buy dozens of highly educated and well informed science oriented members and scientists. Everything Hoagland claimed is pure bunk. He is a Charlatan, feeding off gullible, impressionable, and stupid people.

If hyper dimensional theories don't exist, then how do you explain the word JOXEY that I found in the stardust of a photo I took through my 127mm Star Max of Vega in the Lyra constellation a few months ago? According to you the word shouldn't exist. But it does and there it is. Complex letters formed at a right angle. Not to mention the word S igH t I found as well in another shot of Sheliak.

You can sit there and tell me all day long that it is just this or that. But two things are real, the first being that the image is not a rock insect on Mars and secondly, the image is made of light that is in the UV spectrum. Granted, light might form letters, I haven't come across numbers yet though, I take that back. Light will never arranged itself in the shape of a letter or number. The reflection variables and interactions are nearly an infinite and random medium.


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Dwight Huth

Oct 22, 2019

Nope, those are real images take from a photo of Vega. Here let me show you a little bit more of the image that has Joxey in it. The only BS is your hyperbolic flat Earth mentality.

Here's the bet. Download the image and take it to someplace and have it tested. If you can prove the photo a fake that has been created using painting technique or basically that I made it in PSP and did not take it through my telescope then I will never mention anything about it again. But if you are proven wrong then you owe me $2,500. The only editing that you find is the pointer arrow and my name at the bottom.

Remember I have the entire image that includes Vega as well along with the RAW data file to support and reinforce any fake attempts by your group that has determined this a fake image.

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The bullshit is that it means something. It is meaningless. A cloud shaped like an elephant isn't an elephant, it is a cloud. As every child knows, images in space that may "appear" to be something, like the Big Dipper, are only an illusion created by objects at different distances, and when viewed from a different angle don't resemble anything at all. There is no actual word in your photo. The question is, why are you trolling this forum with this meaningless drivel??

Good question by Mental Avenger. Amature astronomers use backyard telescopes for spectroscopy as reported by Sky & Telescope The Revival of Amateur Spectroscopy The report shows the star Vega is imaged too "With my 12-inch Meade Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope and a Rainbow Optics transmission grating arranged to yield a low-resolution spectrum having a dispersion of 40 angstroms per pixel, I can record the spectrum of zero-magnitude Vega with a 1/100-second exposure." The images and claims presented in the forums say it is UV spectrum. Difficult to do, however the professionals have no problem with UV spectrums for the star Vega, "Understanding the formation of the UV spectrum of individual stars is essential in order to quantitatively determine stellar abundances for a number of chemical elements that only produce measurable features in the UV domain such as B, Be, or the neutron capture elements Pb and Ge. A proper understanding of the spectra of individual stars is also crucial to interpret integrated light from galaxies and other stellar systems...In this paper we deal with Vega (α Lyr, HD 172167, A0V). This star is not straightforward to model, because it has a dust and gas disk (Walgate 1983; Wilner et al. 2002) which produces an IR flux excess; it is a fast rotator seen pole-on (Gulliver et al. 1994); and it is possibly variable (Vasil’Yev et al. 1989). Moreover, it has a peculiar abundance pattern, similar to that of λ Boo stars (Iliji´c et al. 1998), that is, with a relative underabundance of Fe-like elements with respect to the Sun, but solar proportions of C, N, O, and S. Despite these difficulties, Vega is one of the few dwarf stars that can be used to test detailed calculations of UV irradiances: both precise UV spectrophotometry and independent measurements of its angular diameter are available."

The star Vega is imaged by the IUE satellite too UV Spectral Synthesis of Vega

What the other reports of the star Vega in UV spectrum show - is not what is being presented in this forum. The equipment, 127mm Star Max is available from Orion telescopes too.
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Dec 11, 2019
Not the government but the far right wingers who believe that their religion puts them above everyone else, including the proof of human life having existing on Mars. Basically the far right wingers occupy two aspects of their religion, the first being that the Earth is the Nine Hells that no one should be allowed to escape from because such as though takes away their belief that everyone is below them because their God is above them. A place above them that no one should be allowed to occupy other then the ethereal sense, chemically induced delusions' of theirself being like God.

That is a good point Dwight.Well a lot of the government is far right! I find it funny that the god they worship was probably an! I mean have you ever read the old testament how Yehweh acts? I mean he flys around in a pillar of fire. He is an awful dictator also killing a lot of humans. And Moses could only see Yehweh's back side. No!
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Dec 11, 2019
Nope, those are real images take from a photo of Vega. Here let me show you a little bit more of the image that has Joxey in it. The only BS is your hyperbolic flat Earth mentality.

Here's the bet. Download the image and take it to someplace and have it tested. If you can prove the photo a fake that has been created using painting technique or basically that I made it in PSP and did not take it through my telescope then I will never mention anything about it again. But if you are proven wrong then you owe me $2,500. The only editing that you find is the pointer arrow and my name at the bottom.

Remember I have the entire image that includes Vega as well along with the RAW data file to support and reinforce any fake attempts by your group that has determined this a fake image.


That is pretty amazing Dwight and thanks for sharing. Whatever they are still pretty amazing. The other 2 have an answer for everything like a Christian has about their religion. :) But hey makes for great debate.
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Dec 11, 2019
I never said, insinuated, suggested, nor alluded to any such thing. Some things can be known, some are not known, some will probably never be known. However, there are many things that the overwhelming, credible, verifiable evidence indicates are true or false.

Yuck it up, Chuckles. There is no credible or verifiable evidence, let alone proof, to support his claims. There is zero credible, verifiable evidence of the existence of ET Aliens, let alone ET Aliens on Earth. As noted, I was involved with a group of actual scientists who were using the latest technology to determine if there was any evidence of ET Aliens on Earth. They found none. In all these years not one single iota of credible evidence has been found.
FYI, every technological advancement we have has a verifiable trail including all of the discoveries, experimentation, testing, and development. There is NO technology that required reverse engineering any alleged “alien” technology. Zero.

First, “the Government” is not an entity. It is a group of some 15 million individuals, each with their own beliefs, desires, needs, and agendas, with a wide variety of responsibilities and authority.
It is in the interest of National Security for certain elements in the government to keep some projects and procedures secret from the enemy, whoever that may be. To do that, they naturally have to keep those secrets from their own citizens. That has nothing to do with any fictitious ET Aliens.

I highly doubt you were involved with MUFON and if you were you wouldn't be able to talk about it from having to sign a nondisclosure agreement.

Well for starters if your number is correct that their are 15 million government workers than it is obvious our government is way to big and will impload when their isn't enough people doing regular jobs to pay the taxes in which this big gov cost.

It only takes a few to control the many and especially if they work for the gov. Not to mention the government is compartmentalized and the left hand don't know what the right hand is doing. With nondisclosure agreements punishable by death it is very easy for governments to keep secrets.

There has been many death bead confessions but I guess those aren't facts to you.


Staff member
Oct 10, 2019
Let's keep this on topic folks. We've removed some off topic, flaming and trolling comments. I know it's hard in the heat of debate to maintain composure sometimes, but it's important to remember personal attacks and flames aren't permitted on these forums, and to stay respectful when engaging in discussions. :)

There is a TON of amazing discussion to be had here, but our forums require that you post respectfully of each other. Please keep things civil across threads and topics and stick to discussing ideas rather then attacking the person behind the idea. Continuing to do so will result in warnings or bans.
Let's keep this on topic folks. We've removed some off topic, flaming and trolling comments. I know it's hard in the heat of debate to maintain composure sometimes, but it's important to remember personal attacks and flames aren't permitted on these forums, and to stay respectful when engaging in discussions. :)

There is a TON of amazing discussion to be had here, but our forums require that you post respectfully of each other. Please keep things civil across threads and topics and stick to discussing ideas rather then attacking the person behind the idea. Continuing to do so will result in warnings or bans.

Rod agrees, I enjoy good scholarship and discussions. Some claims presented in the forums are out there for me :) I note that some posted images of the star Vega in this thread claiming UV spectrum images show interesting things - this departed from *spotted something on mars* discussions. Glad to see staff do monitor, including what I may say too :)
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Dec 28, 2019
If there are no non-natural artifacts, then there is no evidence of ET Alien visitation, so that is irrelevant.

Yes, you did. Exact quote: “BTW, the other possibility is simply computer-operated interstellar probes“. (post #27) Are you going to now argue about the dash?

You are wrong, but you are welcome to your opinion. As always, I am trying to be the voice of reason.

An AI operated probe would obviously be "computer operated" OK. But still with "advanced AI." If you just say "computer operated" I would agree that's not sufficient. I also still don't get your hostile, nit-picky tone. What does that "prove"? NOTHING.
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Jan 5, 2020
More probable is one a action of the decent stage used for any one of the Mars landers over the last 25 years.
Jan 5, 2020
found something on mars
I also saw .. what someone else spotted on Mars. A partly soil covered city that the U of AZ tried to hide when they handled the nasa project/photos. . Full expose and IR shots. Ancient cities? According to et,, Mars was 1st moved out of its original orbit by the Destroyer Comet, and finally shoved right out by the explosion of the 3rd inhabited Planet in our Sol System, Milona/Phaeton, when it was destroyed in a local war in 195,960BC. Tens of millions of human died in both Panets. Milona was destroyed wheneone faction drove the sea through the crust into the Planezs hot magma.
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Jan 11, 2020
Ancient writings do say that a sect of humans lived on Mars. After a great cataclysm on Mars the surviving humans living on Mars were transported to Earth by a group called the Annunaki. So it would make sense that you would see a ship there. I am sure their are tons of things to be found their. I don't think NASA would tell us if they found something like that.

Nu Wa's Ark as well in Chinese culture is simular to Noah's Ark could have been brought to the west from Alexander The Great "and the stars shifted and we resettled" it quotes. Maybe Mars was destroyed from a Gamma Ray Burst causing its Red Soil. Only the surface is Red a thin layer.
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Dec 11, 2019
Nu Wa's Ark as well in Chinese culture is simular to Noah's Ark could have been brought to the west from Alexander The Great "and the stars shifted and we resettled" it quotes. Maybe Mars was destroyed from a Gamma Ray Burst causing its Red Soil. Only the surface is Red a thin layer.
There are many ancient stories about a flood which I think the Noah's version was based off of. The Babylonian one if I recall correctly off hand how Enlil was tired off the humans being loud so he wanted to flood them out and kill them all. But the half brother Enki saved the humans by telling them what Enlil was going to do.
Jan 13, 2020
If hyper dimensional theories don't exist, then how do you explain the word JOXEY that I found in the stardust of a photo I took through my 127mm Star Max of Vega in the Lyra constellation a few months ago?
Simple: your brain is hardwired to make sense of what it sees and to see recognizable patterns. How odd that they would communicate in modern English letters, and those are the same letters you are familiar with... Don't ya think?
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Dec 11, 2019
Because floods have always happened. There have been British children for 1000 years. My intuition tells me this is what the Harry Potter stories are based on. ;)

Yea but a Christian wants to tell you it was the whole! And they put all the animals on an ark.:D I really don't even know how grownups can believe it literally happened that way but they! I thought the writer of Harry Potter had a dream and that's how she came up with the story. I don't know I never could get into it. I tried watching one of the movies once and fell!
Dec 28, 2019
I just came across the following image of a rather amazing natural formation on Earth. I can virtually guarantee that if something similar were photographed from Mars orbit, Hoaglandites would be all over it --


This is in the Sahara and it's called (appropriately) "Eye of the Sahara". In fact, my idea (if I ever get the time) is to assemble a large collection of images like this (of natural formations that "look" like they could be artificial) precisely in order to use them as reference materials in searching for evidence of planetary SETI....
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