The Earth’s Inertial Field and Ohm’s Law

E= I x R

The 4 microsecond difference in clocks along the Earth’s axis of motion represents new physics.

If I replace the flow of electrons (I) with the flow of time.

If I replace resistance (R) with the Earth’s mass, (In cross section along the axis of motion).

If I replace voltage (V) across the resistance with the time difference across the Earth’s mass.

Then the difference in clock rate could be describing the force driving the Earth’s motion producing the property of Inertia.

So, the Earth’s velocity of 30 Kms equates to a temporal driving force with a peak of 4 microseconds.

How can clocks traveling on the same body experience 4 microseconds of relativistic time difference? The relativistic time difference for 30 kms is only about 10 NANO seconds. (sorry about shouting)

The International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS)

Ask the guys whose careers were destroyed because they measured Faster Than Light Neutrinos! The IERS were the people who supplied the fictional timing products which produced the Neutrino disaster. Ask the IERS to show their math when trying to explain away this clock difference which they loosely describe as Einstein’s Differential Time Dilation or Einstein’s delay.

Are OPERA neutrinos faster than light because of non-inertial reference frames?

It is not secret science it is a "Lone Connector". So why did the guy take a closeup of a bad connection and not just fix the problem.
Time is conserved just as much as energy. Any sharp temporal gradient like 4 µsec would be very difficult to explain across a distance of 13,366 kilometers (Earth’s Diameter). What would it take to produce a ±2 µsec change on the leading and lagging parts of the Earth’s surface relative to its orbit around the Sun?

A relative velocity between the two surfaces of about 847 kms. Or about one hundred times the minimum orbital velocity for an Earth satellite.

Or being in a gravitational well that has a gravitation of about 5000 times Earth normal. That explains why twice a day I am squished down to the height of a sheet of paper.

These clocks are not showing us anything related to Special Relativity or General Relativity.

This is new physics.

Why doesn’t the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) publish the actual atomic clock comparisons showing their orientation within Earths velocity vector? I am sure that Nature Magazine would happily publish a factual description of the Earth’s Inertial Field (80 years late).

The clocks of both transmitter and receiver are going slower or faster when measured against the other clock. The clock closest to the leading edge runs faster. The clock closest to the trailing edge runs slower. Within a single 24 hour period one clock will be faster or slower than the other clock for about 12 hours.

The two clocks are about 700 kilometers apart so you only see about ±200 nanoseconds difference between them.
Time is not energy, is it?

That is a question that I do not have a clear answer for. It does take energy to displace time.
The kinetic energy of a mass is stored in displaced time (the inertial field which keeps it in motion).

I am still not entirely comfortable with the concept of "the flow of time". In Einstein's GR the flow of time might be the movement or creation of stresses in space-time. There is no flow since nothing actually moves.

"Time flow" might be like Faraday's lines of force, a useful analogy.

That displaced time is found on the leading and trailing edges of the Earth "might" be the kinetic version of the voltage found across a resistor,

I do not believe that this time displacement represents the entirety of the Earth's inertial field. I believe it is just part of a larger and more complicated structure.

The data that would support a more complicated structure was buried too deeply for me to find. Without the hard data (like the terrestrial clocks) this is speculation.
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"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
No, you are wrong. Time is like motion, we don't need any energy to keep it flowing. It flows on in its own. You don't need to do anything else. You can curve it, but, you don't need anything to keep it flowing. Time tangible and intangible at the same time.
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Because |v| ~ 30 km s-1 and |s| ~ 6300 km (radius of Earth), the corrections amount to up to ~2 μs modulated by Earth’s rotation.” OPERA paper

I found this rather odd equation.

(Surface to center of Earth divided by c) (Earth’s velocity divided by the speed of light) gives the clock offset at the leading edge of Earth.

(SurfaceꚚ to centerꚚ/c) x (vꚚ/c).

2.114071465679844e-06 which is around the 2 microseconds mentioned.

This is modified by the position of the clock relative to the Earths velocity vector from the center of the Earth. On the leading edge it would be +2 µsec and on the trailing edge it would be -2 µsec. At 90 degrees to the velocity vector it would be zero. Drawing a vector from the center of the Earth to the position of the clock on the surface would be projected (dot product?) onto the velocity vector to get the amount of clock offset.

This equation appears simple and does not have the 961 terms found in SLA_RCC correction equation.

Clocks can map out the Earth’s Inertial field. Including satellite and space probe clocks.
It appears that the temporal distortion of the Earth’s galactic poles gives rise to the phenomenon called Stellar Aberration. Stellar Aberration was the fly in the Empire’s soup (though lizards would probably want the fly). The Empire had clock data showing that Stellar Aberration and clock distortions overlapped exactly. The Empire moved the Sun’s direction of motion by thirty degrees to hide this relationship.

The Sun’s actual direction of motion will be exhibit “A” at the trial. The Sun’s actual direction of motion is an Imperial National Security secret that they will murder you to protect?

Using the analogy of time flowing through the massive object as it moved, then the greatest time and optical distortion (Stellar Aberration) would be found on the axis of motion. Stellar Aberration has been confirmed along this axis and I am pretty sure that the clocks will agree.


"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
It appears that the temporal distortion of the Earth’s galactic poles gives rise to the phenomenon called Stellar Aberration. Stellar Aberration was the fly in the Empire’s soup (though lizards would probably want the fly). The Empire had clock data showing that Stellar Aberration and clock distortions overlapped exactly. The Empire moved the Sun’s direction of motion by thirty degrees to hide this relationship.

The Sun’s actual direction of motion will be exhibit “A” at the trial. The Sun’s actual direction of motion is an Imperial National Security secret that they will murder you to protect?

Using the analogy of time flowing through the massive object as it moved, then the greatest time and optical distortion (Stellar Aberration) would be found on the axis of motion. Stellar Aberration has been confirmed along this axis and I am pretty sure that the clocks will agree.
Well, what do you exactly try to mean?
Physical phenomena that had been known for over 200 years (stellar aberration) has its maximum effect at the same point in the sky as the sun is moving toward.

The ohms law model simplifies the flow of time through a mass. You could also think of the mass as connecting the narrow parts of two funnels (one in the forward direction and the other facing rearward). Time has to move through the choke point of the mass producing a clock differential. Clocks run slower or faster dependent on which (leading or lagging) and how close to an axis they are.

Think of the time distortion seen on the clocks as a lens placed above the Sun. As the Earth looks through this lens the position of a star changes in an ellipse or circle as the earth orbits around the Sun. The Earths position relative to the Sun’s temporal lens causes the position of the star to change.

Rather than the magic lens in the sky (and the existence of inertial fields which they may have known about in 1930) the Empire strung together a bunch of mathematics that (kind of) predicts the changes. The empire claimed this was a proof for General Relativity when in fact it was a direct violation of GR (if you measured it using clocks on the surface).

Anyway, the time flowing in becomes concentrated through the Earth’s ecliptic pole (time flow as a voltage) slightly distorts/refracts the light rays passing through it causing the aberration. The image is still (supposed) to be clear, it is just in the wrong position.

A different explanation is available here.

The Sun’s Direction of Galactic Motion as Determined by Clock Rate Differences
The Sun’s motion has a component which causes its orbit to have about a 30-degree inclination to the milky way’s galactic plane.

That would have the direction of the Sun’s motion and the maximum stellar aberration match!

Except all the references that google will find for you says that the Sun’s inclination is less than two degrees and that the direction of motion is 30 degrees from the aberration.

Rather than relying on the Empires data you can use clocks to gather your own data about the Sun’s and Earth’s actual motion. The clock differentials are so high that a clock with a stability of 1 part in 10 million should easily pick it up if the comparison clock is a few thousand miles away (amateur radio distance).
The best scientific equipment is controlled by the best liars.

The American military are about to use technology that they said had an alien origin If the Empire can displace the Sun's actual motion by 30 degrees what other science could they have hidden?


"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
Well, let me first try to fully comprehend all of your statements and data. This is like a messy pool of data which has been given to us for turning it into information (no offense meant, I myself do it sometimes).

So, so, so, so... You are trying to say that the Ohm's law predicts the stellar aberration which can be proven by using the Inertial Field theory. Or, I guess I am wrong. I guess. you have found out a gigantic flaw in the Empire's system which might pave way for new Physics. Well, this is too much data and it's impossible to comment on it even if you read the same thing over and over for an hour.

I myself am against the so-called "string theory" as I don't like even a bit of it... but, that's not what you are saying, right? Well, give me some time, like a day or two, if you can give more information (I mean the word, information, not data), I might be able to understand and then state what I guess to be the fly in your tea. Please give me some time, @Geomartian. And, please give us more information.
The property of inertia is a modified form of self gravitation that keeps a mass in motion. To change a gravitational field into an inertial field, force has to be applied to the mass (good old Newton). This energy causes a distortion in the space time around a mass to keep that mass in motion. This moves the property of inertia from the realm of philosophy into physics because we can measure and map the inertial field with clocks. (Lasers and light are nearly worthless for measuring inertial fields).

I do not have the data from the GPS satellite clocks and the space probe clocks which would allow me to map the 3d external part of the Earth’s inertial field.

All I have to work with is the temporal distortions that can be measured on the Earth’s surface. Temporal distortions which don’t exist according to the Empire and General Relativity. Except the Empire was not as thorough in rewriting history as they thought. This would result in a lot of very quiet murders.

In the case of the Earth’s velocity (orbiting the Sun) this distortion produces a difference in the rate of time between clocks on the leading (about sunrise) and trailing (about sunset) edges of the Earth of about 4 microseconds at the ecliptic plane (near the equator). This effect is not in any way related to relativity or GR.

Ohms law is that a voltage is created when a current moves through a resistance. The ohms law analogy is just one of the ways I am trying to visualize the appearance of the inertial field at the Earth’s surface.

As a mass moves through space time, time is removed from space as the mass approaches (time slows down) and replaced as the mass recedes (time speeds back up again).

The movement or flow of time at the earths gravitational interface (surface) produces the clock rate differences. This could be part of a larger field like the poles on a magnet, but without the hard data this analogy could be way off. Time as a physical property is only understood by the Empire’s vetted personnel (although their screaming suggests they are willing to part with it).

With such limited data, I tried to use the models that I did understand. Ohms law applied to time flow and inertial fields. It really does not look like a very good match but it still beats General Relativity.