I was able to enjoy some Eta Aquarid meteors this morning. Note from my stargazing log.
[Observed 0330-0515 EDT/0730-0915 UT. Waning crescent Moon rise 0359/0759 UT. New Moon 11-May-2021 at 1900 UT. Sunrise 0604 EDT/1004 UT. I observed two bright Aquarids this morning. One as bright as Altair zipping westward and another as bright as Vega, zipping south near Saturn position in the sky. Quite a sight here. At least 6 or more faint streaks this morning visible too, perhaps 3rd-5th magnitude streaks. One equatorial orbiting satellite passed by moving through Cygnus (about 2nd magnitude). The satellite speed about 8 km/s, the meteors about 66 km/s according to Starry Night and Stellarium 0.21.0. A great difference in movement across the sky here! The satellite was slow
I also enjoyed views of Saturn using 14-mm eyepiece at 71x and Jupiter too. Titan and Rhea visible at Saturn. Saturn's sky position was lovely with a variety of stars all around in the FOV. Jupiter, 3 Galilean moons visible and with some cloud bands. I did briefly view the waning crescent Moon rising through some trees using the telescope too. NW quadrant visible with craters along terminator line and Sinus Irdium. Overall, a great early spring morning viewing some of the Eta Aquarid meteor shower, waning crescent Moon rising, Jupiter, and Saturn with my 90-mm refractor telescope. Cool temperature 08C with NW winds 320/12 knots. Earlier in the morning before moonrise, I could see some of the Milky Way running through Cygnus and the Summer triangle, Deneb, Vega, and Altair. Delphinus distinct with some 5.4 and 5.6 apparent magnitude stars visible, Eta Delphini, Theta Delphini, and Iota Delphini stars.]