Now I’m posting this because I was thinking about the theory of <br />Teleportation<br />through the process of breaking down atoms and transferring them to<br />another location - now I read on another forum that scientists know the <br />formula<br />for teleportation as:<br /><br />Energy=M (mass)*SoL(speed of light)<br /><br />The problem is the issue of when your body is finished moving from one <br />location<br />to another, whether or not your conscience will still be there and you will <br />still<br />be yourself. Now my theory is that our state of mind and conscience is made <br />up<br />through molecular cell reproduction. If you think about it our body is <br />constantly<br />changing, the atoms and molecules are always moving, and reproducing through <br />mitosis<br />A.K.A. cell division. Now if you take the White blood cells in our bodies, <br />for<br />example when we get sick with a viral infection, our white blood cells send <br />out<br />antibodies to track down the viral infection, then once it has identified <br />the viruses<br />the white blood cells can begin to destroy them, and the next time you get <br />sick your<br />body will already know what type of cells to look for, hence how we build <br />our immune<br />system. If you think about it your cells have to have some form of memory or<br />intelligence to be able to record information and reproduce. This leads me <br />to my<br />thought that if cells can remember things, then maybe it is possible to <br />teach a cell<br />how to do things such as break down and rebuild themselves on command. <br />Although this<br />is just a random idea; then if it were possible the idea of teleportation <br />would not<br />be as impossible as most people think. Going off the theory that our <br />conscience is<br />created by the cellular reproduction of our brain cells, then if they were <br />to be broken<br />down and rebuilt the theory that our state of mind and conscience would <br />return at the<br />same time that our bodies w