<p>Actually a billion of anything is a huge, lets see what 78 billion can buy you.</p><ul><li>Buy 38 billion cans of coke.</li><li>Buy 26 billion quater pounders.</li><li>Pay for 1.6 million people $1000 a week wage for a year.</li><li>Pay for 2000 executive wages for a year.</li><li>Pay for 780 Bridges worth 100 million.</li><li>Replace half the GDP of New zealand annually.</li><li>Pay for 1 month of US trade imbalance.</li><li>If you stacked up all the money in $1 notes, it would reach 15600 kilometers into space or wrap it around the earth a couple of times.</li></ul><p>78 Billion is an obscene amount of money, and losing it should be a death sentence.</p><p> </p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p align="center"><font color="#808080">-------------- </font></p><p align="center"><font size="1" color="#808080"><em>Let me start out with the standard disclaimer ... I am an idiot, I know almost nothing, I haven’t taken calculus, I don’t work for NASA, and I am one-quarter Bulgarian sheep dog. With that out of the way, I have several stupid questions... </em></font></p><p align="center"><font size="1" color="#808080"><em>*** A few months blogging can save a few hours in research ***</em></font></p> </div>