From the abstract in the paper cited, "They are further compatible with an interpretation as a resurgent caldera formed during a past era of active cryovolcanic period that appears to be significantly more recent than the overall age of the planet's surface, possibly in the last several million years. In view of the size of the caldera and the large scale of the surrounding distribution of water ice, we propose that Kiladze is a "supervolcano" in which one or more explosive events has scattered more than ~1000 km^3 of icy cryomagma erupted from the interior onto the surface."
Another interesting observation of young age in the solar system like Uranus rings, Saturn rings, issues with Jupiter ring system age(s), etc. The report states. "Scientists don't fully understand how cryovolcanic activity works on Pluto. The world is so small that it would have lost all heat from its formation long ago. One possibility is the dwarf planet contained radioactive elements in its core which released heat while decaying, although previous research suggested there just may not be enough of these elements to power-up Pluto. Whatever the heat source might be, however, something appears to be keeping Pluto's subsurface ocean from freezing. "As the planet cooled, it is plausible that pockets of liquid water were left behind, and perhaps our eruptions of water onto the surface tap into those pockets," Cruikshank said. But, the researcher added: "We don't know."
My note. Put the best foot forward and hope for a long age solution here it seems vs. the young age indicators that could be interpreted as problems with the solar system age used today (some 4.56 or 4.6 Gyr).