The Light, Space, Time, Energy and Matter

Nov 6, 2020
"The Light from where it goes through gravity it returns and if it goes to somewhere in time is like it didn't go to anywhere but does the roots energy over the mass, to create the matter in its emptiness".

Besides, You can not measure a light that moves by a ruler because the photon doesn’t stop at the end or in the beginning and you can not take his weight by a balance because it's mass less.

E=Mc2 is what Einstein defines as energy and mass (matter) are interchangeable; they are different forms of the same thing. The mass is the matter that have electrons proton neutron as atom and Light is the wavy-particles different from matter as they are smaller than electrons and they are made from photons, gluons, bosons, higgs…as quarks. E=mc2 is also the Function of the Nuclear atomic Bomb after Einstein made a contract with the government for creating the 1st Atomic bomb and He regrets it before he Died for another country to copy it and developed it because it was extremely dangerous for all Humankind.

E is the energy and M is the Mass and C to the power of 2 is the Celerity steradian of the Energy where the photons of Light are derived from the study of the electromagnetic fields radiation so they are empowered by themselves as 2 vectors line multiplied by each other to make the formula of c x c = c2 as a steradian sinusoidal empowered Light through space dimension and time. When you multiplied C by C you are augmented the power to the C itself and you make a dimension in space. a 1 Line vector x 1 Line vector gives you dimension power in Mathematics.

Then He multiplied it by the mass because they are in proportion to each other but with different element of Nature.

So without Light there is no mass and without mass there is emptiness but without emptiness there is Light and energy.

The other E=1/2mv2 is the energy of Matter with a speed v and mass m.

m=m0 /√1-(v2/c2) is the formula of Mass as its final state while m0 is the initial mass at rest and when the speed of the mass approach Light and become equal to C the formula inside the square roots become V2/C2=C2/C2=1 when v2 approaches c2 and √(1-1)=0 >>>the final mass tends to infinity because a number divided by zero tends to infinity so m tends to infinity. All of both formulas give you the energy E tends to infinity when the Mass approaches the speed of Light like when the Light goes to the extreme Gravity of a Black Hole. And those all discovered by Einstein.

Furthermore, Light is not a mass it is a wavy-particles made from photons that have a constant celerity, wavelengths and frequencies.

E=hc/λ is the energy of Light created by Einstein and Planck

Where E is photon energy, h is the Planck constant that is equal to 6.626 X 10-34 J·s.

c is the speed of light in vacuum and λ is the photon's wavelength. As h and c are both constants, photon energy Exchanges in inverse relation to wavelength λ.

Since f the frequency of Light is equal to f=c/ λ, as f the frequency, the photon energy equation can be simplified to


Maxwell is also a theorist Man that discovered the speed of Light in vacuum that is equal to C=1√ɛ0μ0 where the permittivity of free space is ε0 and the permeability of free space is μ0.

On another hand, someone came and add to the equation of Planck-Eistein the number of photons n as he wants to define the quantity of photons inside, to derive its energy and the formula became E=nhv.

There is a lot of debates and theories based on Giant Minds that changes the world till nowadays.

All those formulas are corrected but still we have a lot of hidden unsolved sciences problems that need to be clear;
What about Black holes tunnels connections, space-time and other galaxies? What about Hologram interactive computers? what about the mathematics unsolved problems and a lot of other jigsaws mysteries.

There is a lot of SPACE studies needs for Humanity.
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Nov 6, 2020



The speed of Light still miss something that couldn’t be exactly as it was before Like they used to say it is in vacuum equal to approx. 300 000 000 m/s. Besides, the atomic bomb are too small in front of Universe too epsilon smaller explosion in a giant space. On another hand, Humankind in 1 century years only have those technologies in their hands. There is more to come for the Future.

Maxwell approaches the sinuosity of a meandering river to π but he couldn't verify that the speed of Light is probably is equal to C=π. The sinuosity is the ratio between the actual length and the straight-line distance from source to mouth. Faster currents along the outside edges of a river's bends cause more erosion than along the inside edges, thus pushing the bends even farther out, and increasing the overall loopiness of the river.

The speed of Light in absolute emptiness differs from the one in vacuum as vacuum diminishes the speed of Light in the absolute reality of emptiness.

It is the revolution and evolution of mankind and it simplify all the studies of quantum mechanics, artificial intelligent Ai, hologram, so rhe mathematic will become easier for everybody, quantum computers, SUSY Complexity world, anti gravity, Black holes and futuristic technology development will be better.

The speed of Light is equal to 314 159 265 .3 m/s because Celerity = Time x Gravity = time that earth moves around the sun in 1 cycle x center of gravity of earth = 365.25 x ~23.9Hours x 60 Min. x 60 Sec. x 10 m/s2 = 314 159 265 .3... m/s = π MegaMeters/Centisecond = π Mm/Cs

There is a lot of other things that tell you that the speed of Light is the distance of a spin photon to itself divided by its mirrored 1 unit of secant time Length inside to be outside "straight Infinity Line with the curvature of space in absolute emptiness".

So if you take the circumference of a photon movement spin around itself or in its sinusoidal movement divided by its Length of Time diameter that is equal to 1 as a unit of existence, the circumference should be equal to π. Because Light always moves at a constant speed in Nature even if it spin around itself or if it spin in any sinusoidal direction. This is the trick of singularity, duality and all dimension of time-space.

A Circle big as universe or smaller as quarks or atom, you divided by its diameter time that took the point of departure spin to its point of arrival is the same equality Length for all its mirrored Line inside which is equal to π as a circumference spiral path even if it is closed or open in n & n-1 dimension. so when you divide the universe by its timeline curvature diameter it gives you π as constant the same way its quark infinity singularity circumference divided by its extremely smaller diameter time distance 0 in x Dimension.

And this is the speed of Light that could be extremely fast in emptiness 0 as in infinity to the n spherical dimension or n-1 torus dimension.

Speed= Distance / time = Speed of Light in mathematics emptiness= distance of quarks infinity trajectory / Time Length curvature of Space dimension=π / 1 = π2/ π = π. From where the Light begins and start it will turn back and come back to the same point of departure. If Light goes and does its energy and come back to its place, is the same way as if Light didn’t go to anywhere and did its same energy to create the emptiness.

Emptiness is in Light and not Light is in emptiness. but we as human can not predict it easily, but Light is there eternally so if you remove the mass then emptiness you see the Light.

Besides, in the Light world, the Energy of Light E is also equal to C=E=π if it is in absolute emptiness and E=MC2 if it is in vacuum as the photon speed creates the ora energy roots of the mass by the exponential power of its particles. So the irrational speed π, π2, π3 in the world of imaginary number i2 complexity by its logarithmic spherical point of view it differs as Light C=π have the same compensational invisible power roots of the quantum mechanic fields E=MC2. So the energy will be the ora of the created matter by Light in the same metamorphosing shape of the subject matter (0 Zero, Point, Circumference Line, Surface Circle, Volume Sphere energy of a photon is the same)

So the speed of Light have the energy of itself after all. It is by virtue that Light propagates in the emptiness of gravity and eat darkness. It is the commander of the electrons that have half 1/2 spin that made the masses.

C= π

C= π Mm/Cs will be the next Level of Mathematics infinity comprehension, Quantum Physics, Cosmos, Future Technologies and much more.
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Nov 6, 2020
Light has mass as it has energy.
I meant that Light is not a matter. Besides, the mass of the photon is equal to zero. Check the quark elementary table. Photons and gluons have no mass but the Higgs has mass. Higgs are the scalar bosons the sub particles. But photons and gluons are the standard elements quarks of Light. All others are forces and interaction. What I am talking there is that Light photon has no mass. It differs from the graviton of gravity.
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Nov 20, 2019
I wonder if light having a (kynetic) momentum, if this momentum keeps preserved in an assumed expanding medium after passing its original Hubble horizon.
If so, that momentum --a form of energy transport -- would incorporate into the local false vacuum energy amount.
Nov 6, 2020
How is 299,792,458 m/s equal to 3.141592653589793238...... ?

And, absolute vacuum is impossible, just like Charles' Law applying to gases at 0K.
It is 3 Hundred Forteen Million One Hundred Fifty Nine Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Five Point Three ...Meters Per Sec. 314,159,265 .3...m/s which is equal to 3 Hundred Forteen Thousand One Hundred Fifty Nine Point Two Six Five Three...Kilometer Per Second 314,159 .2653... km/s which is approx. equal to Three Point One Four...Million Meters Per Centisecond... 3.14... Mm/Cs (Mega means Million) as you divided the second by One Hundred 100 to obtain it in Centisecond, Because 1 sec.=100 Centisecond.
So for abreviation saying it become 3.14... Three Point Forteen Million Meters Per Centisecond which is Pi MillionMeters per Centisecond or Pi Megameters Per Centisecond.
It is approx. Forteen Thousand 14 000 of km/s more than the one of vaccum.

It is not only 3 Mm/Cs it is 3.14 Mm/Cs

When you say in computers world 3 Mega Hertz you mean 3 Million Hertz.

Approx. The same when you say 3 MillionMeters/Second it is written 3 000 000 Meters/Second Which is also written 300 MillionMeters/Second that is equal to 3 MillionMeters/Centisecond. (You divided by 100 to have it in Centiseond Cs)
The same goes for 314 MegaMeters/Second could be written 314 000 000 Meters/Second. So when you divided by 100 you will have it in Centisecond and it will be 3.14 MegaMeters/Centisecond that is written 314 000 000 m/s or 3 140 000 m/Cs

To differentiate all the above and for simplification abreviation and compact use it is written only Pi letter with Megameters/Centisecond as Mm/Cs and it is

C=π Mm/Cs

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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
AS "The Light, Space, Time, Energy and Matter"

You have a long initial post with, as far as I can understand, no clear ending, summary or question.
I really would like to understand the purpose of your post, and would be very grateful if you could kindly provide me with just a couple of lines in summary?

Many thanks,

Cat :)


"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
Apr 5, 2020
It is 3 Hundred Forteen Million One Hundred Fifty Nine Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Five Point Three ...Meters Per Sec. 314,159,265 .3...m/s which is equal to 3 Hundred Forteen Thousand One Hundred Fifty Nine Point Two Six Five Three...Kilometer Per Second 314,159 .2653... km/s which is approx. equal to Three Point One Four...Million Meters Per Centisecond... 3.14... Mm/Cs (Mega means Million) as you divided the second by One Hundred 100 to obtain it in Centisecond, Because 1 sec.=100 Centisecond.
So for abreviation saying it become 3.14... Three Point Forteen Million Meters Per Centisecond which is Pi MillionMeters per Centisecond or Pi Megameters Per Centisecond.
It is approx. Forteen Thousand 14 000 of km/s more than the one of vaccum.

It is not only 3 Mm/Cs it is 3.14 Mm/Cs

When you say in computers world 3 Mega Hertz you mean 3 Million Hertz.

Approx. The same when you say 3 MillionMeters/Second it is written 3 000 000 Meters/Second Which is also written 300 MillionMeters/Second that is equal to 3 MillionMeters/Centisecond. (You divided by 100 to have it in Centiseond Cs)
The same goes for 314 MegaMeters/Second could be written 314 000 000 Meters/Second. So when you divided by 100 you will have it in Centisecond and it will be 3.14 MegaMeters/Centisecond that is written 314 000 000 m/s or 3 140 000 m/Cs

To differentiate all the above and for simplification abreviation and compact use it is written only Pi letter with Megameters/Centisecond as Mm/Cs and it is

C=π Mm/Cs
Pi is simply the fixed ratio between the circumference and the diameter of a circle, that's it. Period. And, no, the speed of light is 299,792,458 m/s not 314,159,265.3 m/s. Every book about light I have ever read contains that number and I have not even copy-pasted the number. How are you even getting whether pi is m/s of km/s or km/h. Pi is simply a ratio, it is not a speed and let it be. Simply "LET IT BE. There will be no answer, let it be."

And yes, that's a Beatles reference, Cat. :)
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Nov 6, 2020
This is what I am talking about the ratio of the speed of Light is the distance over the time. SPEED=DISTANCE/TIME
You should take the time as a standard unit of length as a 1 unit of time calculation providence of existancy you will have the circumference of its distance trajectory circle equal to Pi as ratio. If you have a diameter of 1 unit time you will have a circumference length distance equal to Pi. So the photonic spin circle speed in 1 spin roation is standard as the photon always make 1 spin in the quantum elementary quarks table so it should be Pi because what is the fastest thing in Life it should be in the smaller distance and bigger distance ever in the same time in the n or x Dimension? It is Light itself. The distance here considered 1 which means there is an infinity Line drawn that could be tend in infinity to become a circle loop at the end. There is nothing straight in life to infinity. So in the quantum mechanic the line straight considered there is a 1 unit of measurment of time which means there is existance and its circumference length of distance will be Pi.

Everything in Life propably is in rotation and Light itself tend at infinity to make the loop in the black hole or in the bulge center of galaxy to return to its point of origin or not has the same Light value of speed ratio. Remember that Einstein said that from where the Light begin it returns to its point of origin and it is true in the shell of universe. Even the universe edge is a metamorphic elliptical spherical shape that breath but its circumference path over its length of time diameter is equal to pi as a diamond ratio or if the quarks Light smaller wave-particles are a metamorphosing spherical shape that also have the same value of speed. The same is applied in the SUSY supersymetric calculation and quantum mechanic fields singularity, duality and much more.
You can check pion if you want in the quarks table but they could not define the speed of quarks spins in the tables till now.
They only define the mass, spin and charge.

If you draw a line to infinity that Line become a circle one day in the end or it will be cutted off in its edge at the end, to become a hole in the n-1 Dimension and a torus like a black hole an inverse spherical shape. And if it will not cut off at the end it should be a sphere a circle distance trajectory over its length of time and it will spin back to its point of origin. The same for Light photon trajectory path. So the Light of the whole universe divided by its diameter of 1 unit of time length is equal to pi the same way for the particle shape of a photon spin, its smaller diameter "mirrored time" and its circumference spin of movement it is equal to Pi. The Light quark has a constant speed even if it moves in a sinusoidal way or around itself it has the same speed and constant in all direction movement.

This is the ratio but in the reality of calculation of Light speed in natrue CELERITY is equal to Gravity X Time what I mention in the previous conversation. How they get to 299 thousands of km and even if you take the gravity from the surface of the earth as 9.807m/s2
CELERITY= 9.807 x 365.25days x 23.9Hours x 60 min. X 60 sec. =308,195,860.77 m/s which is too close to pi then to close to 299....
But we should take 10m/s2 as the center of gravity pivot point of calculation of the earth to multiplied by Time.
Remember that a day is approx. 23 Hours 56 min. 4 sec. And not 24 and the calculation above are the minimal and it is 308 thousand.
The same point of view for the 1 second is equal to 100 centisecond closed clock circle.

This is not a proof of consideration but a reality to measure Light in our solar system as a test of confidence but what I am talking about is based on the quarks modulation elements ratio of calculation with the sinusoity of Light speed ratio to its spin rotation cycle loop as it should be Pi as a diamond ratio because Light is beautiful as it is its number of speed.
In the end Pi is a number even if it is a ratio but it is still a number to be considered diamond number of calculation.
Did you ask yourself why we have so much of confusion in the clock part sometimes we move the clock back and forward it 1 hour in the calculation then we provide the atomic clock to precise the atoms how electrons moves and it was propably correct. Now in the quantum world they are fading too much problems in the pion, mesons, tachyon and a lot of confusion then to dive in space. And in the end Maxwell said in his equation of Light about the mindering sinusoity of Light but how Light has a constant speed and photon has 1 spin, electrons are the mirror spins 1/2 spin? So from here we should know that Pi define that constant ratio speed of Light if Light metamorph that 1 spin in its 1 unit of time movement because the speed still have the same constant value.

If you want check my quora in my profile.
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Nov 6, 2020
C=π Mm/Cs (Megameters/Centisecond)
C=π Dm/Ns (Decimeters/Nanosecond) which is approx equal to 1 foot in Nanosecond.
The Nanosecond is like a moment as Light could ne defined 1 Foot per moment.
It is defined in the base 10 as we are human that have 10 fingers that the count of numbers begin with the zero into consideration. So π is a special diamond number like the golden number is so special in life from the spiral inside it like galaxies and more shapes that define the golden number constructive matters to the apple around the tree why it is too small in front of the tree and you can not see an apple bigger than a tree to hour hands and faces ratio the eyes and nose ate in propotion to each other symetric lines that define a great propotion the same for Light is considered a diamond ratio more then enough to be a golden ratio which is 1.618
Because its speed is a ratio of distance over time so it should be a diamond rules for its speed and not to be considered as an x numbers out of the beauty systematic phylosophy.
In the end till now all the human being can not define the π as a rule of though how this could be any circle divided by its diameter bigger as universe or smaller as atoms or quarks it secant division of mirrored distance in propotion to time in its shape rule of thumbs should gives you its speed quarks spin particles and wave in the same time zeority, duality, singularity, trinity and infinity.

If Light move in a circular form, its distance should be equal everywhere and whatever it goes so the diameter of the distance is considered as 1.

In electron it is define as 0 or 1 yes or no so you will have electricity and computers are based on that system but in Light the quantum is a probability of choice ot could be yes or no yes and no at the same time or no no or whatever that count but the 1 always means an active photon that spin and if it doesn't spin it will be a disactivated photon in the dark matter shell of the gravity "black hole", n-1 D where it defines that the photon made its loop into incarnation generation of the half spin 1/2 electrons as a mirror for that distance division.

It is applied in all the dimension 0D, 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D ...n-1D, nD, -xD and xD.

The function of the theory C=π is applied in all Dimension the same way of comprehension that the speed is the smallest, biggest and any distance (at the same time) divided by Time and in a circle or sphere or point or singularity the equal distance traveled is the diameter.

The smaller extreme line singularity you can do in life is an infinity smaller point and a line straight in the 1 unit of time and if you sub elevate or zoom at it it is still a circle or sphere if that line has no edges. But if that vector line has edges that means there is a cut in between a hole a torus perhaps and an emptiness around that make the possibility of choice that there is an existance of the subject matter.

In Light the emptiness is in Light as a black hole so if you have no emptiness you have Light. Light is defined as a shell where everything is inside eternally. If there is no Light there is no emptiness but if there is no emptiness there is Light. So light define the existance of itselves and matters. It is by virtue eternal entity.
In black hole there is no space no time only gravity but in Light there is everything. It is a shell by itself. The photons could be activated by a source and desactivate as a dark matter by the same source so you see darkness as they are dark photons trajectory loop which they are the zero 0. But when we say 1 it is a value of existance continuity of other tree numbers.
By virtue photon spin 1 turn around themselves as they rotate around themselves 1 spin in a cycle of the wave oarticles vector comprehension.
There speed value should be exactly the same as they go as vectors in the sinusoidal movement path. Going forward or backward or any direction they posses the same speed. That is why there speed is defined as a π ratio because whenever they are going from a distance lets say from A to B the A and B distance are mirrored to each other the same value in the circle trajectory in the essence of meaning. The Light from where it goes it returns and if they go to everywhere like they didn't go to anywhere but does the roots energy to the electrons to construct the matter. SO when Light is relaesed from the source they go and do their loops trajectory in black holes tunnel in themselves to reincarnate from their galaxy center pivot point.
E=MC2 they are in propotion to each other but they are not matters as they are vectorized wavy- particles that have a path in the shell of the universe for constructing the matters inside.
For example of you release a Light from a source and turn it off you see that Light goes as it didn't goes to anywhere. Here the Light were desactivated and then they become activated but they are in the shell of existance source activated and desactivated in the same unit time. They are found as a shell in front of that universe but the source is the energy hidden in that shell by virtue.
The Light has a constant irrational speed.
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"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
Apr 5, 2020
If you have a diameter of 1 unit time you will have a circumference length distance equal to Pi.
You cannot have a diameter of 1 unit time, you can't make circles in time. As time is one dimension and you need at least two dimensions to make a circle. So, I am sorry. You are overthinking. :)
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Nov 6, 2020
This is what I am talking about that Line if it is defined as a straight Line or in any dimensional fundemental past present future timeline that 1 unit of time is equal to 1 as a straight definition in both situation so the trajectory of Light photon spin will be circular and its speed should be equal to radian distance/mirror diameter time= distance/time=π/1=π the same way its sinusoity trajectory collapsed or not in the eternal quark loop path in all dimension it should have the same value of π ratio and be the same as a constant speed.
The photon spin around themselves or moves the same way constant speed.
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"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
Apr 5, 2020
This is what I am talking about that Line if it is defined as a straight Line or in any dimensional fundemental past present future timeline that 1 unit of time is equal to 1 as a straight definition in both situation so the trajectory of Light photon spin will be circular
Sorry, the direction of time does not curve. :)
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
What if we had 7 fingers.

"So π is a special diamond number like the golden number"

What would π be then? Another special number?
What if another species favoured 5 dimensions and had 11 fingers? What would π be then?
What would the golden mean be? That is the illusion of numerology.

Sorry. Reams of gobbledegook do not convince me.

But don't worry. Pray continue if it pleases you.

Cat :)
Nov 6, 2020
Sorry, the direction of time does not curve. :)
What about wrapping time
What if we had 7 fingers.

"So π is a special diamond number like the golden number"

What would π be then? Another special number?
What if another species favoured 5 dimensions and had 11 fingers? What would π be then?
What would the golden mean be? That is the illusion of numerology.

Sorry. Reams of gobbledegook do not convince me.

But don't worry. Pray continue if it pleases you.

Cat :)
It will be the same C=π
It doesn't only based on the 10 base. It depends on metamorphoses circles divided by diameters the same way speed is distance over time.

What about π dimension! It is the same.
Nov 6, 2020
We can not change it but Light can do the impossible like in black holes there is no time no space so it is an inversed Hole and in the bulge of the galaxy that giant Light where space-time could be wrapped. See 4 dimension or 8 D quantum axes extremely zoomed to sub particles quarks.


"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
Apr 5, 2020
We can not change it but Light can do the impossible like in black holes there is no time no space so it is an inversed Hole and in the bulge of the galaxy that giant Light where space-time could be wrapped. See 4 dimension or 8 D quantum axes extremely zoomed to sub particles quarks.
Light cannot come out of a black hole though. ;)
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Nov 6, 2020
That's why the Quazar is for.
Inside there is a tunnel of wrapping space-time.
You can not see it by the naked eye the dark photon to be activated in quasar as they create the matters of the galaxy while the photon doing there loops in the event horison.
If you look at the black hole event horison circumference and you divided by its mirrored diameter as a secant division you will have the speed of Light as a formulation because there the light goes in those tunnel of space-time and make there loops; but in black hole itself as giant extreme gravity there is no space and no time and no matters can escape it but Light can do the impossible.
The quazar is the elevation dimension created after the formulation of gravitons of black hole. It is not the gravity of the black hole that attract Light like everybody say and wrapping it. It is Light itself by its power energy that comes all together after the inversally explosion of the star to formulate that giant gravity from duality dwarf star into infinity smaller known as singularity to make the Quasar tunnels of wrapping space-time for generating matters.

Black hole is an extreme dark force hole inside the universe and it is not only known as an extreme gravity spherical shape that walk in space and eat everything. It is not only an extreme gravity and that's it. That's what I am talking about before, it is a gate with no space no time inside but has a connection to space-time through the quasar from the center of the galaxy where light eat darkness and do creation for next matters generation.

See the whole universe, everything is in equilibrium and connected or no connected to each others, they form a system of eternity shell Light. Eisntein said Darkness do not exist but the abscence of Light make the presence of darkness. The same for black holes.

If gravity is too much power force and the photons have masses a single smaller photon will fall im the gravity of earth which is not correct.
The photon propagates in gravity in an equilibrium energy state as they are the commanders of electrons to generate the mass matter. The photon is a wavy-particles but graviton is a force element that attract mass where the Higgs have 0 charge 0 spin but massless and could be found in the singularity of a black holes.
The photon by virtue swim in gravity by its own shell to make graviton move up and down or spin 2 in the wrapping space-time to make the gravity forces.
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
π is a length ratio and thus dimensionless. c is a speed, therefore dimension length / time.

You can only equate them using a constant of correct dimensions, and thus the constant depends on the units.

You could use a speed, divided by c as a speed ratio. This would be dimensionless
but if you put c = c to express it in dimensionless form (to match π), then the equation would become π = 1, which is clearly untrue,

Cat :)
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