The FTL Accelerating Expansion of the Universe is Always Backward in Time!

The universe is expanding faster than the speed of light because the flow direction of the expansion is always backward in time! IT IS THAT SIMPLE!

The universe's flow direction of time travel, NOT THAT OF ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING IN IT! is backward in time!

The unobservable future histories future light cone is not forward of the observed past histories past light cone but overlays it in a quantum entangling "superposition!" so that travelers in the universe will always be traveling in the exact equal but opposite direction to the time direction, the time flow, direction of the eternally time traveling universe itself!


Albert Einstein: "God doesn't play dice with the universe."
Stephen Hawking: "Yes, God does play dice with the universe but they're loaded."
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Does anyone realize how fast a traveler can travel the universe if the traveler, like you, is always traveling forward in time observed from the rear in time observed? Never traveling faster than the speed of light since the so-called time dilation always applies to the future histories future light cone?!

I've always been denying the existing of time dilation except as the traveler observes time dilation forward in travel. Fast forward [observed] from however far [observed] to the rear in time of all destinations in the [observed] "observable universe."

I've also always advocated something similar to what I've expressed in the opening of this thread, just never on the scale of the accelerating expansion of an "observable universe." I've said the expansion was an accelerating expansion to "nowhere." It turns out my "nowhere" means a counterintuitive reversal of time to an "endless beginning to the universe(s)," via faster than the speed of light, just as I've stated in other ways without realizing and hitting upon a tachyon and/or antimatter solution to the universe's time flow (travel). And, as I state above and elsewhere, there is no limit to speed of travel observed forward in time from backward in time observed (which is all we observe of time, of SPACETIME, whether just across a room or across the universe).

What really screwed me up was this diagram of SPACETIME which isn't right when I realize an overlaying / inlaying superposition of the two light cones, with the past light cone's time line being the universe's time line and the future light cone's time line being the time line of all the universe contains, for a final result in the front line (so to speak) of spontaneous concurrent REALTIME (t=0 (0-point)); and in the back line back ground (again so to speak) of P/BB collapsed cosmological constant (/\) Horizon Mirror (t=*1*).

This diagram:

That bottom arrow's direction of time flow is [counterintuitively] the universe's faster-than-the-speed-of-light "accelerating expansion" direction of time flow.
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Apr 7, 2024
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The universe is expanding faster than the speed of light because the flow direction of the expansion is always backward in time! IT IS THAT SIMPLE!

The universe's flow direction of time travel, NOT THAT OF ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING IN IT! is backward in time!

The unobservable future histories future light cone is not forward of the observed past histories past light cone but overlays it in a quantum entangling "superposition!" so that travelers in the universe will always be traveling in the exact equal but opposite direction to the time direction, the time flow, direction of the eternally time traveling universe itself!


Albert Einstein: "God doesn't play dice with the universe."
Stephen Hawking: "Yes, God does play dice with the universe but they're loaded."
loaded dice eh!!!
very intelligent guy, i found out 2 things that scientists say were impossible, nothing can travel faster than light speed it's supposedly the universal speed limit but apparently not if the universe is expanding faster than light.
I also was informed that nothing can escape from a black hole not even light but not so as hawking radiation tells us.
what else is possible that we don't even want to explore because science hasn't caught up yet
E.B.E1 : " I found 2 things that scientists say were impossible, nothing can travel faster than light speed it's supposedly the universal speed limit but apparently not if the universe is expanding faster than light."

The key word in the above statement is "Travel". Although galaxies beyond the observable universe recede faster than the speed of light they do not travel through space (our space that is - it could be considered that C+ in the context of space consisting of additional dimensions - or a different combination of our 4 dimensions - cannot be ruled out).
Your second point though is, I think, valid. However, again, nothing can travel from a black hole in the sense of moving through space - not even light

PS Galaxies do in fact "travel through space", my comments are only in the context of your discussion.
Once more into the breach! The universe that is observed to have existed there-then one light second away no longer exists in space and time there-now one second later in light's coordinate points future histories (-1) future light cone of SPACETIME (the instantaneous spontaneous concurrent REALTIME 'front' ('frontier')). It has traveled one second backward in time relative to here-now . . . eventually to be buried so deep in the cumulative clouds of light's coordinate points past histories (+1) past light cone of SPACETIME as to be of a piece with the collapsed cosmological constant of Planck/Big Bang 'Mirror Horizon'!

The forward facing universe in space and time doesn't begin with the observed Q-Verse of there-then, it BEGINS there-now and here-now, with "instantaneous spontaneous concurrent REALTIME 'front' ('frontier')" being relative to "emergent SPACE." A universe always in new Planck (Big Bang) creation; always in new beginning (always BEGINNING!) there-now and here-now (4-dimensional universe arising from out of 2-dimensional Flatland's canvas of "Nowhere-land" and "Nothingness" (*1*/0 = (+1,-1 (don't tell me I can't split a universe ('1' (unity)) by the simple act of dividing it by its fundamental binary base2 '0' (null unity))))!

The universe of intrinsic substance begins (exists) NOW. NOT one second ago; NOT one light-second (to countless billions of light years) away from anywhere, but HERE-NOW . . . everywhere HERE-NOW . . . thus, too, THERE-NOW and THERE-THEN regarding light's coordinate points future histories future light cone of SPACETIME (in directions and magnitudes 4-d universes springing (popping) in and out of a 2-d Flatland canvas) is!

For all that anyone says about it (including me), though, there is still energy in light's coordinate points past histories past light cone SPACETIME thanks to light's future histories future light cone of SPACETIME, else not even that would exist. Neither would exist without the overlay and inlay of the other, or the sustaining existence at every point of SPACETIME of packet-frame crossing holograms' crossroads, actually.

** (Look up 2-d fractal "Sierpinski Carpet" and 3-d fractal "Menger Sponge." Go! Go! Hyperspace-manifold "emergent SPACE" (emergent gravity)! Go! Go!) **
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Oct 25, 2024
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Perhaps naive but … if the distant galaxies that are viewed much further back in time, move away faster than near galaxies (nearer to present time), wouldn’t that suggest the universe expanded faster shortly after the Big Bang, and have been decelerating over time?