Strange 'blob' circling Milky Way's central black hole is shooting powerful radiation at Earth every 76 minutes

Jun 11, 2023
Regular high-energy pulses of gamma-ray radiation emerging from around the Milky Way's central black hole may be coming from a blob of matter whipping around at 30% the speed of light.

Strange 'blob' circling Milky Way's central black hole is shooting powerful radiation at Earth every 76 minutes : Read more
I suspect/guess that this phenomena was given years ago to be the result of electron -positron annihilation. Am I correct not having red the article??

After Reading): “Strange 'blob' circling Milky Way's central black hole is shooting powerful radiation at Earth every 76 minutes : Read more”

I, now, correct my suspicion to my postulate that all moons, planets, stars, white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes and SMBHs accreting, galaxies, superclusters etc): all pulsate!!

We are given that the Earth pulsates every 26 seconds, our Sun pulsates every 5 minutes and 34 seconds and that “accreting” Sag a pulsates every 76 minutes!!

Please, someone read the article and tell me whether or not the observed powerful radiation is the result of the conversion of electrons to positrons and their resulting annihilation as I first suspected!!

Side Note): I postulate that electrons and protons can be converted to positrons and antiprotons by simply flipping their magnetic poles by and through alternating extremely high and low GP1 Aether Particle Pressure particularly evident in the pulsations of progenitor stars supernovas because only matter-antimatter interactions can power supernova explosions!!

Talk more, soon!! Have a great day!!
[Is] shooting powerful radiation?! You certain sure of "is"?!

I would only give you a probable on "is" ("is observed to be...." would be better). "Is" bespeaks the unobservable universe -- spontaneous concurrent REALTIME universes -- being observed infinitely faster than the speed of light. A quantum entanglement-like entanglement of spaces ("Spooky action-at-a-distance").
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Jun 11, 2023
[Is] shooting powerful radiation?! You certain sure of "is"?!

I would only give you a probable on "is" ("is observed to be...." would be better). "Is" bespeaks the unobservable universe -- spontaneous concurrent REALTIME universes -- being observed infinitely faster than the speed of light. A quantum entanglement-like entanglement of spaces ("Spooky action-at-a-distance").
I noticed that you, Atlan0001, and Billslugg post a lot in the thread): “From a drop of water… “ which you started on April 21, 2023 with your post): "From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." -- Arthur Canon Doyle, 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet'.”

Anyway, the reason I bring your “From a drop of water… “ thread up is that Billslugg was open to lay non-PHd solutions for which no PHd authored solution had been offered and that you might have agreed to this but I wasn’t yet ready to invade you guy’s happy home “From a drop of water… “ thread with my novel original theories that correct the misassumptions of modern physicists that condemn themselves and you for all eternity to never being able to explain the exact physical mechanical processes that allow light waves to propagate in a pressurized GP1 Aether Particle Medium; that allow physicists to explain how gravity is generated, what dark matter is and the exact physical mechanical processes that generate dark matter gravity); and the physical mechanical processes that mint embryonic neutrons inside stars that when warmed up to absolute zero decay to hydrogen perpetuating our finite in volume ageless universe forever and forever!!

FYI): Supporting my statement partially that I was given that positrons from Sag a are being sent directly toward us):

NASA Gives/Says): “The Compton Spectrometer and Imager (COSI) is a soft gamma-ray survey telescope (0.2-5 MeV) designed to probe the origins of Galactic positrons, uncover the sites of nucleosynthesis in the Galaxy, perform pioneering studies of gamma-ray polarization, and find counterparts to multi-messenger sources. COSI’s compact Compton telescope combines improvement in sensitivity, spectral resolution, angular resolution, and sky coverage to facility groundbreaking science. Credit: NASA”

Talk more, soon. Have a great day!!

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