Hey frobozz - you are right about the thermals, but I think I found a way around them. I was running the numbers through my head, and I could not prevent a containment breach or I failed miserably to break the approximate 299,796 km/s visible-speed-of-light barrier. I kept revisiting mile-high, over, and over, and over; until…<br /><br />... I went and built a new medium to utilize as a heat resistant conduit, as opposed to WATER, and guess what I found. I found "METALLIC HYDROGEN".<br /><br />HAHAHAHAHAHA HA<br /><br />ABSTRACT<br /><br />Abstract 1st Argument: Dark matter consists of matter particles that cannot be detected by their emitted radiation, but whose presence can be inferred from gravitational effects on visible matter such as stars (DMW). The fact of the matter is that "Dark Matter"; whatever "Dark Matter" is; is unknown, undiscovered, and/or not understood by the scientific community. Based off new and existing evidence via multitudes of oral and written correspondences to the effect, this paper will expose multitudes of shocking and controversial ascertains to familiar and new alternatives. ABSTRACT 2nd Argument: Dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy, which permeates all of space and has strong negative pressure (DEW). The fact of the matter is that "Dark Energy" too; whatever Dark Energy is; is unknown, undiscovered, and not understood by the scientific community as well. Not only will this paper unlock the hidden secrets of "Dark Energy" and "Dark Matter", this paper will bend and tweak existing relativity models, and thwart with the laws that govern them, i.e. Speed-of-Light, Space-time, thermals, and much more. <br /><br />An Analysis of Sub-luminescence/Incandescence Link to Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Space-Time Contrary to General Relativity Models and The Laws of Physics: Investigative Hypothecation(s)<br /> <br />Thesis Statement Recommendation: Dark matter and energy are hypothetical invisible masses and non-masses that when combined wi