Why is the redshift of high energy rays emmited by blackholes the same as the redshift of its host Galaxy ?

May 18, 2024
I have made an inquiry on chatgpt into the redshift of gamma rays emmited by black holes and turns out it is exactly the same redshift that light waves emmited by its host galaxy have, which is considered to be a cosmological redshift. This redshift equality between them implies that the blackhole has no gravitational shift at all ! This complete lack of gravitational redshift of the EM waves emmited by the so called 'blackholes' proves Einstein's gravity theory wrong once more. Since it predicts that blackholes should have an extreme gravitational redshift due to their extreme gravity- from which nothing, not even light can escape. Except high energy gamma rays.

So the answer is because gravitational redshift doesn't exist, and because black holes don't exist either. The very fact that the 'blackhole' can emmit such rays in the first place contradicts the definition of a blackhole, from which nothing not even light can escape.
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Apr 3, 2020
As a general comment, I would NOT assume that ChatGPT, or any of the other consumer oriented LLMs, provides academically accurate information. Without sources and confirming research, you should take with more than a grain of salt.
May 18, 2024
You have a point but I can't find any source regarding the redshift of EM waves emmited by blackholes, these sources are very ellusive on the internet it seems. Maybe I should try on the dark web ?

Or can you point me to one at least ?
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Aug 15, 2024
Isn't the radiation coming from a BH originating at the accretion disk? It's from what's being hurled away, not what is already in the BH. These jets can go for light years. Since both the BH and the galaxy are in the same local area, their red shift would be very similar.
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Apr 3, 2020
Isn't the radiation coming from a BH originating at the accretion disk?
Yes.; BHs don't emit anything else they wouldn't be blackholes. As you note, it's the light that comes from their surrounding accretion disks, if they have one.

The gravitational shift from the accretion disk may not be that noticeable, perhaps. But there should be some bh disks that exhibit the shift, yet their Doppler shift will likely be far more dramatic.
May 18, 2024
Isn't the radiation coming from a BH originating at the accretion disk? It's from what's being hurled away, not what is already in the BH. These jets can go for light years. Since both the BH and the galaxy are in the same local area, their red shift would be very similar.


wikipedia said:
The relativistic jet of matter emerging from the core extends at least 1.5 kiloparsecs (5,000 light-years) from the nucleus and consists of matter ejected from a supermassive black hole

So matter can escape a blackhole after all ! But I was talking about EM waves.

wikipedia said:
and is probably powered by a prograde accretion disk around the spinning supermassive black hole

That is pure speculation. 'Probably' means they have no ideea what's powering it, nor any evidence to support it.

In fact this hole accretion disk non-sense is just a sci-fi theory.
Have you ever seen an accretion disk floating around a black hole ?

Even they say that this accretion disk which generates all that energy is theoretical:

An active galactic nucleus (AGN) is a compact region at the center of a galaxy that emits a significant amount of energy across the electromagnetic spectrum, with characteristics indicating that this luminosity is not produced by the stars. Such excess, non-stellar emissions have been observed in the radio, microwave, infrared, optical, ultra-violet, X-ray and gamma ray wavebands. A galaxy hosting an AGN is called an active galaxy. The non-stellar radiation from an AGN is theorized to result from the accretion of matter by a supermassive black hole at the center of its host galaxy.

'Is theorised' means it's not proven. So stop pretending that anyone has actually proved that this immaginary 'accretion disk' exists. It is just as real as the supermassive blackhole. Which is pure sci-fi generated by Einstein's sci-fi gravity theory. Which was completelly debunked by Dr Edward Dowdye, and also by me, me, and me. Because I debunked three relative experiments which allegedly confirmed Einsteins' theory. But you just ignore this because you cant accept that your fuzzy haired crackpot was wrong.
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May 18, 2024
Yes.; BHs don't emit anything else they wouldn't be blackholes. As you note, it's the light that comes from their surrounding accretion disks, if they have one.
Or, if they emmit anything they are not blackholes. And why would accretion disks not be sucked by blackholes ? They can suck entire stars but cant suck an accretion disk ?
Also, who proved these bh accretion disks exist ?

The gravitational shift from the accretion disk may not be that noticeable, perhaps.

Or it is not noticeable, because it doesn't exist. Because the blackhole is pure sci-fi, and so is its accretion disk.

But there should be some bh disks that exhibit the shift, yet their Doppler shift will likely be far more dramatic.

Show me one then.
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The accretion disc will form any time a large random assemblage of objects is in orbit around something. As collisions occur between objects, the objects settle into a disc shape. Any object not "with the program" will collide with the disc during the objects orbit and eventually join the disc. In any system, with enough objects in orbit, a disc will eventually form.

In the process of moving any object closer to the BH, angular momentum must be conserved. As the object gets closer it wants to go faster sideways, not straight downward. Energy must be shed somehow. This can only be done by heat. This is why the accretion disc is so hot. All matter entering the BH does so at its equator.

BH is magnetized with a pole at top and bottom. Only at top and bottom, where the magnetic field lines are parallel, can anything escape from the area just outside the event horizon to outer space. Thus all emanations come from the poles.
Jan 2, 2024
So matter can escape a blackhole after all ! But I was talking about EM waves.
Nonsense! I would not be so rude except when someone deliberately misinforms. The Wikipedia article referred to the core of a Galaxy and not the core of a black hole. The article is clear enough on this point.
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Jan 2, 2024
Marvas: This misleading comment not only misleads us but denigrates Wikipedia. Why would anyone read your stuff in future except to poke fun? Or, maybe you read the article too quickly (?).
Jan 2, 2024
As a general comment, I would NOT assume that ChatGPT, or any of the other consumer oriented LLMs, provides academically accurate information. Without sources and confirming research, you should take with more than a grain of salt.
I have found that they (all AIs I have tried) often reply with simplistic answers but when challenged seem to get more professional and more accurate but still prone to possible error.

However, I have found that you can argue with them - as you would with a human - sometimes it gets quite deep and interesting and brings up unexpected points.

But 100% agree with you, you cannot/should not take the answers at face value without further research. But I do think they are most useful to debate things fairly without emotion and seemingly without bias. It remains to be seen if my positive comments are still valid in a year or two!
Jan 6, 2025
I will concur with the comments made here about LLMs, you have to be exact and deliberate in the questions you ask, and always ensure that you ask them to provide citations to support their statements, they can and do make fundamental arrors. You need to remember these are not science specific LLMs, they do exists, but the public do not have access to them, which is a shame as I know how good they are, however, even these make mistakes, which is why modelling that uses LLMs are run countless times, often for good science reasoning, but also to weed out the intrinsic errors that creap in.

As for Red Shift - that is a change in the frequency of an electromatgnetic wave as it loses energy caused by the expansion of the Universe - in simple terms - Black Holes do not emit any radiation (possibly Hawking radiation as they evaporate if the theory is correct), any radiation that suggests a black hole is even present comes from material accelerated around it as an accretion disk, as others have already told you, and from radiation caused by the acceleration of material and particles in the magnetic field that is ejected along the field lines from the magnetic poles on the object. This is why all redshift is the same across the entire Universe regardless of the source of the energy.

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