Supermassive black holes grow surprisingly quickly, study suggests

Explaining the origin of SMBHs observed apparently is very difficult using the BB cosmology and its 13.8 Gyr Universe age and when SMBH appears relative to the origin of the CMBR and what follows after that (said to be about 380,000 years after postulated BB event that violates conservation law of energy in the beginning). Some recent discussions on the forums indicated Population III stars some 10,000 to 100,000 solar masses are used in some models as seeds.

My note. The paper cited has 36 references to *redshift* with the larger redshifts in the range 1.0 to 1.5. Comments like this in the report demonstrate there is a time problem as well as perhaps others in BB cosmology when it comes to explaining the origin of SMBH documented now in the universe.

“But there's a problem with this idea: Has there been enough time in the 13.8-billion-year history of the universe for these processes to grow supermassive black holes so big, especially the ones that existed billions of years ago? "There's been the expectation that you would only see these really massive systems in the nearby universe," Simon said. "It takes time for black holes to grow."...”

Perhaps someday, I will see a BBT problem list appear :)
Well, I did some more study here :) This report indicates BBT problems with SMBH out to at least redshift of 6 or so.

Supercritical growth pathway to overmassive black holes at cosmic dawn: coevolution with massive quasar hosts,, 30-June-2022. "Observations of the most luminous quasars at high redshifts (z>6) have revealed that the largest supermassive black holes (SMBHs) at those epochs tend to be substantially overmassive relative to their host galaxies compared to the local relations, suggesting they experienced rapid early growth phases..."
Mar 8, 2022
As someone who's proved the fallacy of hypothetical 'dark matter'
there must be preexisting gravity/curvature, possibly from some other source, even possibly extra-universal ones, since i have dovetailed Godel's proof the Universe can not be absolutely closed.
So it is interesting to speculate the super massive black holes may be a mix of pure matterless gravity (mass) as well as some actual matter falling into a preexisting gravity trap.
That could help explain how they formed so early in the Universe.
(off the wall thought)
Maybe the event horizon's size is a function of the quantity of matter falling into it?

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