how can such a thing drive you nuts when the premise for teleportation, the mere discussion of it, is completely science fictionalized? as is superluminal space travel? yet that thread had dozens of pages!<br /><br />so we can have a thread about "teleportation" but we cannot discuss other outrageous ideas, too? is this some orwellian "ministry of truth" thread? <br /><br />and the thing about consciousness. you can measure it via electromagnetic impulses, biochemical reactions. but how do you know that is all that it is? they don't even know how cats purr. how can you claim to know all about consciousness? that is probably more mysterious than time dialation and singularities. yet you sum it all up in a pat retort that my ideas contributing to possible teleportation techiques are not worthy of consideration? especially about "teleportation"?! nobody is allowed to brainstorm? <br /><br />how about lightening up a little? this topic is not so serious, dude! it is about teleportation! that is right out of star trek! <br /><br />