Star Trek Resort Hotel & Conference Center & Park

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Here is an idea I have proposed to Paramount Pictures now, several times since 1986, and in every case, they never responded??!! Hmmm!<br /><br />This is side view.


Here is an idea I have proposed to Paramount Pictures now, several times since 1986, and in every case, they never responded??!! Hmmm! <br /><br />This is fron view.


Here is an idea I have proposed to Paramount Pictures now, several times since 1986, and in every case, they never responded??!! Hmmm! <br /><br />This is back view.


I had proposed that this be the Global Museum for all Star Trek artifacts.<br /><br />I had also proposed that this be a Science Fact museum, and have many hands on exhibits of a futuristic nature to engage kids k through 12!<br /><br />I had also suggested this could be used as a Space & Science summer camp!<br /><br />I had also proposed that it could be used for a biannual Global Star Trek Festival, Conference, and Get-together!<br /><br />This Facility would offer rides around and to the main Enterprise Hotel Complex, on full-scale shuttlecraft!<br /><br />Staff would all be dressed in Star Fleet uniforms or Star Trek attire. All interiors and exteriors would be exactly as in the movies!<br /><br />I also suggested that this state of the art facility, could be a test bed for advanced consumer and commercial technologies!<br /><br />I also suggested that this facility would attract conferences and meetings from Technology, Scientific, and Academic Organizations & Groups, from around the World!<br /><br />I suggested this facility be built near the Washington, D.C. Area, so the two attractions and points of interest would compliment each other.<br /><br />What do you think?


They might have taken you more seriously if you had spelled fabrication correctly.<br /><br />There are times when correct spelling is absolutely mandatory. The net is not one of them, but any sort of proposal requires it. Kind of like a resume. Spelling and grammar errors mean it gets immediately tossed out.<br /><br />I remember a long time ago, someone at work (who was considered 'not the sharpest knife in the drawer), started showing everyone his new resume, since he was quitting and looking for something else. It looked great, he was so proud. I didn't have the heart to tell him the glaring error he had in it. There, in big bold text, was a heading for a section of all awards he had earned in his career. The heading? "Employee Accommodations". Correctly spelled, the spell checker make sure of that. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><strong><font color="#ff0000">Vote </font><font color="#3366ff">Libertarian</font></strong></p> </div>


There's a hotel in Vegas that has a Star Trek "experience" themed ride/event/activity. I haven't been to it but a friend of mine said it was awesome. There's a "transporter" effect that supposedly blows the audience's socks off. I'd take a look at how much success it has had and use it to boost your idea.<br /><br />Just taking a look at your design, I'd say it looks huge and extremely expensive. Is this a 1:1 scale mockup of the Enterprise?<br /><br />It would be easier to do a smaller scale mockup with interior spaces which gives the illusion of being 1:1 scale. Once you reach a certain point "big" is just as impressive as "bigger" if you get my meaning. The public wont notice that it isnt a true, 1:1 scale mockup if it is doen correctly. Take a look at some ideas from various "set design" sites/books for stage plays. Incorporate some magician optical illusion effects and then see what Disney and Universal Studios has done for large scale "looking" mockups.<br /><br />Still, I like the idea. The problem is that it wouldn't be able to be fully self-sustaining. It would need to either go into an existing theme park or someplace like Vegas, where funds and support services would be available to make it profitable.<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1">I put on my robe and wizard hat...</font> </div>


larper, first let me say, these pictures and design drawings are notarized originals from 1986, which cannot be altered for legal reasons. This to protect my work and ideas, from others claiming they did it, or thought of it first, and thus try to steal my work! So, I am aware of the spelling error, and this has been brought up many times over the years already! :)<br /><br />Just so you know, I had dyslexia when I was a child, due to the fact that I have a lazy eye. This affected my early development in the written language areas, and haunts me even today. However, my I.Q. is in the Genius end of the I.Q. scale, so just because I cannot spell well, does not mean I am dumb!<br /><br />My mind deals with images, graphs, and drawings far better than written language. That is why I am a designer, engineer, and inventor.<br /><br />I am always amazed at the viscous attacks by academic and social elites, against our geniuses and inventors because they do not have a silver spoon up their butts! :)<br /><br />Lets see, I do not see English language Butterfly’s turning out Mathematical Models & Formulas which will fill several black boards, or creating thousands of Technical Drawings and Blue Prints!!?? Hmmmm...!? ;-)<br /><br />So does that mean that these English language Butterfly’s are dumb irrelevant idiots because they can't use sophisticated formulas or create or draw advanced artwork or blue prints! Hmmm!? :-I<br /><br />I think spelling is important, yes, especially in a formal presentation!<br /><br />However, if one single spelling error in a final presentation slips through unnoticed by mistake or oversight and the whole presentation or proposal is ignored, this is totally idiotic, and in the case of a Genius like me who has had childhood dyslexia, is a form of discrimination, indeed!<br /><br />I am always amazed at the fact you can present a 20 page report or proposal to some elite pin head, and they will find that one spelling error, and harp on it and not ma


I think the original Enterprise from the TV show would be better than the movie version.<br /><br />link to image<br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


You may be over reacting a little much. Spelling on the "net" is an optional affair. Spelling in a legal document, critical presentation etc is not optional. The importance lies in the implications misspellings have regarding the author's attention to detail in the minds of the reader/audience.<br /><br />If you notice, he did not overly criticize you for the mistake. He even toned it down with an example of someone else's error in an attempt to be demonstratably instructive.<br /><br />I'm not an architect. However, the project you propose looks to be very expensive. The importance here is not creating a monument, but creating a themed area which will draw customers, create revenue and act as a public showcase of "Star Trek." In designing a building like this, there may be some additional things you might want to consider:<br /><br />1) Why? Why build the building? What would such a building offer that is not already available? What's the big deal? ie: Why would people go there? Is it a ride? If so, what is it like?<br />2) How will this building justify the expense to build it? A monument is self-justifying to a certain extent. However, this is a themed site. What are the qualities that justify the expense? Return on investment? Facilities not previously available? etc..<br />3) If revenue production is a concern, how will this building return revenue? Will hotel rooms be leased? If so, how much would they cost and what is the expected occupancy rate? Are facilities present for conventions? If so, what staff expense is expected above and beyond regular hotel staff? Is admission charged for access to the primary reason the building is there? If so, what would be the break-even point per guest?<br />4) Ongoing maintenance. What power capacities, infrastructure demands would this building need in order to be fully operational? Can the power considerations, utilities, hvac be housed in the structure? Would auxillary facilities be needed and what would t <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1">I put on my robe and wizard hat...</font> </div>


<font color="yellow">Leo - I think the original Enterprise from the TV show would be better than the movie version. </font><br /><br />Oh yeah. To see the ship I dreamed of as a boy! .. the captains chair! .. the "whirring/whizzing/gizmo" sounds on the bridge!.. Scotties "Oh crap I have to hit alot of buttons or we're doomed" station in Engineering!.. the Jeffries tube! and last, but not least... the "GNDN" pipes!!<br /><br />(GNDN Pipes - They wanted to have some labels on various, important looking, pipes and conduits on the ship set. In large facilities, important pipes are labeled and they wanted that "feel." "GNDN" means "Goes Nowhere, Does Nothing." <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /><br /><br />I'd love to be on the bridge when Red Alert sounds and everything gets tilted as the "We're in trouble again.." music plays! Da duh da duh dada duduh, da duh da duh daDA DUHDUH!!!<br /><br /><br />P.S. Female staffers WOULD be required to wear those skimply little miniskirts they wore in the original series right? That would be a must!<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1">I put on my robe and wizard hat...</font> </div>


Yes to all. Especially the miniskirts. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


1) Why? Why build the building?<br /><br />*A) The building acts as a protection for the main center of attraction, the main hotel complex, ie: Enterprise.<br /><br />*B) The building acts as a full conference center facility, as the floor area beneath the Enterprise is usable space for conventions, public events, and entertainment.<br /><br />*C) The interior space in side the building is canvassed with state of the art projection systems, which can project a wide range of space environments around the Enterprise on the buildings interior walls, ie: In a Planets Orbit, a Combat Scenes, Other Ships or Space Stations Near By, and Movement through Space or by Planets or Objects. For those in side the Enterprise, in the Shuttle Rides, on the Convention Floor, and in Viewing Ports in the Main Building to allow views of the Enterprise, would all get the look and feel of Scale and Realism, Up Close, and in Real Time! This will give a sense that you really are in space!<br /><br />*D) The building would house various attractions and facilities, like Game Rooms, Laser Tag Fields, sports & exercise facilities, restaurants, shopping, conference & meeting facilities, guest rooms, rental apartments, staff housing, rental office spaces, management offices, class rooms, lecture rooms, museum space & facilities, clubs & live entertainment, Star Trek specific attractions & facilities, public & emergency services, rides & interactive attractions, ect., ect.<br /><br />*E) The building would itself be a Mega Center for a wide range of services, facilities, and attractions not just "Star Trek" related, but also Academic, Scientific, State of the art Resort Hotel & Conference Center, Commercial and Rental Properties, Ect. Ect.<br /><br />What would such a building offer that is not already available?<br /><br />*A) No such "Exclusive" Star Trek Based Facility or Mega Center exists any where in the world, presently!<br /><br />*B) No Walt Disney Scale Star Trek Facilit


Leovinus, I did infact propose the Original Enterprise as the center of attraction, but the Bankers and Advisors had suggested at that time, that this might be seen as old news, and that a newer version of Enterprise might look more "IN" and garner more support from a wider range of Star Trek and Sci-Fi fans Globally.<br /><br />Just so you know this was only one building in a complex of buildings, which were proposed in my plans.<br /><br />Other smaller scale, but still large scale replicas which people could be on, like a real ship, like other Star Trek Enterprise Variants, and other Star Trek Ships like a Klingon Battle Cruiser, would also be at this facility. Each Ship Complex would be connected by the Shuttle Craft mock Transit System! And each Building and Ship Mock Up would all be themed to the Ship and its Sci-Fi era and Crew.<br /><br />If this Facility ever came to be, and the Bi-Annual Global Star Trek Conventions occurred as i have suggested and proposed! You would get off on the Klingon Battle Cruiser and every type of klingon Wantabe would be running around, or if you got off on the Enterprise every Star Fleet Wantabe would be running around! Could be a very interesting environment!? :)<br /><br />That is until the Klingons decide to attack and board the Enterprise! ;-) "LOL......."<br />


Leovinus: "Yes to all. Especially the miniskirts."<br /><br />Those too! ;-) Hmm!<br /><br />A few big busted Klingon Female's Too! :) "LOL..."<br />


Have you thought of trying to go at it from the other end...namely a hotel in Vegas! There is already a ST themed area of the MGM which pretty faithfully reproduced the "D", bridge and transporter rooms and corridors. It was done quite well...even though the main view screen "film" was showing it's age when I visited. <br /><br />The hotels of Vegas are something to be hold they go off in many wildly divergant themes. A complex (Disneyesque resort) such as you concieve should do well there.<br /><br />To give you a little incentive there is a hotel planned to simulate a lunar base/ colony, and one outfit headquartered in town is raising funds to build a TITANIC 2. (yep for the north alantic run) I understand the first sailing is already has some notables signed on for the maiden voyage. Cunard, is supposedly interested in the project as well.<br /><br />Back to the theme park... it would be curious to see if the hotel could be furnished by Starship. One wing for TOS, one for Next Gen one for Voyager etc.<br /><br />Regards,<br />Chuck


If you don't mind, I would like to post some constructive criticism regarding your building proposal. I am not bashing you. I am only trying to help by introduce a reality check that may help you put your idea in perspective.<br /><br />Keep in mind, money is never spent unless it can be fully justified. Corporations don't build monuments, they build attractions and revenue generators. For someone to invest in a project, they must be reasonably assured of a return. Of course, there are philantrhopists and charitable organizations out there. However, even if they do not invest for profit, they do invest with an interest of maximizing their effort.<br /><br />1) A full scale mockup is not necessary for any of the purposes that you have detailed. All suggested "ST" themed activities could take place using traditional theme-park designs. Until a suitable purpose which necessitates the need for a full scale mockup exists, there is no reason to go to the expense to build one. To put it in perspective, you are talking about a building that contains a unrestricted, fully enclosed, interior space greater than three/four football fields in diameter. Football stadiums are major investments that are supported by an entire city. It's not a practical building that you have proposed.<br /><br />2) The uses of the building are somewhat broad. I would suggest limiting the design to a Star Trek theme only. Convention facilities would be open for rental to anyone with the will and funding to do so. This could allow for special displays relating to science/space etc without interferring with the main theme. Too much going on within the building would detract from the "suspension of disbelief" you are trying to create.<br /><br />3) While the Star Trek franchise obviously has one of the most dedicated and widely supported fanbases, it would not guarrantee enough revenue to justify the complex building and event structure you have proposed. You would need events centered around t <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1">I put on my robe and wizard hat...</font> </div>


a_lost_packet_: "If you don't mind, I would like to post some constructive criticism regarding your building proposal. I am not bashing you. I am only trying to help by introduce a reality check that may help you put your idea in perspective."<br /><br />As the details of my final proposal are still confidential, I can only speak in general terms.<br /><br />Yes, the issue of Scale was addressed, and could have been scaled down. But it is the Scale and Awe, which was purposely focused on. This alone would make it a must see, and a Global Attraction. Atlantic City would be of bad taste and would not be conducive to such a facility. The Central East Coast near Washington, D.C. area like maybe in VA, would be the best location.<br /><br />The idea of presenting more than "JUST" Star Trek or Sci-Fi was purposely done; so as to make this facility a fully year round attraction and resource. As I stated at certain times of the year, the entire facility would be closed to all but specifically Star Trek related events and theme.<br /><br />This Facility would also be a society magnet to interest the General Public in Science and Technology, and in particular Space Exploration issues, efforts, and organizations.<br /><br /><br />Thanks for your comments, and my proposal did cover all those issues, and more!<br /><br />Chevy Chase Bank, was interested seriously in the late 1980's, but pulled out because of some failures that nearly doomed the bank.<br /><br />And as far as your comment that this building would be too big and not possible!? That would be wrong, as a number of Sports Complex's (Domes & Standing Covered Structures) are much larger than this building!<br /><br />I still have this proposal out and circulating even today! :)
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