I was able to enjoy some of this total lunar eclipse this morning, lovely sight.
Sunrise 0640/0641 EST. Observed 0330 EST-0540 EST, 0830-1040 UT. Partial eclipse begins 0909 UT/0409 EST. Total eclipse begins 1016 UT/0516 EST. Mid-eclipse begins 1059 UT/0559 EST. Total eclipse ends 1142 UT/0642 EST (Sky & Telescope). I used 10x50 binoculars and my 90-mm refractor telescope at 31x (TeleVue 32-mm plossl). By 0412 EST, a chunk of the Moon was bit off and obvious

Copernicus crater in the curved shadow of Earth 0430 EST and Tycho crater later near 0434 EST. Sky & Telescope on page 39 for November issue showed 0929 UT for Copernicus and 0933 UT for Tycho crater entering the shadow. By 0516 EST, the total lunar eclipse is taking place. Lovely sky with Mars bright and Uranus near 2-degrees from the Moon easy to see in 10x50 binocular view with Moon in eclipse. The Pleiades were lovely to see as well as Canis Major and Orion. The colors were distinct orange hue and Tycho crater distinct orange-reddish hue area. HIP13069, HIP13005, and HIP13046 formed an easy to see 3-star asterism near the Moon about 37 arcminute or less from lunar limb (Stellarium). These were 7th-8th magnitude stars, fainter stars visible too. 0540 EST, the Moon dipped below a tree line, so I came back inside. Clear skies with temperature 8C, north winds 13 knots. Some thin, high cirrus that did not cause viewing problems. Earlier near 0345 EST and farther out near the woods, I could hear coyote yips in a group as they walked through the woods, very distinct. I packed it up and moved to another, safer location.
When it comes to pictures of this lunar eclipse, I think my telescope views were better

Nothing quite like the real thing outdoors on a very clear early morning.