The Conglomerate - Universe Creation Theory

Nov 21, 2019

The Conglomerate - Universe Creation Theory

The BIG Bang-Bit Bang
was a supermassive white hole – inflation/expansion of energy-matter and information 13.8 billion years ago - spawned by a supermassive black hole at the heart of a galaxy in our parent universe. This duality combines general relativity’s singularities of infinite density in a ‘Cosmic Egg’ birth of this and all universes within The Conglomerate: multiverse without random bubble universes and parallel worlds. Our Universe exists inside the Planck density of that SBH and shares the same boundary/event horizon. That SBH-SWH phase transition was a quantum tunneling umbilical wormhole with energy-matter and information transformed/transferred, though scrambled and encoded. This Universe is 1-in-2 trillion+ offspring each with similar inherited 'DNA'/physical constants. This 'simple' cause-and-effect cycle/circle of life – birth-life-death-transformation-rebirth - explains both infinite space and eternity. Reproduction is the simplest plan of continued existence for everything from cells to universes.
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Oct 10, 2019
My mind got stuck in wondering about the infinite amount of universes thanks to this post. Thinking about this stuff is a great way to kill time waiting on a train!
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Theoretical physics is a fascinating field, but it mathematically allows things that cannot exist in the real world. There is no reason to believe that anything such as a “wormhole” or “subspace” exists. “Warp drive”, and all the other FTL concepts, are nothing more than plot mechanisms used to complete a story line within a small portion of the characters’ lifetimes.

Wormholes are a hypothesis based on a theory which is based on an assumption of something we still do not know for sure exists. Wormholes in space” probably do not exist. The proof that the wormhole/warpdrive/hyperdrive does not work is we are not now part of an intergalactic trade organization with regular visits from alien vendors. Naturally, this depends on the existence of at least one ET Alien race somewhere that was capable of developing this technology. Of course there are plenty of wormholes in apples, and in wood, and in the ground, but they probably won't take you where you want to go.

Theoretical Physicist John Wheeler did science a great disservice back in 1967 when he coined the phrase “Black Hole”. The highly misleading term leads many people to think it is, or can be, an actual “hole” leading somewhere. I prefer “hyperdensity”, a term I coined. Besides, “black hole” becomes obscene when translated into French or Russian.

It has been suggested that so-called “black-holes” would be the source of a “wormhole”. That, of course, is utter nonsense. Rather than being a gateway or “tunnel” to somewhere else, “black holes”, if they even exist, are the densest objects in the known universe, virtually the exact opposite of a hole. Currently there is no proof that “wormholes” (the space travel variety) of any size exist, micro, macro, or in between. There are a great many mathematical concepts that do not have a counterpart in the real universe, and so-called “wormholes” is one of them.

In order for the wormhole/space travel concept to work, the wormhole would have to be a “shortcut” to another area of space. Now, this is not a mathematical explanation, but it explains graphically why the “fold in space/wormhole hypothesis is unrealistic in the real universe. The inaccurate and totally misleading misrepresentation of space as a flat sheet or membrane makes it look easy. But, space is not flat like a sheet of paper, it is solid like a bowling ball. It is easy to fold a sheet of paper, but not quite so easy to fold a bowling ball. IMO, too many people have taken the woefully inadequate 2D flat sheet model and applied it literally to the 3D Universe.

A better and more reasonable representation of space and gravity would be that of a giant sponge the size of the Universe. The effect of gravity (i.e. a star) would be like reaching in to a point deep within the sponge and pinching some of the sponge material. You would end up with a region of dense sponge at the point of the “pinch”, immediately surrounded by a region of rarified density which gradually reverts to the original density as you move further from the “pinch”. The density of the sponge surrounding the “pinch” is analogously inversely proportional to the gravitational force of the star. Notice that no matter how hard you pinch an area, it never brings it any closer to any other area. It only changes the density of the sponge in that immediate vicinity, and that change in density varies inversely with distance from the pinched area. With this more accurate model, all those notions about folding space vanish.
My mind got stuck in wondering about the infinite amount of universes thanks to this post. Thinking about this stuff is a great way to kill time waiting on a train!
By definition, the Universe is everything there is. Therefore, there would be no other universes. Frankly, I see no need to even consider such an idea with the possible exception of the Big Bang creating equal and opposite Universes at the same time, thus preventing the paradox of creating something from nothing.
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Dec 2, 2019
I will let the maths explain the so called BIG BANG THEORY

Nuclear Energy discovery III

By Professor Joe Nahhas​

Abstract: Newton's – Kepler's time dependent equation solution is S = r Exp í ω t. Energy is E = mc²/2 and measured energy spectrum is ∆ E = mc².

Proof: E = mc²/2

E (definition) = mv²/2; E = mc²/2; v = c

Now: S = mr Exp [í ω t] = mr [cosine ω t + í sine ω t]; m = mass

And í² = -1; í = unit complex number

P = d S/d t = v Exp í ω t - í ω r Exp í ω t

= [v + í ω r] Exp í ω t

E (visual) = m p²/2

= m [v + í ω r]²/2 Exp 2 í ω t

= m [v² - ω² r² + 2 í ω r]/2 [cosine 2 ω t + í sine 2 ω t]

= m [v² - ω² r² + 2 í ω r]/2 [1 – 2 sine² ω t + 2í sine ω t cosine ω t]

Along the line of sight

E (visual) = m [v² - ω² r²]/2 [1 – 2sine² ω t ] - 2m ω r v sine ω t cosine ω t

E (ω t = 0) = m [v² - ω² r²]/2 = E (0)

E (ω t = π/2) = - m [v² - ω² r²]/2 = - E (0)

If E (0) = mc²/2 then ∆ E = E (ω t = π/2) - E (ω t) = - E(0) – E(0) = - 2 E(0)

Or E (0) = mc²/2 and ∆ E = - 2[mc²/2] = - mc²

In General ∆ E = E (visual) - E(0)

= E (visual) - m [v² - ω² r²]/2

= -m [v² - ω² r²] sine² ω t - 2 m ω r v sine ω t cosine ω t

= - 2 E (0) sine² ω t - 2 m ω r v sine ω t cosine ω t

∆ E = - 2E(0); ω t = 0; ∆ E = 0; ω t = +/- π/2

∆ E = [0, - 2 E(0)] = [0, - mc²]

With ω t = Arc tan (v/c) then

∆ E = - 2 E (0) sine² arc tan (v/c) – 2m ω r v sine arc tan (v/c)√ [1- sine² arc tan (v/c)]

with v <<< c then; ∆ E = - 2 E (0) (v/c)² – 2m ω r v (v/c)√ [1- (v/c)²]

∆ E < 0

∆ E (visual) = - mc² = maximum value of visual energy spectrum

Meaning E = mc²/2 and ∆ E = - mc² visual effects

∆ E < 0 meaning when astronomers look at the stars in any direction they see the stars receding suggesting farther away from each other leading to a bang on the head of the big banger when the whole case is astronomical incompetence elevated to fraud."
Had a quick look through various encyclopedias and can't find anything with similar equations to yours. Is this just a one off peice of work or an established theory - if so where can I find more about it.
Nov 19, 2019
"In order for the wormhole/space travel concept to work, the wormhole would have to be a “shortcut” to another area of space. Now, this is not a mathematical explanation, but it explains graphically why the “fold in space/wormhole hypothesis is unrealistic in the real universe."

Mathematics does not explain anything. It describes. Obviously, the idea of the wormhole is irrational.
I have to agree that the universe is probably just 1 of an infinite set.
Now how do we get any E to start any of them? Void=Potential E=q fluctuation = qf E balance= mass and E of big bang but not the universe that is qf?
Easy solution to go from nothing to everything and infinite everything an infinite number of times.
Quirk of nature that void space has potential energy.

IMO black hole just compression of space, no space for time to happen or very slow qf in a forever compressing state that runs out of time in its forever increasing compression of time.


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