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Between me and thee, I use a desktop word file, where I cut/paste relevant urls as I go along. They're clickable, and keep a running log of where I have been.

'course, that's just me...


yevaud":31i2eork said:
Between me and thee, I use a desktop word file, where I cut/paste relevant urls as I go along. They're clickable, and keep a running log of where I have been.

'course, that's just me...
I find the post form quite convenient, it helps with formating and such, not that there could not be improvements like more emoticons, free, not that hard to find, for example. (Google 'phpbb free emoticons')
I don't use Word, or any similar thing, except what's necessary. If i'd use external editor, that would be UltraEdit, my main axe. I can define syntax for forum posting, but would have to mess with macros, and yada yada ..
I would prefer to stay in the site bounds, at least for this part, independent of the machine and os. It makes life easier.


yevaud":3nnggtqp said:
Between me and thee, I use a desktop word file, where I cut/paste relevant urls as I go along. They're clickable, and keep a running log of where I have been.

'course, that's just me...

I use a similar hotpad type system. When refs start to build up, I open up a doc and C/P urls. Of course, I also have fifty-eleven windows open at the same time.. Firefox doesn't like that. :/ Gotta find the prefs to fix it one of these days.


From Community Guidelines:
Before starting a new discussion, check to see if there is already a discussion on that topic within the last week or so. If there is, please post in that discussion. This pertains especially to breaking news, which often results in multiple discussions on the topic. This not only makes exchanges on the subject difficult, but also pushes other discussions down the list. Duplicate threads may be closed or deleted.

We encourage members to try to post their discussion in the forum which is most appropriate for the subject they are presenting. Sometimes it can be difficult to decide which one is the best, but we request that you take the necessary time to make sure you are posting in the correct one.
This seams to be a problem, at least in SB&T, and there are also parallel, related discussions on the different parts of the site for which i think would benefit from some kind of interconnection.
I hope you are not proposing a standard set of tools for posting on this site which would include external editors for different kinds of formats ? I use that, no problem, i have three (some more are turned away from me) monitor screens shining at me at times, with a couple of virtual machines running, for different toying, but would not recommend that to average Joe..
(hint : electric company loves me, i couldn't claim the same ...)


a_lost_packet_":3mqx8ocu said:
Firefox doesn't like that. :/ Gotta find the prefs to fix it one of these days.

Try typing 'about:config' (no quotes, of course) in the Address field. It'll access all of the Firefox Prefs.
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