stargate question

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Ok so i have a question about how the stargates work from any of the stargate series' or the movie. I understand the basic concepts of how the gates work and the concepts of using worm holes. MY question is how does the gate your dailing out from communicate with the gate at the other end to establish a worm hole. Can anyone help?


If I remember correctly from one episode where we gave certian Gouald gates a virus to keep them from being able to dial, the gates stay in more or less constant contact with each other, updating every so often. In the episode I'm talking about all the gates got the virus and quit working for a while. Trying to remember how we fixed it... Or did the gates fix themselves? Dont remember.
Anyway, I don't know exactly HOW they stay in contact, but they are built to do so and update each other periodically.
Hope that helps.


Well it's just sci-fi but,

Each "Gate" has a unique address, like our postal service. When you dial out it "searches" the gate network for the address of that particular gate and establishes contact, confirms the address, and creates the wormhole.

There are various scenes in episodes that support the gates work this way. Personally, I could care less because the objective is to tell an interesting story, given a staged background, and I thing SG-1 was sucessful at that for most of its 10 season run.

We'll have to see if SGU can compete.


I think it was through subspace communication that the gates stayed linked up. You know, in subspace, the light speed limit isn't as slow. ;)
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