<p>Gravity, Magnetism, and the Creation of Mass:<br />-----------------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p>Gravity is the force of dark-matter/dark-energy, that surrounds any massive object in the universe; as the object’s atoms (electrons) are being energized. Dark-matter/dark-energy makes up the ninety-five percent of the universe that is not visible. It has a very ultra-weak negative charge, and we have known it as “space”. Dark-energy travels/radiates across the universe at the speed of 300 million-meters-per-second (“speed of light&rdquo
. However in passing through any massive object, it travels at a slightly slower speed (creating the gravitational constant for that mass). This results in a collecting of dark-energy around any encountered object. This collection of dark-energy is in fact, gravitational-waves. The more massive the object, necessarily, the greater the force/pressure of the surrounding gravity. <br />Light photons, or any electromagnetic rays, have no inherit means of propulsion; they are all identical, and vary only in length and frequency. They travel across the universe riding on dark-energy, and travel at 300 million-meters-per-second (“the speed of light&rdquo
. Light photons have a weak positive charge and are carried along by dark-matter/dark-energy until they encounter any atom-mass. There they are deposited on the negative charge of an electron. Almost simultaneously (moving at 300 million-meters per-second), the light photon is picked-up by dark-energy that is emerging from an opposing side of the mass/object. Photons do not rest, they are continually deposited and picked-up from atoms at the speed of 300 million meters-per-second (“speed of light&rdquo
. That is why the same moonlight can appear to enter an open window, be reflected by a glass picture frame onto a mirror, and then be reflected from that mirror onto a wall, etc. Light photons are particles, that travel as waves on dark-energy dispersion.<br />Super-colliders that bombard atoms with electrons that move near the “speed of light”, create sub-atomic quarks, etc. These observed substances, are non-consequential entities, existing for only a nanosecond. They are the vanishing, dying remnants of created mass, that has been destroyed; the physical entity having been converted back into it’s origin-components; "pure-energy" and "dark-energy". <br />In a black hole, a large star has collapsed under tremendous gravitational pressure after converting most of the star's primal hydrogen atoms to helium atoms through fusion. This implosion creates a hole in the structure (vacuum) of our universe's four-dimensions. This tear in our universe's fabric, could allow dark-matter/dark-energy to rapidly infuse into our closed universe from outside it. This dark-energy, (which energizes atoms and travels at 186,000 miles per second the "speed of light"), is necessarily attracted to atoms in our universe. Likewise in this unbalanced influx of dark-energy, atoms are also drawn toward the tremendous influx of dark-energy from the black hole. Mass/matter, upon entering the parameters of the black hole, and the overwhelming-power of concentrated dark-energy, is destroyed and the atoms of mass are converting once again to their original primal parts; pure-energy and dark-energy (thus vanishing from view/existence).<br />Dark-energy comprises ninety-five percent of our universe. Visible mass only five per cent. Our universe was created, when isolated pure-energy (existing in a closed-vacuum environment) and possessing a weak positive charge, was suddenly exposed to an influx of dark-energy (from outside), having a weak negative charge. In the massive reaction, only two substances were created. Protons (which had a weak positive charge), and electrons (which have a weak negative charge). This combination created hydrogen atoms, the only original mass in our universe. “Space” is actually a vast sea of dark energy, in which massive objects reside. Dark-energy-radiation is dynamic, radiating/moving about the universe at the speed of 300 million- meters-per-second (“speed of light&rdquo
. The negative bias of the dark-matter/dark-energy, encounters atoms throughout the universe and excites/energizes the negative charge electrons. That is why 13 billion years after the universe’s creation, atoms of mass stay active/exist. Super-nova explosions occur because dark-energy surrounding a large massive object, creates a force ...gravity. Dark-energy-radiation travels slower than 300 million-meters-per-second (“speed of light&rdquo
through a massive object. This results in a buildup of gravity waves surrounding any massive object (as they are momentarily slowed to await their penetration and emergence from the mass). So, the gravitational force exerted on massive hydrogen-atom-spheres (stars), creates pressure and heat, and an eventual fusion-nuclear-furnace that converted one proton, and electron hydrogen atoms, into two neutron, proton, and electron helium atoms. After most of the nuclear-fusion has been exhausted, the tremendous surrounding dark energy force (gravity) causes the star to collapse, creating a myriad of proton, neutron, electron combinations (elements).<br /> <br />1. -There are only two original substances in our universe; "pure-energy" and "dark-energy" (dark-energy also being called dark-matter) . Dark-matter combined with pure-energy to produce/create atoms. Dark-energy-radiation is everywhere, and gives us the ability to live in a universe that is composed of the past, present, and future. It allows us to have motion/movements through/with the continuous refreshing of atoms in our universe, (somewhat as a movie projector displays a movie, frame by frame; except this occurs at the “speed of light&rdquo
. <br />2. -Space, does not exist. What is thought of as space is actually an invisible substance, "dark-energy-radiation". Because we're born into a mass-visible-universe, we think of “space” as being simply a vacuum; without stepping outside our misconceptions, and realizing it (“space&rdquo
is actually radiated dark-energy-radiation. Dark-energy (“space&rdquo
, is not visible because it possesses zero-mass, an ultra-weak negative charge, and travels at 300 million-meters-per-second. This radiating dark-energy-radiation is not combining with “original pure-energy” to create additional atoms of mass, as all “original pure-energy” in our universe has already been expended in atom creation. <br />3. -Gravity is the presence of dark-energy radiation that surrounds any massive object. It is necessarily accumulating around an object (as it passes/or prepares to pass through it), to energize/re-energize it's atoms. So, this refreshing of atoms “action”, allows/gives us the function of time-and-space movement. The more massive/energy laden the body, the greater the gravitational pressure that is exerted by dark-energy-radiation. The greater the mass of a celestial object, the deeper and stronger the gravitational force surrounding it. This being necessary for dark-energy-radiation to accumulate around, pass through and effectively, continuously, re-energize the atoms. (Dark-energy-radiation (“speed-of-light&rdquo
radiation is slowed somewhat when passing through any massive object.) <br />4. -Dark-matter/dark-energy-radiation is more than five times as abundant as all the matter detected in the visible universe. It's origin is outside of our closed universe, which leads to the universe's expansion. The "speed-of-light", is the continuous speed of dark-matter-radiation inside our closed universe; on which light photons (and all EM rays) are being carried along. Without dark-energy, the universe would cease to exist. Therefore what we know as “space”, is in fact dark-matter/dark-energy-radiation. Mass-atoms, within our universe are being energized/re-energized by this dark-energy-radiation that is being radiated within, and from outside our closed universe. Electro-magnetic radiation has no inherit means of propulsion. Moving at the "speed of light", photons of light are carried along in all directions by dark-energy-radiation dispersion.<br />5. -Atoms of mass, or "carried-along" photons of light, can never exceed the speed ("speed of light") of this energizing/radiating dark-energy-radiation. Atoms that compose any massive object in our universe, are continually in a variable state (being continually energized/re-energized at the "speed of light"). <br />Atoms would disintegrate and revert back to “pure-energy” and “dark-matter”, without their continued interaction (re-energizing/vibrating) with dark-energy-radiation, and mass would cease to exist. Mass is energized/re-energized, because that is the way the universe was originally created.<br />7. -Atoms of mass were created by concentrated “pure-energy”, existing in a sea of infused "dark-matter". Einstein didn’t realize that C-square was the speed of light-photons that were being carried along by dispersion/radiation of dark-energy into (and throughout) our universe (at a speed of 300 million meters per second squared). So, (as: E = M x C2), conversely (Mass = Energy/C-square), [Created Mass is equal to Energy, divided by (or being acted upon by) C-square], (C-square being the infusion of dark-energy-radiation squared), (that also carries light-photons throughout the universe).<br />9. - Magnetism takes place, because the structure of most of the atoms (electrons) in a material are aligned in one direction. Creating a north pole, and an opposite end south pole. In two magnets, like poles (north to north, or south to south) strongly repel each other. Opposing poles, (north to south, or south to north) strongly attract each other. Normally dark-energy-radiation that surrounds atoms, energizes them randomly. But because of the structured alignment of electrons in magnetized material, dark-energy-radiation is vector-directed to energize the atoms more strongly in only one direction So opposing magnetic force; is the force of focused dark-energy, engaging an opposing flow of focused dark-energy. Attracted magnetic force, is the directed flow of focused dark-energy-radiation through one magnet into the like-structure-aligned (directed flow) atoms of the second magnet. This naturally continually energizes the atoms, but also creates the magnetic force; (which is focused/directed dark-energy-radiation (gravity)). So when we try to press two bar magnets together, N pole to N pole (or S pole to S pole), we can feel the flow and pressure of the energizing, dark-energy-radiation. <br />-Electricity is the ability to control “dark-energy”. Electricity is basically, captured/stored magnetically-directed “dark-energy-radiation”. Current flow, is the directed flow of electrons, being propelled by captured/concentrated dark-energy-radiation; through a closed, insulated, electrical circuit. Resistance (work being done) must be incorporated into the circuit to control/regulate electron current flow, or else the dark-energy-radiation (magnetically directed) electron flow overheats the circuit destroying it. And the controlled dark-energy-radiation is released again, dispersing into the environment.</p><p>-Matter ( Mass) was first created by “Pure-Energy” coming into contact with "dark-matter). (C-square is the injection of dark-energy-radiation from outside the enclosed sphere of our universe. As Einstein said: E = M x C2, [or finding Mass; M = E / C-square]. So after Mass is created by this merging of “Pure-Energy”, and “dark-matter”, the created atoms (of Mass), are then perpetuated (re-energized) by continual exposure of electrons to radiated dark-energy. <br />2. - However, magnets possess somewhat, aligned-electron-structured-atoms, so their re-energizing by dark-energy is not random from all direction, but directionally-focused. Therefore, a magnetic-electric-generator can direct a focused stream of dark-energy-radiation into a closed electrical circuit, thus forcing electron flow through an insulated path. That is why electrical current must be contained within an insulated, closed, resistance-bearing, electrical circuit to perform work. Therefore, the greater the resistance load of an electrical circuit, the greater the input of electrical energy potential necessary to maintain a specified current-flow. <br />________________________________________________________________________<br />Atoms were created when a dynamic merging of “Pure-Energy”, and “Dark-Matter” occurred. Then, as Einstein said: Mass (atoms) = (are equal to) Energy divided by C-square (dark-energy-radiation squared).<br />3. -Atoms (Mass) were/are created by the merging of Pure-Energy with Dark-Matter in a closed-vacuum environment<br />4. -After an atom is created, it would immediately terminate, if not for the continued introduction of (re-energizing by the infusion of) dark-energy-radiation from outside our universe. This infusion/radiation results in a rapidly expanding universe. <br />1. -Electro-magnetic waves, have no inherent means of transportation. Dark-energy-radiation is needed to transport the gamma rays, microwaves, (visible light rays, or any other EM radiation) throughout the universe. The only differing characteristic of each type of radiation, is the length and frequency of their waves, (they all travel at the same “speed of light” (300 million-meters-per-second). That is why light photons can exist and travel for 9-billion years from a galaxy nine-billion light years away, to exist today. They are carried along on dark-energy radiation . <br />2. -“Pure-Energy” is what originally existed alone in a vacuum, before being subjected to an introduction of "Dark-Matter". After the explosive-reaction, all the atoms (and eventually all the elements) of the universe, were created. Originally “Pure-Energy” and "Dark-Matter" reacted to create only simple Hydrogen atoms, consisting of one proton, (no_neutron), and one electron. Then dark-energy-radiation began massing hydrogen atoms together, (dark-energy-radiation encountered from all directions would naturally force more-and-more mass particles together), until eventually tremendous gravitational force was exerted on the mass, by the pressure of dark-energy-radiation's atom-energizing force (gravity). This gravitational-force created a visible-star-nuclear-furnace, as the fusion of Hydrogen atoms into Helium atoms began, (thus creating atoms with two protons and electrons each); and the creation of heat and light. When the vast majority of the Hydrogen atoms had been fused into Helium atoms, fusion ended. Without the pressure of Hydrogen fusion present ( the loss of heat and energy), the star collapsed under the tremendous force exerted by the surrounding "gravitational field"; created by the presence of the energizing dark-energy-radiation (gravity). The resulting tremendous implosion, ripped the Helium atoms apart, creating a myriad of proton, neutron, electron combinations; and eventually all the additional elements in our universe. <br />Electro-magnetic radiation (rays) have no propulsion mechanism, they are carried along by Dark-Energy-radiation (at the “speed of light&rdquo
. <br />The Universe’s continued rapid expansion, is an indicator of dark-energy-radiation injection, and also when we try to press two bar magnets together, N pole to N pole, or S pole to S pole, you can feel the flow and pressure/resistance of the energizing dark-energy-radiation.<br />Dark-energy is the ultra-low negative-charged radiation that energizes a magnet’s aligned electron atomic structure. All atoms of mass are constantly being refreshed/energized by the diffused, injected dark-energy radiation, that permeates throughout the entire universe and moves at the "speed of light" (300 million-meters-per-second)..</p><p>A lecture on UCTV by Dr. Alex Filippenko (UCSB physics department.), titled "Dark Energy and the Runaway Universe", contained two important facts. In the lecture he said: “physicists have no idea what dark-matter is, or where it comes from, nor why we have a runaway-expanding-universe”. He also said; “dark-matter comprise 96% of our universe, and only 4% is comprised of atoms”. In response to a question about the space, inside an atom, Dr. Filippenko stated: “space inside an atom does have quantum fluctuations going on, that very slightly alters the energy levels of electrons in an atom. That has been measured.”<br /> <br />This suggests that the “slight quantum fluctuation of energy levels of electrons in an atom”, is evidence of dark-energy-radiation atom energizing. And that “why we have a runaway-expanding-universe” is explained by Dark-Energy being injected into our closed universe. And that the “dark-matter that comprises 96% of our universe”, is actually mass-less, dark-energy-radiation that science has always referred to as “space”. <br />-----------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />1. -Electro-magnetic waves, (microwaves, visible light, etc.) have no inherent means of motion, (traversing across the universe). All electro-magnet waves travel at the "speed of light", (186-thousand miles per second). They only differ by their length of wave, and frequency. This electro-magnet radiation is being carried along, throughout the universe by dark-energy-radiation, that is being injected/radiated from inside and outside our closed universe. Dark-energy-radiation injected at the "speed of light", carries electro-magnetic waves throughout our universe. Photons of light, (and other radiation) are carried as particles throughout the universe; however, these particles travel as waves of varying length and frequency. So visible light is actually particles moving as waves, on dark-energy radiation.. <br />2. -Dark-energy-radiation exerts a force on any massive object it encounters (the force called gravity). (The greater the mass, the more atoms encountered and necessarily the stronger the gravitational force). For example: our moon (as is everything else) is immersed in a sea of dark-energy-radiation that's moving/vibrating at the "speed of light". And the earth is also immersed in this dark-energy sea. The area between the earth and moon, are aligned on a plane; and receive less dark-energy-radiation. “Speed-of-light” dark-energy-radiation is somewhat slowed when passing through massive objects. The area between the earth and moon slows dark-energy-radiation flow, by the presence of each other. The surface of the side of the earth opposite the moon, receives more unobstructed gravitational pressure (that side not being blocked by the moon's mass); and the surface of the side of the moon opposite the earth, receives stronger unobstructed gravitational pressure (that side not being blocked by the earth's mass). Thus, this reduction of dark-energy-radiation pressure between the earth and the moon, is allowing gravity to push them together. However, the angular momentum of the revolving moon, keeps it in a stable orbit above the earth.<br />Dark-energy-radiation ("space") comprises ninety-five percent of our universe, visible mass only five per-cent. Our universe was created when “pure-energy” (existing in a closed, vacuum environment), and possessing an ultra-weak positive charge, was suddenly exposed to an influx of dark-energy (having an ultra-weak negative charge). The resulting explosive-reaction created two substances; protons (which had a weak positive charge), and electrons (which have a weak negative charge). This created hydrogen atoms, the only original mass in our universe. “Pure-Energy” was totally expended in this creation, and “Space” is actually a vast sea of dark-energy-radiation. Dark-energy radiates (moves in straight lines), about the universe at the speed of 300 million meters per second (“speed of light&rdquo
. The ultra-weak negative bias of dark-energy, encounters atoms throughout our universe, and excites/energizes the negative charge electrons, and also creates a charge between the protons and electrons. So 13 billion years after the universe’s creation, atoms of mass can remain active and exist. As dark-energy-radiation travels through any encountered massive object, it’s radiation/speed is slightly slowed; thus creating a surrounding force. This surrounding dark-energy-radiation force is “gravitational force”.<br />Light photons (or any “EM radiation” traveling at 300 million-meters-per second, are invisible. Only upon striking an atom’s electron, are they deposited and become visible.. So, visible light that travels 9 billion light years from a distant galaxy, is not visible until it strikes mass (an atom). Therefore, dark-energy-radiation traveling at 300 million meters per second, appears transparent to us, until a light photon strikes an electron. So “space” (dark-energy-radiation) appears to have no substance-properties because of it’s ultra-weak negative charge, lack of mass, and it’s tremendous speed.<br />Because gravity-waves surround a sphere, and dark-energy is slightly slowed when moving through massive objects, the area between spheres receive less directed pressure. Therefore, they are naturally being pushed together, forming an attraction (called gravity). Also, light from a distant star is shifted when passing close to a massive object, because it follows a straight line that is momentarily bent, by the “stacked-up” gravitational waves (dark-energy-radiation) that surrounds any object (sphere).</p><p>© 2008 Mickey Lawson</p>