It varies with time and level of energy mostly brightness. Other factors are macular condition which is very closely related to lutein and zeaxanthin intake. These are in the orange, red, yellow, dark green veggies. Keep the glucose/carbs low. There are others. Translate this into plants are a plethora of molecules that fine tune the polarity/magnetism/electromagnetic mass effect of the sub atomic/atomic patterns and sequences at an unbelievably small variant forces and distances all related to Newton's G=mM/r2 which is skewed by direct physical observation which is where Einstein's E=mc2 enters as a corrective attenuation(energy), but at these distances although relative to size as well for the larger macro environment we experience in the real world are close to negligible but summative the do start to have an impact again proportionate to time and duration hence moderation but varies. Ultimately this is what all healthy or illness is about. Observations have been made that within minutes after administration of lutein and zeaxanthin reticula cells shrink as the excess energy removal occurs via the macula inclusion. There are more beneficial actions to be taken. Would not look at any high energy sources without complete safe attenuation. Looking directly at a high energy/radiation source i.e. over excited/charged atomic components. I have an excellent optometrist connected to various sources who is devoted to sight research and preservation for some of this data. The internet has a plethora of info. Do your diligence i.e. bibs. location, etc. for authentication and validity. Things do change. The tissues require optimum concentrations of similar molecules, but due to their variances in function also need greater and lesser molecular structures specific to those requirements. The eyes are probably the most delicate and diverse in structure along with the accompanying neuro processing. Mostly, if not all about electro mechanics even the nuclear. Expansion/contraction forces much like the magnetic interesting adventures of youth when finding a magnet just relatively unbelievably small micro to the same at macro levels. Simply mass effect related to density/area causing inflation/expansion and contraction. Have a great day.