The Effects of Interstellar Impacts in Terrestrial Geology

First a short lesson on kinetic energy. (Mass x Velocity^2)/2

At 20 kilometers per second (high to typical asteroid impact velocity) a kilogram of mass has 200 million joules of energy.

(1 X 20,000^2)/2

At 500 kilometers per second (upper end of interstellar asteroid impact velocities, near worse case) a kilogram of mass has 125 billion joules of energy.

(1 X 500,000^2)/2

Twenty five times the velocity means it has 625 times more energy.

One megaton is equivalent to 4.18 x 10^15 joules

One megaton will raise the temperature of a 1 kilometer cube of water by about 1 degree Celsius.
Kinetic energy converts to heat.

Heat melts and vaporizes materials

To vaporize 1 kg of iron (at 349.6 kJ/mol) takes about 6.2 million joules. If this calculation contains an error please let me know.

One kg of iron striking an iron target with all of the energy converted to heat will vaporize:

20 kms approx. 31 kilograms

500 kms approx. 20000 kilograms

From this simple model the melt production of an interstellar asteroid would be 100’s of times greater than any publicly released model for an impact.

The Deccan Traps and the Siberian Traps are easily explained if you include interstellar asteroids.
From simple physics the greater the impact velocity the more energy is transferred to the target. The higher the velocity, the greater the depth of penetration.

As the velocity increases different physical phenomenon appear.

Impact melt increases.

Ballistic melt, micro spheres, the radius of the local ejecta blanket increases.

The spheres increase in size, because of the greater penetration depth mafic materials such as Glauconite appear.

As the penetration depth increases mantle plumes and flood basalts occur.

At about the same time as mantle plumes appear energy starts shifting into material vaporization. A massive jet of vaporized material exits from the point of impact. This jet’s light output is capable of frying everything within line of sight.

The vaporized material begins leaving the atmosphere and travels ballistically. This starts out locally and with increasing energy it will become a global phenomenon.

At some energy level the components of the impact jet will achieve escape velocity. Only when vaporized material achieves escape velocity will chemical and isotopic enrichment of the fallback occur.

I found the chemical and isotopic signatures of highly energetic interstellar asteroid impacts. These chemical and isotopic signatures appear within several common geological strata and formations.

Interstellar impacts are scattered throughout the geological record but are completely missing from the scientific literature.
Follow the uranium

Natural variations in uranium isotope ratios of uranium ore concentrates:

Understanding the 238U/235U fractionation mechanism.

Brennecka et al.​

They are blaming the difference in the isotope ratios between deep earth uranium sources and crustal surface deposits on a chemical effect called redox. All of the surface deposits (few exceptions being placer deposits from igneous sources) are isotope heavy (depleted in 235U).

Never do they explain where the missing 235U is concentrated or has gone. Never do they mention that redox has absolutely no chemical effect on separating uranium isotopes or it would be used in nuclear weapons programs.

An interstellar impact can supply the energy to blast millions of tons of vaporized material out of Earth’s gravity well. Vaporized Uranium follows a velocity probability based on Maxwell-Boltzmann Distributions.

As the vaporized mass leaves Earth’s atmosphere, it spreads out in the vacuum. It is every uranium atom for itself. The lighter 235U atoms have a higher velocity than the 238U atoms. The gravity well separates the two isotopes based on whether they individually have escape velocity.

The lighter 235U tend to escape while the 238U tend to fall back.

Both isotopes escape and both isotopes fall back it is just the ratio between them which changes. The fall back has a heavier isotope ratio than the original target material.

Redox is real but here it is definitely being misapplied. Redox is the “Deus ex machina” for hiding interstellar asteroid impacts.
What is Scientific credibility?

Do Scientists control armies? Do they own newspapers? Are Scientists independently wealthy?

How could scientists stand in the way of people who control armies, owned newspapers, and command vast resources?

If in the 1920’s an economic juggernaut had decided to control geological science in America, who was going to stop them?

You see the common geological strata (with abundant and isotopically heavy uranium) that I was talking about, is oil shale.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
The Effects of Interstellar Impacts in Terrestrial Geology

How are we to know anything about effects of events which took place around four bya? The LHB provides what appears to be available to us. Where does uranium figure in this? :)

When was the LHB created?

What about the force field protecting the pristine basalt plains on the Moon for the past 3.7 billion years? Geochronology the method of determining the age of rocks was created by and for the oil companies with government funding. We are getting pounded or barely missed by small and medium size asteroids on a daily basis.

What would that pristine basalt plain on the Moon look like if it had been pounded for 3.7 billion years?

The LHB was placed at 3.7 billion years ago by the Houston Oil geologists. Interstellar asteroids create both flood basalts and oil. So to hide one secret (IA’s and oil) they had to explain away the young flood basalts on the Moon by pushing back the impact age until when the Moon still had a liquid core.

If the Maria on the nearside of the Moon were 3.7 billion years old, with the current rate of bombardment I doubt if you could even tell that it was there.

The LHB is a fictional event to cover the existence of a real secret, Interstellar Asteroids and Oil.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.

When was the LHB created?

What about the force field protecting the pristine basalt plains on the Moon for the past 3.7 billion years? Geochronology the method of determining the age of rocks was created by and for the oil companies with government funding. We are getting pounded or barely missed by small and medium size asteroids on a daily basis.

What would that pristine basalt plain on the Moon look like if it had been pounded for 3.7 billion years?

The LHB was placed at 3.7 billion years ago by the Houston Oil geologists. Interstellar asteroids create both flood basalts and oil. So to hide one secret (IA’s and oil) they had to explain away the young flood basalts on the Moon by pushing back the impact age until when the Moon still had a liquid core.

If the Maria on the nearside of the Moon were 3.7 billion years old, with the current rate of bombardment I doubt if you could even tell that it was there.

The LHB is a fictional event to cover the existence of a real secret, Interstellar Asteroids and Oil.
Wiki gives:
Mare Imbrium may have been formed when a proto-planet from the asteroid belt collided with the moon 3.8 billion years ago.[1][2]

1. Schultz, Peter H.; Crawford, David A. (21 July 2016). "Origin and implications of non-radial Imbrium Sculpture on the Moon". Nature. 535 (7612): 391–394. Bibcode:2016Natur.535..391S. doi:10.1038/nature18278. ISSN 0028-0836. PMID 27443741.

2. ^ "Asteroid that formed Moon's Imbrium Basin may have been protoplanet-sized | News from Brown". Retrieved 22 July 2016.
Most paradigm shifts in science are caused by science. The geological paradigm shift that is coming will be driven by a Civil War between the haves and the have nots. The US Government rigged the game by denying the smaller oil companies the same information that they gave to the big oil companies.

I hope that SpaceCom has a lot of Texas subscribers.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
The Effects of Interstellar Impacts in Terrestrial Geology

Sorry, but I don't see what politics and oil have to do with this.
How can current oil politics influence events that took place around four billion years ago? . . . . . . . . . or am I missing something?
Interstellar asteroids create the geological conditions for oil.

The oil exploration models used by companies like BP include the locations of all the interstellar impacts found by the International Oil Drilling Program in the last 40 years.

Interstellar asteroids impacts do not exist in the scientific literature.

Yes, you are missing something.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Interstellar asteroids create the geological conditions for oil.

The oil exploration models used by companies like BP include the locations of all the interstellar impacts found by the International Oil Drilling Program in the last 40 years.

Interstellar asteroids impacts do not exist in the scientific literature.

Yes, you are missing something.
From the following:

Origin of petroleum
  • Presence of brine (sea water) with petroleum.
  • Petroleum is found only in association with sedimentary rocks. There is no petroleum associated with igneous or metamorphic rocks.
  • Polarized light passing through all petroleum resources undergoes a rotation that is similar to all organic oils.
  • Molecules in hydrocarbons are thought to be similar to that of the organic matter.
  • The organic carbon found in plants is depleted into C13 due to photosynthesis process.In dead organic matter, it is further depleted due to radioactive decaying. The same depletion was found in petroleum and natural gas. [3]
. . . . . . . . . does your theory require asteroids to hit preferentially only in areas of sedimentary rocks, or is there a reason why they are only found in these areas?
One could also ask about the presence of brine with petroleum.

"Interstellar asteroids create the geological conditions for oil."
What mechanism do you propose.
"Interstellar asteroids impacts do not exist in the scientific literature."
. . . . . . . . . suggests that there is none.

These are very interesting questions.
See message #6 of this thread before reading the following.

Attacking/criticizing the scientists who wrote the papers that support fictional events like the Late Heavy Bombardment is counterproductive and ineffective. If your geochronology lab gives you a false date, you have to go with it. Each scientist’s circumstances are complex and not black and white.

The oil companies and America’s National Science Foundation begin their evaluations and recruitment while their targets are young. Malleability is as important as talent. This is an extension of the English system of elite schools. Get all of the best minds to work for the Empire and deprive the peasants of revolutionary leaders.

If they can’t get a young scientist with potential to lie, then that person is shunted into scholastic oblivion (or second tier science) and someone else will get the prestigious position.

A scientist who knows that he is lying, also knows/suspects the kind of punishments that the Empire could inflict on them.

Under these circumstances personal integrity and scientific logic are irrelevant (resistance is futile). The Empire controls the voice of scientific authority and they will decide what is science.

Interstellar impacts do not exist in the scientific literature. (Winston Smith)
The seven sisters created an information monopoly to keep interstellar asteroids and other valuable oil related information away from their competitors.

Their competitors had to settle for table scraps after all the prime oil leases were taken by the big oil companies. Without that information monopoly, in a fair economic contest, the competition could have replaced or eliminated several members of the seven sisters.

To someone without an oil geology (or physics) background these arguments appear to be gibberish. Many independent oil geologists would grasp my point after a single reading. That doesn’t mean that they would accept my arguments. It does mean that they would invest the time to investigate it further.

A corrupt scientific authority suppressing science does not work when the victims of a conspiracy organize and fight back. Especially when those victims have both the scientific background and the resources to punch big holes in the official narrative.

All I offer is a loose thread in a tapestry of lies. The independent oil geologists can pull on that thread if they want.
Oct 16, 2020
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I've always had the same general theory regarding the creation/origin of Oil and Coal. Being taught that Oil/Coal is created by the remains of ancient carbon-based life forms such as plants and animals on the earth, promotes a few interesting questions to consider.

1. Why is Oil/Coal always located within specific strata layers within the earth? (Knowing Oil is usually found connected with ancient oceanic floors, while Coal is usually located within mountainous strata levels of dry land.)

The same basic number of plants and animals have existed within any given ocean environment or land area for the last 300 million years or so.

2. What causes a certain strata level of these decayed carbon-based particles to produce either Coal or Oil, versus other strata levels that have none?

Meaning, that plants and animals from one period of earth's history created deposits of Oil and Coal, while others did not.

That truly makes no sense to me.

This understanding could easily lead one to theorize that a special high-energy event process, such as an asteroid impact, could indeed be responsible for this geological enigma.

3. Would I be willing to confront and deal with the academic scientists regarding such a theory of origin?

Not for all the Coal in West thanks.
Actually, I have found a receptive audience.

You see all of this information about interstellar impacts was monopolized by big oil (the seven sisters).

The victims of this conspiracy (every oil man who is not big oil) have been quite receptive to this information.

Texas oil men are known to be patient, long suffering individuals who always maintain a professional demeanor. After the technical sessions the words posse and ammo seem to crop up quite a bit.