I am genuinely surprised to find that you think Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker should be placed higher, and that you don't have them lower. "But, it’s this very rule-breaking that actually makes it one of the best Star Wars movies" no it doesn't, the rule breaking, ignoring Star Wars History, and the terrible backstory is why a lot of people hate this movie, and the sequels in general. And about the prequels, Revenge of the Sith is easily in the top 5 best Star Wars movies, "the whole arc just came off as ridiculous and unbelievable" you just perfectly described the sequels. Yes, Attack of the Clones is might be the worst prequel movie, but the Senate reason is complete BS. The Senate appears only in one scene, and as far as Anakin-Padme romance, yeah it wasn't good, but everyone completely exaggerates how bad it is. The bad scenes are only in the first hour or so, and even then they're not that long. The Clone Wars show being "decent"? Please, you have to be trolling.