The fundamental error of the Michelson Morley experiment

May 18, 2024
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Michelson Morrey experiment did not disprove aether. Because it was fundamentally flawed.​

by Marius L. Vasile

''The Michelson–Morley experiment was an attempt to measure the motion of the Earth relative to the luminiferous aether,[A 1] a supposed medium permeating space that was thought to be the carrier of light waves. The experiment was performed between April and July 1887 by American physicists Albert A. Michelson and Edward W. Morley at what is now Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, and published in November of the same year.[1]

The experiment compared the speed of light in perpendicular directions in an attempt to detect the relative motion of matter, including their laboratory, through the luminiferous aether, or "aether wind" as it was sometimes called. The result was negative, in that Michelson and Morley found no significant difference between the speed of light in the direction of movement through the presumed aether, and the speed at right angles.

This result is generally considered to be the first strong evidence against some aether theories, as well as initiating a line of research that eventually led to special relativity, which rules out motion against an aether.[A''

So the whole MM experiment is based on the premise that if the earth is moving through a stationary aether than the speed of light should change depending on the direction in which earth is moving. This is a completelly false and misleading assumption, which shows that these relative scientists really have no ideea how waves propagate in a medium.
If light is a wave, you can't add the velocity of the wave to that of the source, as these relative scientists expected. It will still travel with the speed of light regardless how fast or slow the source is moving relative to the aether medium. Just like a sound wave does. The speed of sound does not increase if the speed of the source increases relative to the air medium.

If a speeding train horns while it passes a station, the people on the station dont measure an increased speed of sound of the horn. What they measure is a an increased or decreased frequency (and wavelength) due to the Doppler effect. The speed of the wave is exactly the same.

Michelson Morrey experiment makes the false assumption that because the earth is moving, the speed of light should somehow be increased in the direction of movement, and decreased in the opposite direction. This is completelly false if light is a wave in a stationary aether, which was the main assumption of the experiment. It will travel at exactly the same speed regardless of the speed of the source. So there will be no change in the speed of light in either direction. Which is exactly what they seen: no difference. How does that disprove that aether exists ?! It si completelly illogical to draw this conclusion, yet here we have dozens of the worlds brightest scientists, many Nobel laureates, behaving like utter and complete fools who make the most illogical assumption and then based on it misinterpret their experiments in exactly the opposite way in which they should be interpretated.

What is truly incredible is that no one has seen their fundamental error before, including the greatest minds of science like ...none, and that this stupid experiment is considered for more than a century by all these relative scientists as the utimate proof that aether does not exist. When it should have been obvious for anyone who knows basic wave physics that Michelson Morley made a fundamental error in the very premise of the experiment, which could only lead to an erroneus conclusion.

The reason why the speed of light is the same in all frames of reference is because the medium of light, aether, is the only frame of reference for light waves, and the speed of light simply does not depend to any other frames. The speed of light only depends to ITS MEDIUM, which is the AETHER, and light only moves relative to its own fixed frame of reference. That’s why an observer will always measure the speed of light waves in a 'vacuum' which is aether to be the same, regardless if he is on a rocket or on a planet.
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Think about how sound is emitted. Sound has to be accelerated from the source. To emit a wavelength of sound it takes one period to accelerate it, or stream it from the source.

If the source is not moving, it takes one period to stream one wavelength long in medium.

But if the source is moving while streaming, then the length of the stream can be added to, or subtracted from that normal length. The length of motion is vector added to the stream length. The total stream length is what you hear.

This is not too hard to grasp. And clearly see. And clearly hear.

The motion of the ear, can also effect the listening time. The period. If the source is still, and you are moving, your motion also has the Doppler effect.

And it is the same effect. Symmetric. If the source moves at X velocity and changes tone by Y, Then if only the ear is moving at same velocity, the same tone shift happens. Both motions have the same effect. And the speed of sound depends and is limited by the media. NOT the acceleration. Acceleration just changes the intensity and frequency, not the speed of sound.

Now lets look and compare to light. Light is not streamed, light is quantum. What does quantum really mean physically? It means discreet, set with length and intensity, and instant. The quantum principle is not math. It’s a physical dynamic. Matter’s digital dynamic.

Light unlike sound does not need to be accelerated, light is already at c velocity before it is emitted. And is why all light is at c speed. The light field is emitted as a chunk, not a stream. Think of two metal spheres being rotated with a spinning hub. When the wires are cut, the spheres just change direction, not speed, and the sphere is a chunk…...and it changed direction in an instant.

Now instead of spheres, think of the radius of a EM field. When cut at the origin, the radius quits swinging and darts straight out. That radius keeps it’s length, and is emitted as a chunk. IN an INSTANT.

That’s why the speed of the emitter is NOT added to the speed of the emission. There is no acceleration or streaming time. Not matter how the emitter is moving, each emission has a unique location in space and time. Because it’s instant. Only an instant can define a space point.

And that’s why light is discreet and not a stream or an alternating waveform. It has a duty cycle. An extremely accurate duty cycle. With no relative motion, the duty cycle is 50%. And the velocity is c. We have never measured c. We have only measured the velocity of the flux of light, which will always be an average measurement. AND that average would probably cover a directional difference.

The motion of the emitter can not vary the length of the emission, like sound can. But the motion of the emitted does effect the duty cycle of the detected light. In other words it varies the length of space between the lengths of emissions. This would be an inverted duty cycle to an electrical engineer.

Today we use pulse width modulation for many signal functions. Light is Space width modulated with emitter motion. Of course no ones knows of this.

The motion of the light detector is much different. This will change the length of the detected emission. And the space length between emissions. But both are changed equally.

This is highly asymmetric, not symmetric like sound.

And when preforming light and radar timings and experiments, it makes a huge difference between a reflection and an emission. An emission is an instant act, a reflection is an instant act too, but it takes a duration. An emission is an instant cut radius, a reflection is a directional change of length, and the length has duration. This confuses many of our concepts.

No one seems to know this either. This should be easy to see with a few radar guns and a highway. Sound does not do this. Because sound emission and sound reflection have the same duration.

Although I have never worked in electronic warfare, I’m sure this principle has been put to advantage.

Whether they understand it or not. One could easily imitate a moving object. Or a miss-moving object. It would depend on how sharp the detection software is.

You know, if someone did find a huge new finding about basic physics, wouldn’t it be to advantage to keep it quiet as long as possible? Or if they built a semi-sentient A.I., wouldn’t it be kept secret?

The secret advantage might be better than the fame and fortune. Even more power. More security.

It’s just an opinion. I think redshift is a duty cycle shift.

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