<p><BR/>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>The effect of the magnetosphere on charged particles is well known. But what does that have to do with shielding Earth from the enormous magnetic field that would result from an equally enormous current powering the sun.</DIV></p><p>I've come to respect your way of reasoning a great deal during our conversations, This question however made no logical sense to me, and I couldn't understand what you meant at first. I think I've finally figured out what you meant, and I think I've come to understand the nature of the mainstream's problem as a result. </p><p>I think I can explain the problem from the perspective of the mainstream, so I think I'll begin there and then tie it back to EU theory. Keep in mind that I personally believe that there is both an internal and external energy process going on here, and EU theory is also predictated on the assumption in the final analysis as well.</p><p>We will begin with the hydrogen fusion powered model of the sun and we will assume that the flow of charged particles we see streaming from the sun are somehow being released as a byproduct of the hydrogen fustion processes in the core of the sun, and the kinetic energy processes that occur as a result. The flow of thees charged particles is so great that some of them flow out of the photosphere and form moving waves of charged particles that we call "solar wind".</p><p>There is a kinetic flow pattern of charged particles that create the *electromagnetic* field around the sun. In other words, the electrons flowing from the photosphere and into the solar wind move into patterns around the sun that are controlled by the electromagnetic field around the sun. They move with the flow so to speak, like driving down various freeway lanes of traffic. The protons and helium ions do the same thing. They flow around the sun's magnetic field. There is a kinetic energy flow pattern being created inside the "magnetic field" as you are calling it. It is not however just a "magnetic field", it is a moving and flowing mass of charged particles made of electrons and protons that are following a specific pattern that is following the magnetic field lines around the sun. There is kinetic energy in that process, and that charged particle flow pattern is what is creating the heliosphere around our solar system. It *shields* us from any other charged particles that might be striking it from the outside.</p><p>I think I finally understand the theoretical problem behind "magnetic reconnection" in this discussion too. I think the mainstream is failing to recognize the flow pattern going on, and the electrical nature of that flow pattern. Even if you looked at it from an entirely *internal* energy source perspective, this would still form a highly *electricallly charged* flow pattern. In other words, you've turned the sun itself into the creation center point of the flow pattern, but the flow pattern is by it's very nature a charged field of flowing particles around the sun.</p><p>The only real difference between this conceptual viewpoint and EU theory is that EU theory presumes that at least some of the that field movement is being interacted with by charged particle movements flowing into that that flow pattern from the outside of the heliosphere. The fact that the hellisphere is not round, but rather forms a teardrop shape like the Earth's magnetosphere, suggests that EU theory is correct, but I'll save that discussion for another day.</p><p>The epiphany I had here was that the mainstream is ignoring the electrical nature of the solar wind. It does not realize this is a kinetic energy process and a flow pattern process. That is the basic misconception behind "magnetic reconnection" too. It's not a "magnetic reconnection" process, it's a particle reconnection process at it's most basic level.</p><p>I think your perplexi9ng question has finally explained a lot of what the mainstream misconception is all about, and it made me realize that the charged solar wind particle process could also involve an entirely internal process, but that is ultimately beside the point, because the process itself would necessarily be a fundamentally "electrically active" process. it would not matter whether you see the sun as the source of all the energy or just some of the energy, it's still a fundamentally flowing, moving, kinetic energy, electrically active process.</p><p>Alfven's model is not any different as it relates to flow patterns. His model begins with simple induction which releases free protons and electrons into the circuit. It creates a flow pattern around the sun which the charged particles follow. The only real question, and the only fundamental difference between an internal model and an external (at lesast partically external) energy source model would be that Alfven's model presumes that charged particles waves flow into and through the flow patterns created *either internally or externally* around the sun. His model would presume that most of the flow pattern of charged particles originate outside the heliosheath, whereas standard theory would presume that all the proton and electron flow around the sun would be internally driven. Other than this one issue, there is fundamentally no difference between standard theory and EU theory in the final analsys. You can claim that all the charged particle flow oriiginates with the sun, but even still, it's a fundamentally electrically active flow pattern, and it would electrically interact with anything it bumps into, and well as "magnetically" interact with anything it ran into. The only real questions is where those protons and electrons originate. There is still a kinetic flow pattern of charged particles going on here that which the mainstream is failing to reconginze.</p><p>I'll take a shot showing evidence of cathode rays from the sun using Hinode images. I will also look for evidence of more positive charges flowing near the equator to validate the induction idea. In the final analysis however, you could in fact look at that flow pattern and then claim that it is all driven internally rather than externally, but I guarantee you that the flow pattern is there. In the final analysis it wouldn't matter whether it's induction driven (it logically must be if there are charged particles flowing past the heliosphere), or whether it's internally driven. The charge separation is there in the flow patterns either way you look at it.</p><p>There must be more positively charged particles flowing out the equator no matter how you look at it. I think I finally realized however that it's the charge separated, kinetic energy nature of this process that astronomers are failing to recognize. There is no 'magnetic reconnection' occuring in these interactions, there are only charged particles interacting with other charged particles that are following a different flow pattern. It's sitll a fundamentally *electrical reconnection* process and *particle reconnection* process. There is no such things as "magnetic reconnection". Those folks that posit that theory are failing to recognize the rivers of charged particles that make up the "lines".</p><p> </p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature">
It seems to be a natural consequence of our points of view to assume that the whole of space is filled with electrons and flying electric ions of all kinds. - Kristian Birkeland </div>