'Strange New Worlds' Season 2 episode 2 is a well-written tribute to traditional 'Trek'

Jun 22, 2023
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'Strange New Worlds' Season 2 episode 2 is a well-written tribute to traditional 'Trek' - Wtf are you talking about? New Worlds /Discovery/Picard are a massive woke disasters that ruined StarTrek. Want startrek? - see the originals, TNG and Voyager are the best, DeepSpace9 and even Enterprise is good. Everything else after that is a train wreck and the only way you can appreciate the new ones is if you either getting paid to say you like it (my bet is on this one!!), a wokie, or just never really watched or understood the concept of real StarTrek.
Jun 23, 2023
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'Strange New Worlds' Season 2 episode 2 is a well-written tribute to traditional 'Trek' - Wtf are you talking about? New Worlds /Discovery/Picard are a massive woke disasters that ruined StarTrek. Want startrek? - see the originals, TNG and Voyager are the best, DeepSpace9 and even Enterprise is good. Everything else after that is a train wreck and the only way you can appreciate the new ones is if you either getting paid to say you like it (my bet is on this one!!), a wokie, or just never really watched or understood the concept of real StarTrek.

First of all, I'm not paid to say this, I'm not a "wokie" - like that's even a thing, but, if that means that yeah, I do actually care for other people, and yes, I have the capacity to feel empathy, and no doubt, I show that care & empathy when the moment calls for it - then yes, I guess I'm a "wokie" who's been a ST fan for better part of 4 decades, so, I'm pretty sure I get it. It's with that said, I feel I can offer up this evaluation of your comment.

I think it is very clear, that IT IS YOU who doesn't understand the very basic concept of what the concept of Star Trek is. I don't care if you've watched every episode of every series, and read every book, and watched every movie. You simply don't get it. PERIOD. Add to that, the fact that you seem to hate the word "woke" - you don't understand that the very ideas that the word "woke" stands for is the very embodiment of what Star Trek stands for. It's the basic starting fibers woven into every series, episode, movie and book !!!

If you watched this episode, and you couldn't see how this episode SCREAMED the very basics of what Star Trek is, and did so basically every minute of the episode - then I have to ask, do you find it so strange, that the very Star Trek you seem to get so upset over... that very same Star Trek's concept of a future universe, where the very word "woke" wouldn't even have to exist, because everything it stands for would be part of everyone's view of everyone elses' basic "alienable" rights - would be the very universe where you and your "ideals" would find it so so very hard to fit in and be accepted ?????? Do you see the irony in that ? No, I know you don't... actually, I don't think you could see the irony even if you tried. It's literally to hard for you to see.... how sad !! How very sad !!!


Jun 23, 2023
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'Strange New Worlds' Season 2 episode 2 is a well-written tribute to traditional 'Trek' - Wtf are you talking about? New Worlds /Discovery/Picard are a massive woke disasters that ruined StarTrek. Want startrek? - see the originals, TNG and Voyager are the best, DeepSpace9 and even Enterprise is good. Everything else after that is a train wreck and the only way you can appreciate the new ones is if you either getting paid to say you like it (my bet is on this one!!), a wokie, or just never really watched or understood the concept of real StarTrek.
Star Trek TOS was considered to be liberal, progressive, you know, what you now call woke. It had episodes critical to the Vietnam War, it had reflections on race riots and supremacy. It had an interracial kiss that wasn't shown on shows in the South!

ST: TNG had episodes with other "woke" commentary. There were episodes reflecting on the war (ie, Northern Ireland and others), reflecting on gender bending, and also on abortion. (I know you don't believe me, probably because you can't grasp metaphors or parables.)

I'm not going to list all the "woke" themes that run throughout all Star Trek shows. Trek has always been progressive. I have to wonder if you have ever really watched Star Trek, to be so blind to what Star Trek is. Maybe you should go and rewatch all the Trek you love again, and see if you can find out what Star Trek is really about. Live long and prosper.
Jun 26, 2023
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Why do I feel like we must have watched 2 completely different episodes. I felt, after coming off a really strong Episode 1, this episode was completely boring. My feelings on it have nothing to do with woke this or woke that, I could give a crap. They've done lots of social conscious episodes, some done really well, some not. just thought this one belongs in the "not" category.

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