Seems that at some point long before most of us would prefer, the Hubble will be no more. In an attempt to get one last glorius mission from Hubble, I suggest that one last mission to Hubble be made where it would be fitted with ION engines, and a few new lenses or lense covers, and then programmed to fly North out of the system and start sending us data about what the system looks like from a half light month away above the north pole of the sun (or south), and then arc it toward whichever star seems to be closest and capable of having its own system. All the while sending us pictures and data of both the Sol system, and the other systems around us. <br /><br /> This would give us a larger paralax view in looking especially at the closer systems. <br /><br /> With the ion engines it may be possible in 5 years to be approaching speeds worthy of mention. I have not done the math, and won't, but seems likely that in maybe ten years something very interesting might show up. For perhaps many of the youngest folks out there it may be that in their lifetime they will get to see actual visual pictures of the things surrounding another sytem.<br /><br /> Or, we could plan for the planned demolition into the Atlantic during primetime so we could watch our assets provide us yet one last glorious comet like nightshow.<br /><br />